Home Remedies for Matted Dog Hair

If you’ve ever run your fingers through your dog’s fur only to find stubborn tangles or mats, you know the struggle is real. And matted hair isn’t just a cosmetic issue. It can lead to discomfort and even health problems for your dog.

The good news? There are some effective, at-home ways to handle the situation before it gets out of hand. Let’s dig into what you can do to manage and prevent matted dog hair, and when it’s time to call in the pros.

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  1. What Does Matted Dog Hair Look Like
  2. What Causes Matted Hair
  3. Home Remedies for Matted Dog Hair
  4. Conclusion

What Does Matted Dog Hair Look Like

Matted hair usually shows up as clumps of fur that have tangled together, forming tight knots. You will usually find them in areas that experience more friction, like behind the ears, under the armpits, or along the belly. When parents don’t treat the problem in time, these tangles can grow larger, making brushing painful for your dog and potentially leading to health complications.

In the words of Dr. Shelby Macdonald, “Chronically matted hair can contribute to and cause medical conditions such as skin irritation and infection, ear and eye disease, fecal impaction, and even parasitic infestations.”

What Causes Matted Hair

There are quite a few reasons why your dog’s coat might be getting matted, however the main is simply a lack of regular brushing in longer haired dog breeds. But activities can make your dog more prone to matting. For example, if your dog loves to roll around outdoors or if they regularly go swimming, it’s easy for dirt, debris, and moisture to get trapped in their fur, leading to mats.

Because of this, It’s also worth keeping an eye on your dog’s activity through tools like the Petcube Cam.

Home Remedies for Matted Dog Hair

Now, let’s talk about some practical ways you can tackle those pesky mats at home.

1. Cornstarch Application

A little cornstarch can work wonders. Rubbing some directly onto the mat helps loosen it up, making it easier to detangle. Once applied, use a pin brush, slicker brush, or stainless steel comb to gently work through the fur.

2. Detangling Sprays

Canine-friendly detangling sprays are also a solid option for minor mats and they’re often used by professionals. They help lubricate the hair, making it easier to untangle it with breaking. Just a heads up: these sprays work best on smaller mats and aren’t as helpful if your dog’s coat is severely matted.

3. Coconut Oil

There are few situations where a little coconut oil can’t help. If you have some at home (who doesn’t?) warm it up and massage a small amount into the matted areas. Coconut oil acts as a natural conditioner and detangler. Plus, it leaves your dog’s coat feeling soft. If you plan to give your dog a bath afterward, it’s a win-win, as the oil will easily wash out.

4. Gentle Brushing Techniques

When brushing, it’s crucial to avoid hurting your pup. So, hold the base of the mat to prevent pulling on your dog’s skin, and gently massage the knot with your fingers before you start brushing.

One Reddit user suggested a slicker brush followed by a greyhound comb:

"Use a slicker brush to line brush down to the skin followed by a greyhound comb to check your brushing. If the comb snags, that area needs a little more brushing. Pin brushes aren’t as effective, and it might be worth checking out what your groomer recommends for a detangler spray."

5. Dry Hair Only

Wet mats can tighten and become even harder to remove, so it’s best to always work on dry hair when you’re trying to get rid of matting.

6. Keep Your Dog Occupied and Happy With Treats

Most dogs get fussy if you are trying to get matting out, so keep some treats on you to make it a rewarding experience. The Petcube Pumpkin Pops are not only delicious but also great for digestion, which can indirectly contribute to a healthier coat by improving your dog’s overall well-being.

And remember, regular grooming is key. If your dog is prone to matting, daily brushing for long-haired breeds or weekly for shorter coats is essential. If the mats are really bad, though, don’t hesitate to seek professional help before the problem gets worse and you are forced to shave the coat off. A good groomer can save both you and your dog a lot of frustration.


Matted dog hair can feel like a hassle, but with a little patience and the right tools, you can get those tangles under control. Keeping your pup’s coat smooth and healthy isn’t just about looks, it’s really an essential part of being a loving and committed pet parent.