How to Make a Dog Throw Up? (In Case of Emergency)

Curious by nature, dogs like exploring the world around them. Sometimes, however, this curiosity can get them into trouble. Case in point - when they ingest something potentially dangerous for them such as human medications or toxic food such as garlic or chocolate. When this happens, the question “How to make my dog throw up?” may enter our minds. While emergency cases need immediate medical attention, knowing how to make our dog vomit (when needed) may help save our dog’s life until we can get professional help.

Below, we’ll talk about the process of how to make a dog throw up safely in times of emergency.

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  1. When To Make My Dog Throw Up
  2. How to Make My Dog Throw Up
  3. How Much Hydrogen Peroxide to Make Dog Vomit
  4. How to Make My Dog Vomit Without Hydrogen Peroxide
  5. I Gave My Dog Hydrogen Peroxide and He Didn't Vomit
  6. FAQs
  7. Conclusion

When To Make My Dog Throw Up

When it is advised

In cases of toxic ingestion, induced vomiting may sometimes be the quickest and most effective remedy to lessen the effects of the toxin swallowed by the dog. The fact is, symptoms of toxicity may manifest in as little as 20 minutes to several days, depending on the toxin ingested. Treatment before full absorption of the toxin or before the foreign object is transported to the intestines can save a dog’s life.

You may be advised by your vet to make your dog vomit if they ingested:

  • Toxic foods (e.g. chocolates or raisins)
  • Toxic medications (e.g. ibuprofen)
  • Metal objects (e.g. coins) which may lead to zinc toxicity or may settle in their GI tract
  • Fabric (e.g. underwear or socks)
  • Small pieces of toys or plastic
  • Poisonous plants

When you catch your dog ingesting something toxic or dangerous or if you see evidence such as a spilled chemical substance, chocolate wrappers, or toppled over bottle of medications, contact your vet or ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888)426-4435 immediately. After which, induced vomiting may be advised before you get to the vet or center.

According to Dr. Renee Schmid, senior veterinary toxicologist at the Pet Poison Helpline, how fast you should act would depend on what your dog has ingested. For example, if it’s xylitol or the majority of medications, induced vomiting should happen within 1-2 hours. On the other hand, if it’s liquid or chewable medications, there may be only a window of 15-20 minutes. Meanwhile, for toxic plants and foods, you can induce vomit successfully several hours after they have swallowed the toxin.

When it is not advised

There are cases when induced vomiting may not be the best course of treatment, so it must only be done upon your vet’s recommendation.

Meanwhile, there are also cases when induce vomiting should not be done. You should not do induce vomiting in your dog when they have ingested:

  • Sharp / jagged / large objects that may injure their esophagus and mouths when vomit is induced
  • Toxins that would severely irritate your dog’s gastrointestinal tract & mucous membranes, more so if stomach acid gets involved in the mix

You should also not make your dog vomit when they appear lethargic, weak, dizzy, or disoriented. If they exhibit these symptoms, vomiting may pose a great risk of the vomit entering the trachea (which is the wrong tube), which may result in aspiration pneumonia.

In the cases mentioned, it is important to contact your vet immediately or bring them to the nearest vet clinic. Instead of induced vomiting, your vet may need to do surgery or endoscopy in cases of removing swallowed objects. Meanwhile, various treatments may be administered to prevent the toxin from being absorbed or to treat the symptoms of poisoning.

Note that prevention is definitely better than cure. With this, monitoring our pets as well as taking the necessary precautions would help ensure that they don’t ingest things that they aren’t supposed to. A GPS tracker for pets such as the Petcube GPS Tracker, for example, comes in handy when it comes to ensuring that our pet is in a safe area. That way, you can bring them back when they are in potentially dangerous areas where they may be more susceptible to toxic or harmful elements.

How to Make My Dog Throw Up

Ideally, when your dog has ingested something potentially life-threatening, it is best to bring your dog straight to the vet as they have certain medications or procedures that can help induce vomiting in a more safe and effective way. However, as a last resort, there are instances when your vet may recommend you to induce vomiting at home to quickly prevent the absorption of the toxin ingested or the foreign object to get lodged in your dog’s intestines.

Can you use hydrogen peroxide on a dog?

In cases when your vet recommends induce vomiting, they will advise you to make use of hydrogen peroxide. When we talk of how to give your dog hydrogen peroxide to make them throw up, below are some guidelines.

  • It can be done up to 3 hours after your dog has ingested the toxin or object, but the earlier, the better
  • Before doing it, ask your vet if you can feed your dog a little first since they might have a hard time vomiting on an empty stomach. In addition, the food may also act as a lubricant or padding when the toxin or object comes up
  • Ask your vet how much hydrogen peroxide is appropriate to be given to your dog

Supplies Needed

  • 3% hydrogen peroxide is recommended (make sure that it’s fresh and isn’t expired) - note that higher concentrations may be toxic and lead to severe damage
  • Syringe without the needle / turkey baster
  • Towels
  • Puppy pads (optional)
  • Someone who can assist you, if possible

