10 Drawings Of Cats As Our Favorite Foods

Take two things that are good, mix them together, get something even better. We've taken our two great loves, food and cats, and found ten amazing illustrations of kitties as junk food, sushi, and more. If you're a feline-loving foodie, we just made your day.

1. What's a cat's favorite flavor of ice cream? Mice cream

2. Extra anchovies please!

3. Which flavor of cat-puccino do you like best?

4. Would you like a little Sa-kitty with your mew-nagi?

(Art by Catshrine)

5. This kitty costs extra but is totally worth it

6. Instead of shedding, this kitty just peels

7. The perfect snack to eat while you ride the meowy-go-round at the carnival

(Art by Sophie Corrigan)

8. Excuse me waiter, I found a cat hair in my food.

9. MMM, kitten noodle soup!

10. For dessert, we'll dip our bis-cat into our kit-tea

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