Why Is My Dog Throwing Up Blood?

When your dog is vomiting, especially when there’s blood in the picture, it’s just natural to be concerned. After all, the thought of your dog throwing up blood can be alarming. However, you need to stay calm and focus on the next steps to take to determine why your dog is vomiting blood and how you can help.

Upon noticing blood in your dog’s vomit (whether or not your dog looks okay), it is essential to contact your vet immediately. The earlier they are checked by their veterinarian, the better the prognosis.

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  1. What Does Blood in Dog Vomit Look Like
  2. What Causes Bloody Vomit in Dogs
  3. Is a Dog Vomiting Blood an Emergency
  4. Treatment for a Dog Throwing Up Blood
  5. FAQs
  6. Conclusion

What Does Blood in Dog Vomit Look Like

According to ResearchGate research a dog vomiting blood is referred to as hematemesis by veterinarians. While signs such as a dog vomiting bright red blood will be obvious, other signs of blood in dog vomit may need a closer inspection.

The color and appearance are important in determining why your dog is vomiting blood. If a dog is vomiting bright red blood, for example, this may indicate that there is recent bleeding in the digestive tract, which more likely comes from the esophagus or stomach. Meanwhile, if you see your dog’s vomit in the colors of dark red, brown, or black; if your dog is throwing up blood clots; or if the vomit appears like coffee grounds, this often indicates digested blood due to an intestinal blockage, stomach ulcer, or a serious health condition that led to internal bleeding. If your dog’s vomit looks like this, it is important to bring them to the vet immediately.

You must also be mindful of other signs, such as the quantity of blood and other things you may notice in your dog’s vomit. Check for the following:

  • Are there specks of blood in the dog's vomit, or is your dog vomiting blood clots or bigger amounts of blood?
  • Is there mucus along with the blood?
  • Is there anything weird in your dog’s vomit, such as foreign objects or possibly rat bait?
  • Apart from vomiting, are there other symptoms such as loss of appetite or signs of pain?

Noting down all that you observe will help your veterinarian diagnose the problem. It’s also better if you can take a photo or collect a sample to be brought to your veterinarian for inspection. Remember not to underestimate the importance of bringing your dog to the vet immediately when you see blood in their vomit.

In cases where your dog is throwing up blood as well as other health issues that they may be experiencing, having a reliable pet camera such as the Petcube Cam may go a long way. The Petcube Cam helps you monitor your pet 24/7. It has HD technology alongside other innovative features, which come in handy when it comes to looking out for your pet. Not to mention, you may also subscribe to their online vet service to be able to consult with certified veterinarians anytime and anywhere.

What Causes Bloody Vomit in Dogs

“Why is my dog throwing up blood?”, you might ask. There are several possible reasons:

  • Intestinal parasites;
  • Viral or bacterial infections;
  • When vomiting is prolonged or severe, stomach acids can irritate the esophagus, resulting in bleeding;
  • Inflammatory diseases like IBD;
  • Ingesting sharp objects (e.g., cooked bones, sticks);
  • Digestive tract obstruction: due to ingesting a foreign object (e.g., toy, sock);
  • Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis: this is a serious issue often leading to severe and bloody vomiting, which may or may not accompany diarrhea;
  • Toxins;
  • Stomach ulcers: this may be due to digestive issues, diseases involving the liver and kidneys, or a side effect of particular medications;
  • Injuries involving trauma;
  • Blood clotting issues;
  • Cancer.

Is a Dog Vomiting Blood an Emergency

In all cases of blood in a dog’s vomit, seeking veterinary care is advised. Even if you only see specks of blood in dog vomit and your dog is acting normally, it’s best to call your vet immediately. It may be just a speck of blood now, but it can quickly escalate to more blood in a span of just a few hours, depending on what is causing your dog to vomit blood. Your vet may also give you instructions that you might need to implement immediately until you reach the veterinary clinic.

In the following cases, it is important to seek emergency treatment:

  • If your dog is a puppy, puppies are more vulnerable to infections such as parvovirus, which can be fatal if not addressed quickly.
  • Big amounts of blood in vomit or stool. Severe blood loss can be life-threatening. A blood transfusion may be needed to replace the blood that was lost.
  • It is accompanied by other symptoms (e.g., fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, diarrhea, not being able to keep their food or water down).

In cases where a dog is vomiting blood, emergency veterinary care may be needed. Because we never know when such an emergency may occur for our pets, we should be prepared. Services such as Petcube’s Pet Emergency Fund provide an alternative to pet insurance with terms that are both pet-friendly and pet-owner-friendly.

It offers the assurance of coverage during pet emergencies, regardless of your pet’s age, breed, and medical history. This helps you focus on your pet’s treatment. You may also avail of their online vet service, which allows you to consult with certified vets whenever and wherever you may be.

Good news! As one of the readers of our blog, you get an exclusive 27% off on Pet Emergency Fund subscriptions if you follow this link.

Treatment for a Dog Throwing Up Blood

When it comes to a dog vomiting blood, treatment often involves two phases, namely, supportive care and treating the underlying condition.

Depending on the specific needs of your dog, supportive care may involve several or all of these treatment methods:

  • Protectants for the stomach’s lining;
  • Antacids;
  • Fluid therapy;
  • A bland diet or a prescription diet;
  • Anti-nausea medications;
  • Blood transfusion (in cases of severe blood loss).

Remember to consult with your vet first before giving any medications because some may be harmful to your pet.


Why is my dog vomiting blood and mucus?

If your dog is vomiting bright red blood and mucus, it could be a sign of issues in the stomach or upper intestines.

Why is my dog throwing up blood and having diarrhea?

In all cases of blood in your dog’s vomit or stool, it is necessary to contact your vet immediately. Emergency veterinary care may be needed in some cases, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.


Seeing your dog vomit blood can be scary, to say the least. Not to mention, some underlying conditions can prove fatal if not treated. With this, seeking veterinary care as soon as you notice the symptoms will increase the likelihood of successful treatment, prevent any complications, and help your dog get well as soon as possible.