Do Mosquitoes Bite Dogs? Understanding the Risks and Prevention Measures

Many pet owners wonder, "Do mosquitoes bite dogs?" and this is an extremely important question regarding our dog's health. In this article, we will explore the topic of mosquito bites on dogs, including the potential risks, effects, and preventive measures. Let's delve into this common concern and shed light on the impact mosquitoes can have on our canine companions.


  1. Do Mosquitoes Bite Dogs
  2. Can Dogs Get Sick From Mosquito Bites
  3. Mosquito Repellents for Dogs
  4. How to Treat Mosquito Bites on Dogs
  5. FAQ
  6. Final Thoughts

Do Mosquitoes Bite Dogs

Mosquitoes can bite dogs just as they bite humans. These pesky insects are attracted to the warmth and carbon dioxide emitted by animals, including dogs, making them a target for these pesky insects. When a mosquito bites a dog, it inserts its proboscis into the dog's skin to feed on its blood.

Since mosquito bites not only cause dogs a lot of itching and aggravation but are also dangerous, using a Petcube Camera can be helpful to observe if mosquitoes are pestering your dogs when you're not around.

Can Dogs Get Sick From Mosquito Bites

Mosquito bites on dogs can pose health risks. One of the significant concerns is the transmission of diseases such as heartworm. Mosquitoes can carry heartworm larvae and pass them on to dogs through their bites. Heartworm disease can be serious and potentially life-threatening if left untreated. Therefore, it is crucial to take preventive measures to protect your dog.

Heartworm is probably the biggest concern when it comes to mosquitoes and dogs. However, mosquitoes can also transmit other diseases to dogs, such as West Nile virus, certain types of encephalitis, and subcutaneous dirofilariasis, a rare zoonotic disease that humans can get too. These diseases can have varying degrees of severity, and it's essential to be aware of the risks and take appropriate precautions.

But BMC research shows that health risks from mosquitoes biting dogs are not limited to disease-carrying pathogens. Dogs can also have hypersensitive reactions to mosquito bites.

Dog Mosquito Bite Swelling and Allergic Reactions

A dog bitten by a mosquito may experience localized swelling and itching at the bite site. Some dogs may even develop allergic reactions to mosquito bites. In such cases, the affected area can become more inflamed, leading to discomfort for the dog. If you notice excessive swelling, persistent itching, or signs of an allergic reaction, consult your veterinarian for appropriate treatment.

When dogs scratch at mosquito bites, they often break the skin. This can lead to secondary bacterial and fungal infections that also need treatment.

Are Mosquito Bites Safe for Dogs?

Mosquito bites are generally unsafe for dogs due to their potential health risks. The best approach is to prevent mosquito bites altogether. Keep your dog indoors during peak mosquito activity times, use dog-safe mosquito repellents recommended by your veterinarian, and ensure your dog's living environment is free from standing water, where mosquitoes breed.

Additionally, it's crucial to be prepared for any potential medical emergencies caused by mosquito bites. The PetCube Emergency Fund is a valuable resource that covers your pet for up to $3000 in emergency vet bills and provides access to 24/7 online vet services. It can offer peace of mind in case your dog requires immediate medical attention.

Mosquito Repellents for Dogs

Regarding mosquito repellents for dogs, it's important to prioritize their safety. While natural mosquito repellents for dogs can be effective, it's essential to avoid home remedies and essential oils that may be toxic to dogs. The MMPC warns against many natural and store-bought mosquito repellents that are not safe for dogs, including:

  • Citronella oil or other citrus oil products (d-limonene, linalool)
  • Tea tree oil
  • Garlic
  • DEET

Instead, opt for pet-safe mosquito repellents recommended by your veterinarian. Some safe and proven natural remedies to prevent insect bites on dogs involve repellents based on neem and cedarwood oils, which you can find in products like Wondercide for dogs.

Additionally, keep mosquitoes off your dogs by minimizing their exposure to mosquito-prone areas, using protective clothing or dog-safe repellent products, and ensuring their living environment is free from standing water where mosquitoes breed.

How to Treat Mosquito Bites on Dogs

If your dog experiences mosquito bites, prompt treatment can relieve pain and prevent complications. Try to stop them from scratching the area, as it can lead to further irritation or infection. Clean the bite site gently with mild soap and water. A touch of hydrocortisone cream can stop the immediate itch and any swelling or redness.

Stop Googling - Ask a Real Vet

If necessary, your veterinarian may recommend dog-specific insect bite treatments to alleviate discomfort and reduce inflammation. Ensure your dog is up-to-date with their heartworm treatments to prevent complications.


What do mosquito bites look like on dogs?

Mosquito bites on dogs typically appear as small, raised, red bumps on the skin. The size and appearance of the bites may vary depending on the dog's reaction and sensitivity to mosquito saliva.

What is the difference between flea bites and mosquito bites on dogs?

Flea bites on dogs often appear as small red bumps clustered together, commonly found around the base of the tail, abdomen, or groin area. Mosquito bites, on the other hand, are usually singular bumps and can occur anywhere on the dog's body.

Do dogs itch from mosquito bites?

Dogs may experience itching and discomfort from mosquito bites. Itching is a common reaction to mosquito bites, and dogs may scratch or lick the affected area in response to the irritation. Try to prevent excessive scratching, as it can cause secondary infections such as hot spots if the dog breaks the skin.

Do dogs get mosquito bite bumps?

Dogs can develop bumps at the site of mosquito bites. These bumps are typically small and raised, similar to how mosquito bites appear on humans. However, the severity of the reaction may vary from dog to dog.

Final Thoughts

Mosquitoes do bite dogs, and the consequences can go beyond temporary discomfort. Dogs can be susceptible to diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, with heartworm being a significant concern. Taking preventive measures, such as using appropriate mosquito repellents and keeping the dog's living area free from mosquitoes, is crucial for their well-being.