Do Dogs Have a Sense of Time?

Ever notice how excited your dog gets around the time of their daily walk? Or maybe you’ve noticed them going towards their dog bowl or barking at you come dinner time. Which makes you wonder - How do dogs know what time it is? Do dogs have a sense of time?

Let’s discover how our canine companions perceive time and how it aligns with our daily lives.

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  1. Do Dogs Have a Sense of Time
  2. How Do Dogs Perceive Time
  3. FAQs
  4. Conclusion

Do Dogs Have a Sense of Time

According to Dr. Andrea Tu, DVM, Medical Director of Behavior Vets of New York - We may not know for certain how dogs perceive time since they can’t tell us in words, but we do know that they have an ability to gauge time.

Dogs certainly have a sense of time, but their perception of it may not be the same as humans. They don’t see time in minutes and hours. Instead, they have a keen internal sense of time intervals. That is, they experience time through routines, patterns, and associative learning.

Dogs’ Knowledge of Time

So do dogs understand time?

Dogs use their extraordinary senses—like smell and hearing—to pick up on environmental changes and anticipate events. Their daily routines and schedules help them build an awareness of time based on these patterns.

Although they don’t grasp time the same way as humans, their ability to recognize and predict daily activities, such as mealtime or walks, reveals their unique sense of time. Dogs understand time through their routines, memories or associations, and remarkable sensory perception.

Close monitoring may help us dog owners better understand our dog’s sense of time. A good quality pet camera such as the Petcube Cam is a great way to keep an eye on our pet 24/7, and allow us to get a closer look at how our dog experiences time. It has features such as a 1080p Full HD video, 110° wide-angle view, 8x zoom, and night vision, so you won’t miss a thing!

How Do Dogs Perceive Time

Exploring dogs’ perception of time reveals interesting insights about their behavior and cognitive world. Although they don’t experience time like humans, dogs have fascinating ways of understanding the passage of time that shape their behavior.

A Dog’s Circadian Rhythm

Dogs have an internal biological clock that influences their sense of time, just like us humans. This circadian rhythm orchestrates their daily routines, governing sleep, wakefulness, and feeding in sync with a cycle of 24 hours.

Sunlight and darkness play a crucial role in regulating this rhythm, helping dogs adapt their behavior to their surroundings. This internal clock explains why dogs anticipate daily activities—like becoming more active when it's daylight, or growing restless before their daily walk. It’s also why they seem to know when it's time for their humans to come home from school or work.

Episodic Memory

Another key to understanding a dog's sense of time lies in their episodic memory. Although dogs don’t reminisce or plan the future as humans do, they possess a form of memory that helps them recall and connect specific experiences. Through their keen sense of smell, dogs can remember past events. In fact, based on research, dogs are able to recognize and remember scents, even after a notable amount of time.

As an example, if you regularly visit a park with your dog, they’ll recognize the park’s scent and react with excitement, recalling the enjoyable experiences associated with it. This olfactory memory helps dogs gauge time intervals, making their sense of time adapted to their environment.


Do dogs perceive time differently?

While dogs have a sense of time, they perceive time a little differently than humans. In a Reddit discussion about whether dogs experience time in a different way than humans, one commenter mentioned how the difference is on perception. While for us it may be the ticking of the clock, for dogs, their senses (especially smell) play a big factor.

How long is 24 hours in dog time?

You may be wondering - How long is a day to a dog?

Each dog's sense of time is unique, shaped by their daily routines, sensory factors, and experiences. Their internal clock allows them to anticipate what's coming next, making some days feel longer and others shorter, depending on their individual experiences.

How does my dog know what time it is?

Can dogs tell time? While dogs may not perceive time by numbers, they have a sense of time based on memory, associations, and experiences, allowing them to anticipate activities such as walking times and meal times.


While a dog’s sense of time isn’t perceived in minutes and hours like us humans, their internal clocks are attuned to routines, scents, and experiences.

As pet parents, we can enhance our canine companions’ lives by providing mental and physical stimulation, along with plenty of love. So, when you notice your dog anticipating breakfast or walk time, remember it highlights the special bond between you and your pet.