All About Cat Constipation: From Kittens To Seniors

Constipation in cats, a common yet often overlooked health issue, can affect felines of all ages, from energetic kittens to serene elderly cats. This condition, though sometimes subtle, can significantly impact your cat's wellbeing. Whether you're noticing your kitten showing signs of constipation or you're concerned about an elderly cat's irregular bowel movements, understanding the symptoms and knowing how to respond is crucial.

In this article, we'll delve into everything you need to know about constipation in cats, using the best veterinary sources to give insights and practical solutions to ensure your furry friend remains healthy and comfortable.

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  1. Symptoms of Constipation in Cats
  2. Causes of Cat Constipation
  3. Home Remedies for Constipation in Cats
  4. How Can the Emergency Fund Help with Treatment
  5. FAQs
  6. Conclusion

Symptoms of Constipation in Cats

Constipation in cats can manifest in various ways, and the signs might not always be immediately apparent. Some cats may exhibit a seemingly normal demeanor despite having issues with their bowel movements. It's essential to be vigilant, especially if your cat hasn't pooped in a few days. Common symptoms include:

Infrequent or No Bowel Movements

If your cat hasn't pooped in 2 to 5 days, or even as long as 7 days, it's a clear sign of constipation. Even if your cat is acting normally, the lack of regular bowel movements should be addressed. Keeping an eye on your litter box is the best way to know if your cat isn’t pooping.

Straining or Discomfort

Notice if your cat is straining or seems uncomfortable in the litter box. This could indicate constipation, especially if the cat is frequently visiting the box with little to no success.

Changes in Stool Appearance

Hard, dry, or small stools can be a sign of constipation.

Behavioral Changes

A constipated cat might be less active, show changes in eating habits, or demonstrate signs of distress.

For cat owners who spend hours away from home, monitoring these signs can be challenging. In such cases, technology like the Petcube Camera can be incredibly helpful. This device allows you to keep an eye on your cat's litter box habits remotely, helping you identify any potential issues like constipation early on.

It's vital to understand that constipation can affect cats differently. While some may show obvious discomfort, others, like kittens or elderly cats, might suffer silently. If you're asking, "Is my kitten constipated?" or concerned about an elderly cat's constipation, look for subtle changes in their routine and behavior. Remember, timely intervention can make a significant difference in managing this condition effectively.

Causes of Cat Constipation

Understanding why a cat is not pooping is crucial to effectively addressing this uncomfortable condition. Cat constipation can stem from a variety of causes, ranging from dietary issues to underlying health problems. Here are some common reasons why your cat might be experiencing constipation:

Dietary Factors

One of the most common causes of constipation in cats is their diet. A diet lacking fiber or moisture can lead to hard, dry stools, making it difficult for your cat to defecate. This is particularly relevant if you're wondering, "Why isn't my cat pooping?" after a recent change in their diet. This is why International Society of Feline Medicine studies have found that a little more psyllium fiber in a cat’s diet can do wonders to help with constipation.


Insufficient water intake can lead to dehydration, which in turn can cause constipation. Cats, especially those on a dry food diet, need ample water to help keep their digestive systems functioning smoothly. Cats generally don’t have a high thirst drive, as they tend to get a lot of moisture in their diet naturally. So switching to wet food can sometimes go a long way.


Cats groom themselves regularly, leading to the ingestion of hair, which can form hairballs. Sometimes, these hairballs can obstruct the digestive tract, leading to constipation.

Lack of Exercise

A sedentary lifestyle can slow down a cat's digestive system, leading to constipation. Regular play and activity are essential for maintaining a healthy digestive process.

Older Age

As cats age, they might become less active, and their digestive system may not function as efficiently, leading to constipation issues. This is particularly important to consider when dealing with elderly cat constipation.

Underlying Medical Conditions

Certain health issues, such as kidney disease, diabetes, or thyroid problems, can contribute to constipation in cats. If your cat has a chronic condition and is experiencing constipation, it's important to consult with your veterinarian.

In a study led by Dr. Sarah Benjamin, published in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, important findings regarding cat constipation were revealed, particularly focusing on risk factors and treatment outcomes. The study found that older, overweight cats, especially those with a history of constipation or chronic kidney disease, are more prone to constipation.

The study also mentioned higher levels of calcium in some constipated cats, so in some cases, too much calcium in the diet may be part of the issue.


Some medications can cause constipation as a side effect. If you notice your cat isn't pooping after starting a new medication, consult with your vet.

Obstructions or Blockages

Foreign objects, tumors, or strictures in the intestines can physically block the passage of stool, leading to constipation.

Stress and Anxiety

Changes in the environment or routine can lead to stress-related constipation in cats. They are creatures of habit, and any disruption can affect their bodily functions.

Litter Box Issues

Sometimes the problem is as simple as a dirty litter box. Cats are fastidious creatures and may refuse to use a litter box that isn't clean, leading to holding in their stool.

For cat owners, especially those with kittens, it's important to know how to tell if a kitten is constipated. Look for signs such as infrequent or hard bowel movements, straining in the litter box, or changes in behavior. Remember, early intervention can prevent more serious health issues and ensure the comfort and well-being of your feline friend.

Home Remedies for Constipation in Cats

If you're noticing signs of constipation in your cat, there are several home remedies you can try to alleviate their discomfort. These natural approaches can be effective for mild cases of constipation. However, always monitor your cat closely and consult with a veterinarian if symptoms persist or worsen. Here are some home remedies to consider:

Increase Water Intake

Ensuring your cat stays hydrated is essential. Provide fresh water at all times, and consider a cat water fountain to encourage drinking.

