Dog Ear Hematoma: Symptoms and Care

A dog ear hematoma, also known as aural hematoma, is a common condition that is striking for the owner and painful for the pet. In this article, I, Ivana Crnec, DVM, will explain its causes and treatment options.

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  1. Dog Ear Hematoma Causes
  2. Can Ear Hematoma Kill a Dog
  3. How to Treat Dog Ear Hematoma
  4. Conclusion

Dog Ear Hematoma Causes

The ear flap of a dog consists of two layers of skin separated by cartilage and a rich network of blood vessels.

Ear hematoma develops when a vessel breaks and blood accumulates between the skin and cartilage. The reasons for blood vessel damage include:

  • Head-Shaking/Ear Scratching: Vigorous head shaking and ear scratching are the top causes of blood vessels in the ear breaking. Head shaking and ear scratching can stem from ear infections, ear mites, allergies, bite wounds, and foreign bodies in the ear canal.
  • Breed Predispositions: Studies show that the risk of ear hematomas is highest in “dog breeds with folded ears (v-shaped drop and semi-erect ear carriage).” Bull Terriers, Saint Bernards, and French Bulldogs are among the most commonly affected breeds.
  • Blood Clotting Disorders: In rare situations, blood clotting disorders can result in ear vessels bursting. Dogs with blood clotting problems can develop ear hematoma without previous trauma.

An ear hematoma is easy to notice as it gives the flap a swollen, pillow-like appearance. Use the Petcube Pet Camera to monitor your dog continuously and catch ear hematoma early on.

Can Ear Hematoma Kill a Dog

No, ear hematoma cannot kill a dog. “An ear hematoma is not typically fatal but can be very painful,” explains Dr. Jamie Whittenburg, DVM, in an article for AKC.

Left untreated, the condition is painful. Ear hematomas can resolve on their own over time but with consequences. As the hematoma regresses, the ear flap crinkles under the newly formed scar tissues, resulting in a cosmetic problem called cauliflower ear.

How to Treat Dog Ear Hematoma

Treating an aural hematoma in a dog is a two-step procedure that includes managing the blood blister and addressing the underlying problem.

Treating the Hematoma

The treatment for dog aural hematomas can be conservative or surgical.

  • Conservative: The blood is drained a few times throughout several weeks, and steroid medications are injected into the ear following the drainage.
  • Surgical: The ear is cut open, the blood drained, and then the three ear layers stitched together. The ear is bandaged to support recovery.

Each approach has its pros and cons. For example, studies show that surgical treatment has a lower rate of recurrences.

However, as a Reddit user notes, “the sutures usually bother the dog quite a bit.”

Plus, the healing period is extended.

Treating the Underlying Problem

Treating the cause minimizes the risk of future aural hematoma episodes. The treatment varies from antiparasitics for ear mites to diet changes for allergies, depending on the underlying issue.

The veterinary bills add up quickly when dealing with a dog ear hematoma. Click this link to get the Petcube Emergency Fund with a 27% discount. The fund covers $3,000 for emergencies and offers 24/7 access to online vets.


An ear hematoma is a common ear problem, especially among certain dog breeds. While not life-threatening, it is painful and requires treatment. The treatment is conservative or surgical, depending on the case.