What Can Guinea Pigs Eat?

Guinea pigs, known for their curious and affectionate nature, are beloved pets in many households. As guinea pig parents, one of our top priorities is ensuring their health and well-being, which largely hinges on their diet. Understanding what guinea pigs can eat and their specific dietary needs is crucial.

This comprehensive guide is dedicated to exploring the variety of safe and nutritious foods for your guinea pigs, aiding you in providing a well-balanced and diverse diet that caters to their unique health requirements.

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  1. Can Guinea Pigs Eat Fruit and Berries
  2. Can Guinea Pigs Eat Vegetables
  3. Can Guinea Pigs Eat Greens
  4. Other Products That Guinea Pigs Can Eat
  5. What Should Guinea Pigs Not Eat
  6. FAQs
  7. Conclusions

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Fruit and Berries

Can guinea pigs eat apples and other fruit? Yes, fruits and berries can be a delightful addition to your guinea pig’s diet. These foods are rich in vitamins and provide a sweet treat for your pet. However, it’s essential to serve fruits, like apples, pears, and berries, in moderation due to their high sugar and acid content. Overfeeding your guinea pig with fruits and berries can lead to health issues like obesity and mouth sores. Ideal fruits for guinea pigs to eat include:

  • Apples (ensure they are seedless);
  • Pears (in small quantities);
  • Peaches (without the pit);
  • Kiwi (rich in vitamin C);
  • Strawberries;
  • Blueberries;
  • Raspberries;
  • Melons;
  • Grapes;
  • Cherries (without their pit and stems).

Always introduce new fruits gradually, in small pieces, to monitor for any adverse reactions. A varied fruit diet prevents boredom and ensures a range of nutrients for your guinea pig. It's also essential to thoroughly wash all fruits to remove pesticides, chemicals, pits, or stones.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Vegetables

Can guinea pigs eat cucumbers? What about zucchini? Vegetables are vital in a guinea pig’s diet, offering essential nutrients, fiber, and hydration. Ideal vegetables to give your guinea pig include:

  • Bell peppers are an excellent source of vitamin C, which is crucial as guinea pigs cannot produce their own;
  • Zucchini/baby marrows;
  • Carrots are best given in moderation due to their sugar content, but the tops of carrots are a great leafy option;
  • Cucumbers;
  • Watercress;
  • Brussels sprouts (in moderation, as these can cause gas, which leads to bloating);
  • Asparagus;
  • Tomatoes: Ensure you've removed any leaves or stems, as these can be toxic;
  • Broccoli: Offer in small amounts to prevent gas.

With the help of the Petcube Cam, you can observe how your guinea pig interacts with different vegetables. This remote monitoring can help you discern their preferences, ensuring they have a balanced intake of vegetables. It’s also a great way to catch any cute moments of your pet enjoying their meal.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Greens

Can guinea pigs eat celery? What about common herbs? You bet! Leafy greens are a staple in a guinea pig’s diet and should be offered daily; this includes various herbs. Guinea pigs can eat spinach, kale, and other leafy greens, and it is, in fact, highly beneficial to them. They are high in vitamins and minerals and are generally well-loved by guinea pigs. Recommended greens include:

  • Romaine lettuce;
  • Kale;
  • Spinach should be given in moderation due to its high oxalic acid content;
  • Celery;
  • Carrot tops;
  • Rocket;
  • Parsley is a good source of vitamin C;
  • Coriander;
  • Basil;
  • Mint.

Varying the greens in your guinea pig's diet is essential to prevent the buildup of harmful substances and to provide a range of nutrients. Using the Petcube Cam, you can monitor your pet’s reactions to different greens, helping you to adjust their diet for optimal health and enjoyment.

Other Products That Guinea Pigs Can Eat

Besides fruits, vegetables, and greens, guinea pigs require:

  • Hay: This should form the bulk of your guinea pig’s diet, providing the necessary fiber for a healthy digestive system. Timothy hay is often recommended for its balanced nutritional profile.
  • Pellets: Choose high-quality pellets explicitly formulated for guinea pigs. These are typically enriched with vitamin C and other essential nutrients to ensure your guinea pig gets everything it needs from its diet.
  • Treats: Small amounts of oats, whole grain bread, or commercially available guinea pig treats can be given occasionally. However, these should be limited as they can contribute to weight gain and nutritional imbalances.

What Should Guinea Pigs Not Eat

The following list details common foods that are not good at all for your guinea pig to eat:

  • Dairy: Guinea pigs are exclusive plant eaters, so dairy is not recommended. Their digestive system cannot process dairy, which can cause harm.
  • Avocado: As popular as these delicious fruits are among humans, they shouldn't really be given to guinea pigs as they are very high in fat (and therefore calories) and can contribute to weight gain.
  • Onions, leeks, chives, and shallots can lead to blood disorders.
  • Garlic is toxic to guinea pigs.
  • Veggies known to produce excessive gas: Avoid giving your guinea pig cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and beans, as these can lead to bloating, according to Chewy research. Bloating results from excessive gas in the digestive tract and can cause severe pain and even death.
  • Nuts: Much like avocado, nuts are calorically dense and can lead to weight gain.


How much fruit should I feed my guinea pig?

Fruits should be given in small amounts, 2-3 times weekly. A piece roughly the size of your thumb is a good amount.

How does the Petcube Cam help in managing my guinea pig’s diet?

The Petcube Cam allows you to observe your guinea pig's eating habits in real time, which is crucial for detecting any changes in appetite or preferences and ensuring they consume a balanced diet.

Can guinea pigs drink anything besides water?

Fresh, clean water should be the only drink for guinea pigs. Avoid giving them any sugary or flavored beverages, as these can harm their delicate digestive systems.

Do guinea pigs need vitamin supplements?

Supplements are not usually necessary if their diet is balanced and rich in vitamin C. However, consult a veterinarian if you're concerned about their vitamin intake.

How vital is hay in a guinea pig's diet?

Hay is essential for guinea pigs. It provides the necessary fiber for their digestive health and helps wear down their constantly growing teeth.

Can guinea pigs eat all types of lettuce?

Not all types of lettuce are suitable for guinea pigs. Iceberg lettuce, for example, should be avoided, as it has little nutritional value and can cause diarrhea.

Can guinea pigs eat tomatoes?

Guinea pigs can eat tomatoes. Tomatoes contain vitamin C, an essential nutrient in guinea pigs' diet. Remove all traces of the stem and leaves from the tomatoes you feed your guinea pigs, as these are toxic.

How does the Petcube camera work?

The Petcube Cam is a convenient tech gadget for every pet parent. Installation is as simple as connecting to a power source, hooking up your home Wi-Fi, and aiming the lens where you want it. That’s it!

When you’re away from home, you can connect to the camera via an app on your smartphone to see real-time footage of your friends going about their lives. There’s even two-way sound so they can hear you and you can hear them, and even night vision so you can still check in when it’s dark. Some models even have a laser pointer or treat dispenser, so you can still play with your pets even when you’re not home.


Feeding your guinea pig a varied and balanced diet is vital to their health. You provide them with the essential nutrients they need by incorporating a mix of hay, pellets, vegetables, fruits, and occasional treats. Monitoring their diet and preferences through the Petcube Petcam ensures their well-being and strengthens the bond you share with your furry friend. Remember, a happy guinea pig is a healthy guinea pig, and their joy in our lives is immeasurable.