Comparison of Petcube Emergency Fund & Trupanion Pet Insurance

The world of pet care and insurance is complicated, so if you're struggling to make sense of all the information out there on the internet right now, you're certainly not the only one. I've done the research to show you just how different pet care coverage is and why it's so important to figure out what your pet needs, specifically, before you sign on the dotted line.

I'm comparing Petcube Emergency Fund vs. Trupanion Pet Insurance based on a 7-year-old, intact female cat with no pre-existing health problems (aside from a serious attitude problem).

What is Covered by the Insurance

Not all pet insurance and funds are the same. One of the biggest differences between them all (aside from cost) is the list of things they cover or don't.

Petcube Emergency Fund

As the name suggests, Petcube's Emergency Fund is for life-threatening emergencies that require urgent medical attention.

This includes things like:

Trupanion Pet Insurance

Trupanion pet insurance is the typical kind of pet health care coverage, used for both non-emergency and emergency purposes.

This includes:

  • Examinations and testing for diagnostic purposes;
  • Illnesses (not pre-existing);
  • Surgical procedures and aftercare;
  • Certain alternative therapies;
  • Medications;
  • Vet-prescribed herbal treatments;
  • Veterinarian-recommended euthanasia.

Additional holistic treatments such as hydrotherapy, chiropractic, physical therapy, and acupuncture are covered by "add-ons" with additional costs.

What is Not Covered by the Insurance

It is a clause in every pet insurance or emergency fund policy that treatment isn't covered in the case of owner neglect. This extends to vaccinations and other necessary preventative care. If you fail to get your pets vaccinated against preventable conditions, such as Parvo, you will not be covered if your pets then become ill with them.

Petcube Emergency Fund

The Emergency Fund is not designed for routine or non-urgent pet care. It will not cover a non-emergency situation, such as an upset stomach.

Think of it like this: You'd book a doctor's appointment for a non-emergency health problem, but you'd rush yourself to the ER department or call for an ambulance in a life-threatening situation. The Emergency Fund is essentially for emergency ER pet trips. Routine and non-emergency vet trips and/or treatments are not covered.

The Emergency Fund doesn't cover:

  • Pregnancy-related emergencies;
  • Parvovirus;
  • Non-emergency health problems;
  • Vaccinations and preventative care;
  • Follow-ups following emergencies.

Trupanion Pet Insurance

Most conventional pet insurance plans do not cover pre-existing conditions, and Trupanion is no exception. If your pet already has a medical condition, such as diabetes, none of the vet visits or treatments for that condition are covered. You will need to pay for those yourself or via another means (such as the Emergency Fund service for emergency diabetes-related problems).

Other vet appointments and treatments not covered by Trupanion pet insurance include:

  • Pre-existing congenital or hereditary conditions;
  • Routine checkups;
  • Spaying/neutering;
  • Pre-existing injuries;
  • Flea and other parasite prevention;
  • Vaccinations.

Trupanion does not cover pets over the age of 14 years.

How Many Pets Can Be Insured

When it comes to the number of pets insured and covered, there is a significant difference between typical pet insurance plans and alternatives like Petcube's Emergency Fund.

Petcube Emergency Fund

One monthly payment covers you for up to six domestic pets with the Petcube Emergency Fund. You can claim once per year, up to the value of $3,000. Any one of your six pets will be covered by the policy, so you can use the Emergency Fund for all of them.

You can claim once per year, so if you use the fund for one pet, you can't use it for a second pet until the next year's subscription starts.

Trupanion Pet Insurance

Trupanion pet insurance only covers one pet at a time, and they don't offer multi-pet discounts. You will pay the full price for all pets in your household.

What is the Waiting Period for Insurance

There is almost always a waiting period for insurance or its alternatives before you can claim pet medical care. According to Forbes study, the average waiting period for illness is 14 days. It takes nine days for injuries or accidents.

Petcube Emergency Fund

There is a simple 14-day waiting period for the Emergency Fund Service. You will receive an email once that waiting period is over, so there is no confusion over when, exactly, you can make a claim.

Trupanion Pet Insurance

Your pet will have no coverage for injuries they get within 5 days of the policy starting. For illnesses, the waiting time is 30 days. Both will come under pre-existing conditions once coverage starts, so you will not be able to claim for them.

How Much Does Insurance Cost

There is a massive spectrum of prices when it comes to pet insurance. The average cost of pet insurance, according to Pawlicy research, is $29 for cats and $47 for dogs.

Petcube Emergency Fund

There are no complicated plans with Petcube's Emergency Fund Service. There is one simple monthly cost. It doesn't go up or down, nor are there complicated deductibles or other things to consider.

Petcube Emergency Fund - $29 per month.

You will need to 'pay out' the full year-long subscription if you claim within the first twelve months. For example, if you have been signed up for the Emergency Fund for six months, you have paid half the $348 annual cost, or $174. The remaining $174 will be taken from the amount that Petcube will cover and will be your responsibility to pay.

Trupanion Pet Insurance

Trupanion allows you to pick your deductible, giving you the option of $0, $200, $700, or a custom amount. As mentioned at the beginning of this article, I based my pet insurance quote on a 7-year-old female cat that was not neutered and had no pre-existing conditions.

These are Trupanion quotes for a basic level of coverage:
$0 deductible - $239.48 per month.
$200 deductible - $139.60 per month.
$700 deductible - $77.59.

These prices can increase with inflation if the cost of veterinary care becomes more expensive. There is also a one-time fee for becoming a Trupanion member, but you only pay this once, regardless of how many pets you register.

As a final note, Trupanion's pet insurance only covers 90% of approved veterinary costs and 50% of prescribed foods for a maximum of two months.

How to Cancel Pet Insurance

Some pet insurance (or alternative) plans have somewhat lengthy cancellation processes, so it pays to know how to do it and what will happen when you do.

Petcube Emergency Fund

Just two clicks are needed to cancel the Petcube Emergency Fund. You can unsubscribe from the app in the settings if you have registered with it. Or you can access these options through your web account settings if you have already registered on the website.

Trupanion Pet Insurance

Trupanion allows you to cancel your pet insurance policy at any time, provided you give written notice, such as a letter or email.


Pet insurance isn't for every pet or pet parent, just as Emergency Fund-style services aren't for everyone. When choosing the right kind of protection for your pet, you'll need to take many factors into account, such as age, existing medical conditions, your budget, and more.

Make a list of all the things you need (or want), starting with the most important. Then, look around for a plan that checks all (or most) of the boxes.