Lungworm in Cats

For many of us, cats are not just pets but family members. As responsible cat owners, it's our duty to stay informed about the various health issues that can affect our feline friends. One such concern, often flying under the radar, is lungworm infections in cats.

This comprehensive guide is designed to provide you with an in-depth understanding of lungworms – what they are, how they affect your cat, and the steps you can take for their treatment and prevention. Lungworms may not be the most talked-about feline health issue, but understanding them is critical for the well-being of your cats.

Let's delve into the world of feline lungworms, exploring every aspect, from initial symptoms to effective treatment strategies, to ensure that your beloved pet stays healthy and happy.


  1. What Is a Lungworm in Cats
  2. How Do Cats Get Lungworms
  3. What Are the Symptoms of Lungworm in Cats
  4. What Is the Treatment for Lungworm in Cats
  5. How Can the Emergency Fund Help with Treatment
  6. FAQs
  7. Final Thoughts

What Is a Lungworm in Cats

Lungworms in cats are parasitic organisms that primarily target the respiratory system, leading to a condition known as lungworm disease. These parasites belong to several species, but the most prevalent feline cases are Aelurostrongylus abstrusus and Capillaria aerophile. These lungworms have a distinct lifecycle and mode of infection that sets them apart from other common parasites.

Understanding the complex lifecycle and various modes of transmission is crucial to preventing and treating feline lungworm infections. It's a clear reminder of the intricate ways in which parasites interact with their hosts and the importance of vigilant pet care to protect our feline companions from such hidden threats.

How Do Cats Get Lungworms

The transmission of lungworms is primarily through the ingestion of infected hosts. Cats with outdoor access are at a higher risk, especially those with a tendency to hunt and consume small animals like birds, rodents, or amphibians, which could be lungworm carriers.

The lifecycle of the lungworm is intricate. Once ingested, the larvae migrate through the cat's body to the lungs, where they mature into adults and lay eggs. These eggs then hatch into larvae, which are coughed up and swallowed by the cat and eventually passed out in the feces, continuing the cycle of infection.

Monitoring your cat’s outdoor activities using a Petcube Cam can provide invaluable insights into their hunting and feeding behavior. This technology serves as a window into your cat’s habits when they’re beyond your direct supervision, helping you identify potential risks like the consumption of prey that could harbor lungworms.

What Are the Symptoms of Lungworm in Cats

Identifying a lungworm infection early can be challenging due to its subtle and often non-specific symptoms. However, some common lungworm symptoms in cats include:

  • Persistent coughing can range from mild, chronic coughs to severe bouts.
  • Breathing difficulties: Observe for difficulty breathing, wheezing, or shortness of breath.
  • Behavioral changes: Reduced activity, lethargy, or reluctance to play can be indicators.
  • Physical decline: Noticeable weight loss or decreased appetite are concerning signs.

Advanced stages of lungworm infection can lead to serious complications, such as severe respiratory distress or even lung damage. Using your Petcube Cam 360 will allow for remote observation of your cat’s behavior, enabling you to detect unusual signs like coughing or lethargy early on.

What Is the Treatment for Lungworm in Cats

The cornerstone of lungworm treatment in cats is a course of anthelmintic medications. These drugs are effective in killing the adult worms and larvae within the cat's respiratory system. The specific drugs and treatment duration will depend on the severity of the infection and the cat's overall health, as determined by a veterinarian.

In cases where lungworms have caused significant respiratory distress, additional supportive treatments may be necessary. This can include oxygen therapy to aid breathing, corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, and sometimes even hospitalization for more intensive care.

It’s important to adhere strictly to the prescribed treatment for lungworm in cats, as incomplete treatment can lead to a recurrence of the infection. Regular follow-up appointments with the vet are essential to ensure the lungworms are wholly eradicated and to monitor the cat's recovery.

How Can the Emergency Fund Help with Treatment

Treating lungworms, especially in severe cases, can be costly. This is where having an emergency fund or pet insurance comes into play.

An emergency fund can alleviate the financial stress associated with unexpected veterinary expenses, ensuring that your cat receives the best possible treatment without delay. It’s a prudent step for pet owners to invest in an emergency plan to safeguard against such unforeseen health issues.

If the situation progresses to the point that your cat requires emergency veterinary care, having access to financial assistance to cover treatment costs can be a lifesaver.

Petcube offers an affordable alternative to traditional pet insurance in the form of an Emergency Fund.

For less than $1 a day, you have access to up to $3000 a year to cover any emergency veterinary care for up to six pets. Every cat and dog can be covered, regardless of age, breed, or medical history.

The cover also includes convenient 24/7 online vet help to ensure that any pet-related questions you may have are instantly and professionally answered. No more taking to Google, guessing, and stressing. Just real-time answers by qualified veterinarians.

Follow the link and get an exclusive 27% discount for our blog readers.


How long does it take for lungworms to develop in cats?

The lifecycle of the lungworm varies, but it typically takes several weeks for larvae to mature into adult worms after being ingested.

Can lungworms be prevented?

While complete prevention is challenging, reducing your cat's exposure to potential lungworm hosts is critical. Regular deworming and keeping cats indoors can significantly lower the risk. Monitoring your cat using a pet camera can also help in the early detection of symptoms and intervention.

Are there any breeds of cats that are more susceptible to lungworms?

Lungworm infection is not breed-specific; it can affect any car, especially those with outdoor access and hunting habits.

How to diagnose lungworms in cats?

In some cases, your cat may have no symptoms at all, and your vet may only make a diagnosis after a routine fecal exam.

Suppose a lungworm is suspected based on your cat's lifestyle (hunting outdoors) or symptoms like breathing difficulties or a cough. In that case, your vet will perform several diagnostic tests, including blood and stool tests, to test for the presence of eggs or larvae. They may also perform a bronchoscopy, where a camera is introduced into the windpipe, or a chest x-ray.

Is the lungworm in cats contagious to humans?

There are two types of lungworms in cats: aelurostrongylus abstrus, which cannot be transmitted to humans, and capillaria aerophile, which can be passed to humans, although this is rare.

How common is lungworm in cats?

Lungworms are notoriously tricky to treat but are thankfully relatively rare. As with most things, prevention is always better than cure, so staying on top of your deworming is essential. It's also a good idea to play with your cat regularly and stimulate them at home so they're less likely to go out hunting.

Can lungworms kill cats?

In healthy adult cats, death from a lungworm is uncommon. However, kittens, older cats, and cats with other conditions that put a strain on the immune system are more likely to have a more serious battle.

Final Thoughts

Lungworms in cats are a silent yet significant concern. Awareness, early detection, and proper treatment are the keys to managing this health issue effectively. With the aid of technology like Petcube’s Petcam, pet parents can ensure the best possible care for their cats through remote supervision, which offers the possibility of detecting health issues early.

Regular vet check-ups, vigilant supervision, and prompt action are crucial to maintaining your cat's health and well-being.