What You Need To Know About Dog Bronchitis

If your dog is coughing, you may be wondering about the cause and how it’s affecting your dog’s health. Several illnesses may cause coughing in dogs, including canine influenza and kennel cough, but can dogs get bronchitis too?

Yes, just like us humans, dogs may also be susceptible to bronchitis, a condition where inflammation occurs in the lower airways. Bronchitis in dogs may be acute or chronic. Detecting the symptoms early on may help you determine the cause and address it to help your dog feel better.


  1. Symptoms of Bronchitis in Dogs
  2. How Dogs Get Bronchitis
  3. Is Dog Bronchitis Contagious
  4. Treatment for Chronic Bronchitis in Dogs
  5. How Can the Emergency Fund Help with Treatment
  6. FAQ
  7. Conclusion

Symptoms of Bronchitis in Dogs

When it comes to chronic bronchitis, the main symptom is a persistent cough, which often lasts for more than a month. With acute bronchitis, on the other hand, the symptoms would depend on the cause, so they may vary. If your dog has acute bronchitis due to an infection, for instance, a fever may be one of the symptoms.

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Whether your dog’s bronchitis is acute or chronic, coughing is the main symptom. Bronchitis cough in dogs may be dry, wet, or have a honking sound. Sometimes, it may be mistaken for vomiting or gagging, so it would be better to take a video so you can show it to the vet.

If you notice persistent coughing in your dog, it’s important to have them checked as soon as possible, especially if the characteristics of the cough have changed, such as the frequency, consistency, and sound, among others.

Having a high-quality pet camera such as the Petcube Camera may help you detect symptoms of illnesses such as canine bronchitis. Since you may not be beside our dog 24/7, having a good pet camera allows you to keep tabs on your dog and know when something is wrong.

How Dogs Get Bronchitis

As a dog breathes in, the air passes through their nose and mouth to their windpipe (trachea). The air is then carried by the trachea to the bronchi (tubes connecting the trachea to the lungs). When inflammation occurs in your dog’s bronchial airways, this is called canine bronchitis. But what causes bronchitis in dogs?

The causes of bronchitis in dogs may range from anything that disturbs their airways, causing them to be inflamed.

Acute bronchitis

Such cases are often due to viruses acquired through direct or indirect contact with an infected pet. Among the common causes are:

Factors in the environment such as ventilation, extreme temperatures, and stress may increase your dog’s risk of catching these viruses. Any dog can contract these viruses regardless of age and breed, but puppies and senior dogs are more susceptible to experiencing severe symptoms.

Also, those who are more exposed to areas with many dogs, such as boarding kennels, parks, and dog shelters, may be more susceptible to catching the disease.

Chronic bronchitis

Bronchitis is considered chronic when your dog has been coughing for more than 2 months. While there is no known cause of chronic bronchitis yet, there are factors that may make your dog more predisposed to it, including:

  • Past respiratory tract infection, trauma, or damage;
  • Exposure to respiratory irritants like cigarette smoke;
  • Cardiovascular issues;
  • Age.

To better address your dog's cough and suspected bronchitis, it’s best to talk with your veterinarian to be able to diagnose and provide the proper treatment for your dog’s specific case.

Is Dog Bronchitis Contagious

According to NCBI study, canine chronic bronchitis isn’t contagious. However, dogs that reside in the same household may also develop bronchitis due to the environmental factors inside the home. These factors may include pollution and harmful chemicals.

On the other hand, if your dog is suffering from an acute form of bronchitis that is due to a viral infection, it is highly contagious. Viral infections that may cause acute bronchitis, such as kennel cough, are very contagious and may be life-threatening if not treated. So if your dog is suffering from a persistent cough, it’s important to have them checked out by their veterinarian as soon as possible.

Treatment for Chronic Bronchitis in Dogs

For some dogs, supportive care is all that is needed. Other cases, however, may also require medications.

Supportive Care

These supportive care measures may help improve your dog’s condition:

  • Make their environment free from irritants such as indoor air pollution and cigarette smoke;
  • Limit exercise and encourage plenty of rest;
  • Provide them with complete and balanced nutrition to aid their recovery;
  • Nebulization is an option in some cases to help loosen their airways;
  • Provide a clean and cozy environment for your dog;
  • Weight reduction may be needed for obese dogs.


If there is a bacterial infection involved, your dog may be prescribed antibiotic treatment. In some cases, anti-inflammation medications may be recommended. Bronchodilators may also help your dog breathe easier.

Treatment of your dog’s bronchitis would be highly dependent on your dog’s specific diagnosis. In treating your dog, it’s best to work hand in hand with your veterinarian to determine the best treatment plan to provide you with.

How Can the Emergency Fund Help with Treatment

While we wish that we don’t experience any pet emergencies, as pet owners, we must be prepared for what can happen. One of the best ways to do so is to avail yourself of pet insurance or a pet emergency fund to provide us and our pets with security during pet emergencies.

Petcube’s Pet Emergency Fund provides you with much-needed peace of mind in times of pet emergencies and beyond. If, for example, your pet gets involved in an emergency due to bronchitis, the Pet Emergency Fund will provide you with the necessary funds for treatment at the time that you need them. That way, you won’t have to worry about the medical bills involved.

In addition to this, you also get access to their Online Vet service, which allows you to consult with certified veterinarians throughout the process. With pet-owner and pet-friendly terms, Petcube’s Pet Emergency Fund has your best interest in mind.


Can dogs get bronchitis from humans?

While there is a technical possibility, it is highly unlikely for dogs and humans to transmit respiratory infection bacteria.

What are some examples of home remedies for bronchitis in dogs?

One example of a home remedy for bronchitis in dogs is steam therapy. This may help loosen their mucus and allow them to breathe better. Steam therapy can be done at home by first closing the door to the bathroom and turning on a hot shower for a few minutes, then closing it. Then, let your dog enter the bathroom to breathe in the steam produced.

How long does bronchitis cough last in dogs?

Bronchitis cough in dogs may last from several weeks to months, depending on the case. Chronic bronchitis, for example, is usually identified if there is a persistent cough for more than 2 months.


Any dog may be susceptible to bronchitis, whether acute or chronic. With this, it helps to be aware of its nature, symptoms, causes, and treatment to know how it may affect your dog.

Nevertheless, there are ways to help prevent the condition, such as maintaining a clean and healthy environment and keeping your dog’s weight and diet healthy. It’s also important to note the benefits of vaccines to help protect your dog from viral and deadly diseases such as distemper and parainfluenza.

As with other medical issues, early detection is best, so if you notice your dog coughing, make sure to have your dog checked with their veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan that would best benefit your dog.