To Bathe or Not to Bathe: Decoding the Optimal Bathing Frequency for Cats

Grooming and brushing are important parts of cat care. People used to take a shower every day. But how about cats? How to bathe a kitten? And how often should I bathe my cat?

Cats can naturally clean themselves without water. Licking the fur is like a spa treatment for them. During this process, their sandpaper-like tongue spreads healthy natural oils across their skin and coat.

However, in today’s world, liking may not be enough for kittens to be clean. Because many types of pollution can be washed away only with water and shampoo. For example, paint or human body products.

Continue reading the article to learn all the secrets to a successful bath for your pet.


  1. How to Wash a Cat
  2. How Often Should You Bathe a Cat
  3. What Shampoo Can You Use to Wash a Cat
  4. How to Bathe a Cat That Hates Water
  5. Can You Give Your Cat Benadryl For a Bath
  6. How to Give a Cat a Flea Bath
  7. FAQ

How to Wash a Cat

In general, it's better to teach your cat to bathe at an early age. Then it will be easier for him to adapt to and love this routine. But if you have an adult cat and this is their first bath, read how to give a kitten a bath in the best way.

Firstly, brush your cat to remove any tangles or knots before starting to bathe him (especially if he is a long-haired breed). Most cats enjoy brushing, so it can help you relax your pet before bathing.

Secondly, fill a batch with moderately warm water. Do not overfill the bath so that the cat feels safe in it. Also, you shouldn’t do this with a cat in the bathroom because they can get scared of the noise even before washing. The calmer your cat is, the fewer scratches there are on your hands.

Next, use a special shampoo for cats. Make a solution out of 1 part shampoo and 5 parts water. Soap them up slowly and quietly. For cleaning the face and sensitive zones, always use a wet washcloth and wipe gently. Also, try not to get water in the cat's eyes and nose.

And the most important thing is to praise your cat for their good behavior after bathing. Feed them treats and give them attention. So your pet will have a positive association with bathing and will be clean. What can be better?

How Often Should You Bathe a Cat

If you ask how often should you bathe your cat, I won’t have a clear answer. On average, cats should be given a bath once every 4–6 weeks. However, many other factors can affect the frequency of bathing, including:

  1. You have a hairless breed of cat. They need more frequent grooming due to their production of express oil, so you should consider bathing them once per week.
  2. Your cat is old or overweight. In this case, your pet needs extra care. Because, for example, they cannot lick enough of their fur or the skin gets dirty faster than in other kittens.
  3. Your kitten has a health issue. Sometimes bathing is used as a kind of treatment. In this case, your veterinarian will recommend a washing frequency. Also, after surgery or skin damage, your cat may need more bathing to keep it clean.
  4. Your cat is used to walking outside. So they might come back with dirt or grass on their fur and need additional cleaning.
  5. Your cat messed around with something smelly. For instance, household garbage or skunk - then they are going to need a bath.

If you want to take even more care of your cat, try a Petcube Camera. With the help of this device, you can always be in touch with your pet and check home security. See what your cat is up to and if they need a bath tonight.

What Shampoo Can You Use to Wash a Cat

Can you use dog shampoo on cats? Can you use human shampoo on cats? No, no, and no. Because some shampoos made specifically for dogs or humans contain ingredients that are incredibly harmful to cats. Surprisingly, human, dog, and cat skins aren't the same. All three have different levels of pH. So it is important to choose a shampoo specifically for the pH level of your cat's skin.

How do I choose a shampoo for my cat? I will leave you a list with which you can check before buying the shampoo.

Cat Shampoo Checklist The shampoo is specifically formulated for cats and is hypoallergenic
The shampoo is soap-free, and you can use it regularly
The shampoo matches your pet’s coat type and skin issues
Your veterinarian can recommend this shampoo for your cat

If the answers to all questions are "yes", you can buy this bath product for your cat and make sure that it is safe.

How to Bathe a Cat That Hates Water

What is the difference between cats and cats that hate water? The second type of kitten can be very aggressive. How to bathe an aggressive cat? You must follow all of the above recommendations. And I'll also give you some additional life hacks.

  1. Keep calm and silent. Fast movements or loud sounds can cause aggression in a cat.
  2. Tire your cat with toys before bathing. So they will not be excited and will wash more easily.
  3. Trim the cat's nails. It’s a secret how to bathe a cat without getting scratched.
  4. Always praise your cat after bathing. Give them their favorite treats and pay attention.

Can You Give Your Cat Benadryl For a Bath

People may recognize Benadryl as a medication for humans. We use this medicine to treat our allergies. But can you give cats Benadryl?

Benadryl is the brand name of a class of drugs known as antihistamines. Cats can take Benadryl for different types of feline allergies. For example, a skin allergy or an allergy to bug bites. These drugs are presented in the form of tablets or injections.

So how does this relate to bathing? Benadryl also has sedative and hypnotic properties. This can help calm your cat and make bathing more comfortable. This is the most effective and safest option, but it is better to consult a veterinarian as well. Only a veterinarian can determine the exact dosage that your cat needs.

We recommend taking out insurance for your cat. With the Pet Emergency Fund, you can protect your cat from an emergency for less than $1 per day. Subscribe now and get 24/7 vet support and compensation for the treatment of all your pets.

How to Give a Cat a Flea Bath

If your cat likes to walk outside, there is a chance that he will get fleas. A flea bath is an effective way to kill as many fleas as possible at once. How right is it to bathe a cat with fleas?

In all types of bathing, the most important thing is not to harm the cat. First of all, we always try to create comfortable conditions for the cat. Choose a special shampoo for fleas. Put cotton balls in the cat's ears to prevent water from getting inside.

Secondly, soap your cat slowly, and you can see how fleas will try to run to the head for safety. The ring of shampoo around the neck forms a barrier that prevents this.

Next, use the flea comb to comb them out of the hair and dip them into the dish filled with water and flea shampoo. You'll see more and more fleas end up in the bathroom, so don't forget to clean it up after. Then gently dry your cat and enjoy a silky coat.


At what age can you bathe a kitten?

You should start bathing the kitten after they turn 2 months old. At a younger age, it can be dangerous for your pet. Mother cats, when around, usually handle a lot of their kittens' basic grooming demands. Therefore, they do not require immersion in water. If the kitten has a lot of dirty furs and mom can't clean it, you can use a wet wipe.

How to dry a cat after a bath?

You can use a large towel or a blow dryer. The second option is suitable for cats that already have experience bathing, so a loud dryer will not be stressful for them. If your pet reacts aggressively even to a towel, leave the cat to dry in the bathroom. Because the air temperature may be lower in other rooms. Then your cat can easily get sick, especially if they are a few months old.

How to bathe a cat without getting scratched?

As I wrote above in the article, the most important thing is to create comfortable conditions during bathing for your cat. Just follow all the rules from the "How to wash a cat" section. And to be scratch-free, trim your pet's nails with a special clipper before bathing.