Dietary Fiber

Adding fiber to your cat's diet can help regulate bowel movements. Pumpkin puree (not pie filling) is a popular choice, as it's high in fiber and generally well-accepted by cats. Another great option is psyllium husk.

Psyllium husk is a well-known fiber supplement that can be particularly effective for relieving constipation in cats. Veterinarians often recommend this natural remedy due to its gentle yet efficient way of aiding digestion. To administer psyllium husk to your cat, mix 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of psyllium seeds with a cup of water.

After the psyllium seeds have been thoroughly mixed with water, add this mixture to your cat's food. The added fiber from the psyllium can help soften your cat's stool, making it easier to pass. It's essential to ensure that your cat has access to plenty of water when adding fiber supplements to their diet, as hydration plays a key role in managing constipation.

Wet Food

Switching to wet food, or adding it to your cat's diet, can increase water intake and aid digestion.

Gentle Massage

Gently massaging your cat's abdomen can stimulate bowel movements. Be gentle and observe your cat's reactions to ensure they are comfortable.

Regular Exercise

Encourage your cat to play and move around. This helps stimulate the digestive system and can alleviate constipation.

Natural Laxatives

When considering natural remedies for easing constipation in cats, some pet owners turn to Aloe Vera juice, ginger, and licorice, though it's crucial to proceed with caution and veterinary guidance.

Aloe Vera juice can aid in digestion and act as a gentle laxative, but it must be free of aloin, a compound found in the outer leaf that can be harmful to cats. A small dose of Aloe Vera juice, properly processed to be pet-safe, can be mixed with your cat's water or food.

Ginger, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, can also stimulate the digestive system. A tiny amount of fresh ginger, finely grated, can be added to your cat's meal.

Licorice, not the candy but the herb, is another natural remedy known for its digestive benefits. It can help soothe gastrointestinal upset and may aid in relieving mild constipation. However, it should be used sparingly and only after consulting with a veterinarian, as licorice can interact with other medications and conditions.

Always remember that cats are particularly sensitive to herbs and supplements, so any natural remedy should be introduced in very small amounts and under professional advice to ensure your cat's safety and health.


Adding probiotics to your cat's diet can help maintain healthy gut flora and aid digestion.

Litter Box Hygiene

Maintain a clean and inviting litter box environment to encourage regular use.

Stress Reduction

Minimize stress in your cat's environment, as it can impact their digestive health.

Hairball Remedies

If hairballs are a contributing factor, consider using over-the-counter hairball remedies suitable for cats.

For cat owners who are often away from home or want to closely monitor their cat's litter box habits, the Petcube Camera can be a valuable tool. It allows you to keep an eye on your cat remotely, helping you track their bowel movements and overall behavior, which is particularly useful when trying home remedies for constipation.

Remember, while these home remedies can be helpful, they are not substitutes for professional veterinary advice, especially in severe or recurrent cases of constipation.

How Can the Emergency Fund Help with Treatment

Dealing with cat constipation, especially in severe or recurrent cases, can sometimes lead to unexpected vet visits, which can be costly. This is where the Petcube Emergency Fund can play a vital role in ensuring your cat receives the necessary treatment without putting a strain on your finances.

The Petcube Emergency Fund is designed to offer peace of mind to pet owners. It provides coverage for unexpected veterinary expenses, ensuring that your cat can receive immediate and appropriate medical attention in case of an emergency, including complications arising from severe constipation or related health issues. By subscribing to this service, you gain access to funds that can cover up to $3,000 in emergency vet fees, which can be a lifesaver in critical situations.

Moreover, for readers of this blog, there's an exclusive offer:** a 27% discount on the Petcube Emergency Fund subscription**. You can avail of this discount by visiting this link. This discount makes it even more accessible for cat owners to have a safety net, ensuring that you're prepared for any health emergencies your cat might face.

Investing in the Petcube Emergency Fund not only provides financial security but also assures you that your beloved cat will always have access to the best possible care in urgent situations. It's a small price to pay for the health and well-being of your feline friend.


How long can a cat go without pooping?

A healthy cat typically has a bowel movement once every 24 to 48 hours. However, if your cat goes beyond 48 hours without pooping, it may be cause for concern. While some cats might naturally have a slightly longer interval, consistently going beyond 72 hours is unusual and could indicate constipation or other underlying health issues. It's important to monitor your cat's regularity and consult with a veterinarian if there are significant changes in their bowel movement patterns.

Is cat constipation an emergency?

Cat constipation can range from being a minor health issue to an emergency, depending on its severity and duration. Mild constipation might be resolved with dietary changes or home remedies. However, if a cat is severely constipated, showing signs of distress or pain, or has not had a bowel movement for several days, it should be considered an emergency. Severe constipation can lead to obstipation, a condition where the cat is unable to pass stool on its own, requiring immediate veterinary intervention.

What if my cat can't poop and is throwing up?

If your cat is unable to poop and is also vomiting, it's crucial to seek veterinary attention immediately. This combination of symptoms can indicate a serious underlying condition, such as a blockage in the gastrointestinal tract. Such blockages can be life-threatening if they are not treated promptly. Vomiting, in addition to constipation, can also lead to dehydration, further complicating the cat's condition.


Caring for a cat with constipation requires a blend of vigilance, understanding, and sometimes quick action. From recognizing the signs and understanding the causes to exploring home remedies and knowing when to seek professional help, managing feline constipation is about ensuring the comfort and health of your beloved pet.