White Worms in Dog Poop

Discovering white worms in your dog's poop can be a startling and concerning experience for any pet owner. And, let’s face it, this is about as gross as it gets. These unwelcome guests are not just a matter of poor aesthetics; they typically mean a parasitic infection that can affect your dog's health.

Ranging from small white specks to noticeable white worms, these parasites come in various forms, such as tapeworms or roundworms. Understanding what these worms are, why they appear, and how to effectively treat and prevent them is crucial for maintaining your dog's well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the different types of white parasites found in dog feces, exploring their causes, health implications, and effective treatments.

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  1. Why Are There Worms in Your Dogs Poop
  2. Signs of White Worms in Dogs
  3. What to Do If You Find White Worms in Your Dogs Poop
  4. FAQs
  5. Conclusion

Why Are There Worms in Your Dogs Poop

White worms in dog poop are typically a sign of a parasitic infection, specifically roundworms or tapeworms. Dogs can contract these parasites from contaminated soil, feces, or infected fleas. Timely diagnosis and treatment are essential to prevent health complications for your dog and their potential spread to humans.

So, let’s look at what you may be dealing with if you spot something white and wriggling in your dog’s feces.


Roundworms are a type of worm often found in dog feces. Roundworms are relatively large and can be easily spotted. They are long, spaghetti-like, and white, cream, yellowish, or light brown. Dogs can excrete entire roundworms in their feces, especially after deworming treatment.

Research shows that roundworms are becoming more of a problem worldwide and even pose a public health risk since they’re easily transmitted to humans. There are several different kinds, namely, Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina, and Toxocara canis. If your dog has this infestation, make sure to also treat them for heartworm.

Dogs can become infected by eating roundworm eggs from contaminated soil or feces. Puppies may contract roundworms from their mother's milk. Roundworms can cause a pot-bellied appearance, vomiting, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal symptoms.


Tapeworms are frequently responsible for the white worms seen in dog poop. In feces, they often appear as small, flat, white, or yellow segments, resembling grains of rice or cucumber seeds. These segments may be moving when fresh or dried out to look like tiny, hard, yellow specks if they've been in the poop for a while.

Gastroenterology Clinics research on tapeworms shows they attach themselves to the walls of a dog's intestines, and as they grow, segments containing their eggs break off and pass out in the dog's feces. Dogs often contract tapeworms by ingesting fleas that carry tapeworm larvae, which is why flea control is a crucial component of preventing tapeworm infections.

Hookworms (Ancylostoma caninum)

If your dog has roundworms, they can easily have other intestinal parasites, such as hookworms. Hookworms are typically not visible to the naked eye in dog feces as they are very small. However, they can cause significant health problems like anemia, especially in puppies, due to their blood-feeding habits.

Hookworm larvae can infect dogs through skin contact or ingestion. They latch onto the intestinal wall, leading to potential blood loss and related symptoms.

Whipworms (Trichuris vulpis)

Whipworms are also difficult to see in feces without a microscope. They are named for their whip-like shape. So to be clear, if you see worms in your dog’s poop, it likely is not whipworms or hookworms, but CAB International study on internal parasites show that if your dog has one kind of worm, they can easily have others.

Whipworms infect dogs through the ingestion of contaminated soil or feces. They can cause bloody diarrhea and weight loss.


If you regularly deworm your pup and household, then it may not be intestinal parasites. It could be something just as nasty—Maggots.

Maggots in dog poop are usually indicative of a fly infestation rather than a parasitic infection within the dog. They look like small, white, wriggling larvae and they will certainly give you a bad case of the heebie jeebies.

While maggots themselves are not a direct result of internal parasitism in dogs, their presence can indicate unsanitary conditions, especially if dog poop is not being cleaned up regularly around the yard and its drawing flies.

To ensure the health and wellbeing of your pup, consider using the Petcube Pet Camera. This innovative device allows you to keep a close eye on your dog's behavior and health, including monitoring their bathroom habits, which can be crucial in early detection of issues like parasitic infections.

Signs of White Worms in Dogs

Discovering white worms in your dog's poop can be concerning. It's important to recognize the various symptoms and signs of worm infestations, particularly those caused by roundworms and tapeworms, as these are the ones most commonly observed in dog feces.

Monitoring your dog’s health and behavior can be made easier with tools like the Petcube Pet Camera, which allows for real-time observation of your dog, helping you to notice any unusual symptoms quickly.

Symptoms of Roundworm Infestation

Roundworms are one of the most common intestinal parasites in dogs. Here are some signs that your dog might have roundworms:

  • Visible Worms in Feces or Vomit
    Roundworms can sometimes be seen in a dog's poop or vomit. They are long, spaghetti-like, and white or light brown.
  • Pot-Bellied Appearance
    Especially common in puppies, a distended abdomen can indicate a heavy roundworm infestation.
  • Weight Loss or Poor Growth
    Despite a good appetite, dogs with roundworms may not gain weight or may lose weight.
  • Diarrhea and Vomiting
    These are common symptoms of many intestinal parasites, including roundworms.
  • Coughing
    If roundworms migrate to the dog's lungs, coughing can occur.