How To Make Your Dog Throw Up

  1. Bring your dog to a secure location (e.g. bathroom when you’re at home). If you have puppy pads, place them on the floor.
  2. Gently wrap your dog’s neck with a towel to serve as a bib. Because your dog won’t like how hydrogen peroxide tastes, some amount will probably drip out of their mouth.
  3. If someone is there to assist you, ask them to position themselves behind your dog in a crouching position, and hold the dog still.
  4. Using a syringe without the needle / turkey baster, draw up an appropriate amount of hydrogen peroxide. (Read on below to determine how much is appropriate).
  5. Securely hold your dog’s muzzle and drop or squirt the hydrogen peroxide into one side of your dog’s mouth, aiming at the back.
  6. Wait around 10-15 minutes for your dog to vomit. Call your vet once your dog has vomited. If it doesn’t work, repeat steps 1-5. If your dog still won’t vomit within 10 minutes after the second dose, bring them to the vet immediately.
  7. After your dog has vomited, observe them for any symptoms they may exhibit and inform your vet. You may need to collect a sample or inspect the vomit for foreign objects. It would be best to bring them to the vet for diagnosis and follow-up treatment if needed.

While we may take precautions, pet emergencies such as toxic ingestion may occur when we least expect it. Because of this, it’s better to be prepared. Petcube’s Pet Emergency Fund provides the care and support that any pet parent would need in crucial times.

For one thing, the service accepts dogs regardless of age, breed, and medical history. Second, they provide $3000 for pet emergencies for upto 6 pets, which can be used once per yearly subscription. Third, we won’t have to worry about shelling out cash during the emergency as approved pet emergencies are paid directly to the vet clinic. Last but not the least, a subscription provides access to their 24/7 online vet service where we can consult with certified vets regarding our pet’s health and wellness, wherever and whenever.

Subscribing with the Pet Emergency Fund saves a lot on the headache of having to attend to many things at the same time and giving us the peace of mind that we need to take care of our pet during emergencies.

How Much Hydrogen Peroxide to Make Dog Vomit

So how much hydrogen peroxide to give to a dog to induce vomiting? Typically, the appropriate dose for dogs is 1 teaspoon (5 ml) per 5 pounds of the dog’s body weight, but it shouldn’t exceed 3 tablespoons in total. Majority of dogs will vomit within a few minutes of being given hydrogen peroxide, but you can repeat the dose only once if unsuccessful. Remember to consult with your veterinarian first before attempting to induce your dog to vomit at home.

How to Make My Dog Vomit Without Hydrogen Peroxide

According to a study, apomorphine alongside 3% hydrogen peroxide is effective in inducing vomit in dogs when used as directed. Note, however, that both hydrogen peroxide and apomorphine are not yet FDA-approved for use in dogs. Clevor, on the other hand, has been approved by the FDA for use in dogs. In addition, it is backed up by scientific studies for its safety and efficacy. In a controlled field study, 86% of dogs were able to vomit within 20 minutes of being given Clevor. In the same study, 95% were able to vomit within 30 minutes, while 90% stopped vomiting in a span of 45 minutes.

I Gave My Dog Hydrogen Peroxide and He Didn't Vomit

What if my dog doesn’t throw up after hydrogen peroxide? After the first dose, a second dose may be given to try to induce vomiting. If your dog hasn’t vomited yet after 15 minutes of the second dose, do not administer anymore. Rather, seek veterinary help immediately.

Monitoring our pets is important to make sure that they’re doing well. However, there will be times when we will be out of the house or busy with other matters. Having a good camera such as the Petcube Cam will help us monitor our pets

The Petcube Cam is one way to monitor our pets 24/7. That way, we can detect any symptoms of illnesses or emergencies. If you suspect toxic ingestion in your dog, for example, having an innovative camera like the Petcube Cam allows you to determine what it is that your pet has swallowed, with its features such as the 1080p Full HD, crystal clear night vision, and 8x zoom. If you detect the toxin or foreign object fast enough, you may also use the camera’s 2-way audio to say a command to prevent your dog from swallowing. Not to mention, it also gives you access to a 24/7 online vet service so you can consult with certified vets at any time of the day and anywhere you may be.


When to feed a dog after inducing vomiting?

If inducing vomiting was successful, you can give your vet or Pet Poison Helpline a call at (855)764-7661 to know the next steps to take, including when you can feed your dog after inducing vomiting.

How long will hydrogen peroxide make a dog throw up?

When your dog has vomited after being given hydrogen peroxide, it should not take more than 45 mins. If your dog continues to vomit excessively and repeatedly, there may be a more serious issue such as a damage in your dog’s GI tract. If your dog continues vomiting, especially if there are other symptoms present, seek veterinary care immediately.


To conclude, making your dog throw up (inducing vomiting) should only be done during emergency situations and under the guidance and recommendation of your veterinarian.

Generally, the method used for inducing vomiting is 3% hydrogen peroxide, with a dose of 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds of your dog’s weight. While this is the usual recommendation, it is not appropriate in some cases such as when your dog has ingested a sharp object or a corrosive substance, for which induced vomiting may cause more harm than good.

Before attempting to induce vomiting, it is crucial to contact your vet or pet poison helpline first. And remember, prevention is always better than cure, so keeping potentially dangerous objects and substances away from your dog is best to prevent such pet emergencies from happening.