What to Do About Dog Paw Pad Injuries?

Those tough little pads on the bottom of your dog’s feet aren’t just great for their “toe bean” cuteness; they’re also the canine equivalent of shoes. Much tougher and more durable than the feet that you and I have, it takes a lot to cause damage to them. But what happens when you have a dog paw pad injury situation?

Allow me to lead the way!

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  1. Dog Paw Pad Ripped or Cut
  2. Growth on a Dog Paw Pad
  3. Dog Paw Pad Callus
  4. Swollen Pad on Dog
  5. How to Heal a Dog Paw Pad
  6. FAQs
  7. Conclusion

Dog Paw Pad Ripped or Cut

If your poor pup has injured their paws or paw pads, you must seek medical attention. Those pads are super important, and having an injury or pain in one of them can seriously diminish their mobility, which in turn can lead to toilet accidents in the home and a very solemn pet.

If you can get close to your pet to take a look at the paw, do so and take note of what you see. If possible, get a photo or video. This will make it easier to show your vet if your pup won’t sit still or if you plan to use Petcube’s 24/7 online vets. You can also use footage from your pet cam to display all symptoms.

Deep cuts or rips may require stitches or other sealing-and-healing treatments. Your pet might also need antibiotics to keep infections at bay, and if the pain is severe, your vet is likely to prescribe pain relief.

VCA Animal Hospital experts recommend seeking urgent medical attention if there’s any bleeding and it doesn’t stop within the first 15 minutes of you putting pressure and a towel (or similar) on the wound.

Growth on a Dog Paw Pad

The skin on your dog’s paw pads is special and doesn’t react like normal skin. If the pad gets ripped or damaged, it won’t self-heal and grow back like it would if you or I got a small cut on our arm. For this reason, you should never attempt to pull, cut, or otherwise take off growths or other bumps that might appear there.

Although dog paw pad growths are rarely cancerous, a vet will still likely perform a biopsy just to be sure. More likely issues include:

  • Warts;
  • Weed, seed, or other foreign object stuck;
  • Interdigital cysts (cysts between the toes);
  • Ingrown hairs;
  • Skin tags;
  • Calluses;
  • Hair follicle issues;
  • Keratoma (corns);
  • Hyperkeratosis (excessive keratin buildup);
  • Overgrooming and excessive licking;
  • Histiocytoma (benign bumps).

Without a closer look, your dog could just as easily be suffering from cancer as they can from corn (keratoma). The latter is very common in the Greyhound breed. A quick checkup will soon give you answers and peace of mind!

Dog Paw Pad Callus

If you look at the average human’s foot, there will be rougher, tougher patches that are ‘used’ more frequently than the others. For example, the heel is often tough, but the arch is usually soft. This is because the arch rarely touches the ground and does the heavy lifting (so to speak), while the heel makes a lot of floor contact.

Calluses can manifest on your pooch’s paws in the same way that humans get hard, rough skin on their feet. They can also become sore, cracked, and cumbersome in the same way. Calluses can make moving around very painful and difficult for your pets, depending on where they are.

Although some calluses can be removed at home, it’s best to consult with a vet first. They can show you the right and wrong ways of doing it, along with tips and tricks that will keep things in check going forward.

Swollen Pad on Dog

If your dog’s pad is swollen, there could be a few different causes. A piece of glass, tiny splinter, thorn, gravel, or other debris is often the cause, many of which are easily removed at home without the need to head to the vet.

Swollen paw pad dog treatment first requires a diagnosis. If you can see a small piece of glass or other foreign item and believe it can be easily removed, go ahead and do so. Just make sure everything is sanitized and cleaned, you don’t dig or poke around too much, and you’re not putting either you or your pet in any danger.

Remember: Dogs can get grumpy and snappy when they’re in pain.

If the item is too large to remove, such as a large shard of glass, it’s best to have it surgically or medically removed by a vet. Blood loss is going to be a big concern when the foreign object is removed, and your vet will also want to ensure infections don’t have the chance to take hold.

Read more: Red Paws on Dogs: Causes and Treatments

How to Heal a Dog Paw Pad

The best way to heal your dog’s poor wound is to follow the instructions your vet has given you! Make sure that any medication is given responsibly and at the right times, and keep up with the routine checkups that your vet suggests.
If you’re not sure what has happened to cause your dog’s paw pad problems, get in touch with one of Petcube’s vets! They’re available free of charge, around the clock, with a few taps of your finger – included as part of the Emergency Fund.

For less than $1 per day, you’ll unlock access to anytime vets, cover up to six pets in your home, and have peace of mind knowing that up to $3,000 of your emergency bill is covered. A quick photo and chat could mean the difference between an expensive trip to the vet and an easy remedy at home.

As a loyal blog reader, you’ll get 27% off by following this link — and thank you, from Petcube!


Does a dog’s paw pad grow back?

No, the skin on your dog’s paw pads will not grow back, and that’s why it’s so important to seek veterinary advice if they suffer from an injury in that area. Superficial grazes and other light injuries will not cause too much damage, but anything more extensive than that will require treatments that continue for weeks or months.

How to heal a dog’s paw pad?

First and foremost, clean the area to check for wounds and remove dirt and debris. If you have pet-safe antibacterial products, apply one of them. You can wrap the wound with a bandage if necessary, but it must be non-stick, and it must be changed daily. If you notice changes, such as a weird smell, oozing, increased redness, etc., you need to get your pet checked out.


Just like with kids, pets will get into scrapes and bumps sometimes. Thankfully, modern pet medicine has come a long way, so speedy treatment leads to full recovery. Ignoring paw and paw pad issues in dogs could cause a whole host of complications, such as the opening of the wound, bacterial infections, and potentially even sepsis, loss of a limb, or death.
It’s not worth the risk, pet parents!