Symptoms of Tapeworm Infestation

Tapeworms are typically contracted through fleas and are another common intestinal parasite in dogs.

  • Segments in Feces or Around Anus
    Tapeworm segments are small, white, and can resemble grains of rice. They may be found in the dog’s feces or around the anus.
  • Scooting
    Dogs with tapeworms may scoot their rear on the ground due to irritation caused by the segments. Although keep in mind that it’s a myth that scooting is always is a sign of worms. More often it’s anal gland or othe issues.
  • Weight Loss
    In severe cases, tapeworms can lead to a dog losing weight as the parasites suck up all their essential nutrients.
  • Lethargy
    Dogs with a heavy worm burden may seem less energetic or lethargic.


Maggots are not a parasitic infection from within the dog but can be found in dog feces due to flies laying eggs in it. This is more a sign of unsanitary conditions rather than an internal health issue of the dog. However, maggots can infest open wounds in dogs and should be treated immediately.

Other Possible Signs

  • Change in appetite, either being constantly hungry or eating far less than usual;
  • Dull or brittle coat;
  • Itchy rear, including constantly biting or licking their butt.

Using a device like the Petcube Pet Camera helps pet owners keep a watchful eye on their dog's behavior and bathroom habits. This can be particularly useful for early detection of health issues like worm infestations. For example, if you notice your dog exhibiting unusual behavior or symptoms via the camera, it could be your cue to check their feces for signs of worms or to schedule a vet visit.

What to Do If You Find White Worms in Your Dogs Poop

Discovering white worms in your dog's poop can be alarming, but it's important to remain calm and take the right steps to ensure your pet's health and well-being. Here's what you should do:

  • Collect a Sample: Safely collect a sample of the feces containing the worms in a plastic bag or container. This can be helpful for your veterinarian to make an accurate diagnosis.
  • Contact Your Veterinarian: Make an appointment with your vet as soon as possible. Show them the sample you collected. They will likely perform a fecal examination to determine the type of worms and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
  • Clean Up: Ensure that all feces are promptly and safely disposed of to prevent reinfection or spread to other animals.
  • Follow Veterinary Advice: Your vet may prescribe deworming medication. It's crucial to follow the prescribed treatment plan and dosage instructions.
  • Monitor Your Dog’s Health: Keep an eye on your dog’s behavior and health during and after treatment. This can be made easier with devices like the Petcube Pet Camera, which allows you to monitor your pet remotely.
  • Preventive Care: Discuss with your vet about regular preventive treatments to keep your dog worm-free in the future.

If you find yourself in a situation where your dog needs emergency veterinary care, having access to financial support can be invaluable. The Petcube Petcube Emergency Fund offers a solution, providing up to $3000 cover for emergency vet bills and access to 24/7 online vet help. This can be a lifesaver in unexpected situations and ensures your pet gets the care they need without delay.

For our blog readers, there's an exclusive offer: Get a 27% discount on the Petcube Emergency Fund by using the special link here. This discount makes it even more accessible to have that crucial safety net for your beloved pet.

Remember, early detection and treatment are key to managing worm infestations effectively. Regular check-ups, deworming, and maintaining good hygiene are essential steps in keeping your dog healthy and happy.


How do you treat white worms in dog poop?

Treating white worms in dog poop involves administering deworming medication prescribed by a veterinarian. The type of medication depends on the specific type of worm (tapeworms, roundworms, etc.) infecting the dog. It's important to follow the dosage and treatment schedule as directed by your vet and ensure a clean environment to prevent reinfection.

How do I get rid of tapeworms in my dog?

To eliminate tapeworms in your dog, your veterinarian will prescribe a dewormer, often containing praziquantel or a similar active ingredient. This medication is effective in dissolving the tapeworms within the dog's intestines. Additionally, control fleas on your dog, as fleas are often the carriers of tapeworm eggs.

How do you get rid of roundworms in dogs?

Roundworms in dogs are treated with specific antiparasitic medications, which may include pyrantel pamoate, fenbendazole, or other dewormers. The treatment may need to be repeated, as directed by your veterinarian, to eliminate both adult worms and their eggs.

Can tapeworms be passed from dogs to humans?

Yes, tapeworms can be passed from dogs to humans, though they are relatively rare. This usually occurs through the accidental ingestion of tapeworm eggs, which can happen by touching contaminated feces and then touching the mouth. Good hygiene practices are crucial to preventing transmission.

Are the worms in dog poop serious?

Worms in dog poop can be a serious health concern, especially if left untreated. They can lead to nutritional deficiencies, gastrointestinal issues, and, in severe cases, more significant health problems. Regular deworming and veterinary check-ups are important to maintain your dog's health and prevent these parasites.


Discovering white worms in your dog's poop can be unsettling, but it's a treatable condition. Whether it's tapeworms, roundworms, or another type, prompt veterinary care and appropriate deworming treatments are effective in resolving these parasitic infestations. Maintaining good hygiene, regular vet check-ups and preventive measures are key to keeping your dog healthy.

Remember, early detection is crucial, and tools like the Petcube Pet Camera can help in monitoring your dog's health. With the right care and attention, your doggo will be back to their healthy, happy self in no time.