Why Do Cats Scratch?

When you think of cats, your mind instantly conjures images of furs, purrs, paws, and claws. And it's those claws that are the heart of today's subject—scratching. If you're owned by a cat, you know. Whether they're scratching at doors, sofas, or even you, cats love to sink their sharp little claws into a variety of things.

But this is NEVER, EVER a good reason to declaw your cat. Read more about why declawing is not an option.

Scratching in cats serves several purposes, from marking territory to maintaining healthy, sharp daggers for hunting. Understanding why cats scratch can help you handle this behavior effectively and ensure your feline friend is happy and healthy. Let's explore cat scratching together.

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  1. Why Do Cats Scratch Around Their Food
  2. Why Does My Cat Scratch the Wall
  3. Why Do Cats Scratch Furniture and Carpets
  4. Why Does My Cat Scratch the Window
  5. Why Do Cats Scratch Their Litter Box
  6. Final Thoughts

Why Do Cats Scratch Around Their Food

Scratching around their food is a typical cat behavior, one rooted deep in instinct. In the wild, a cat might bury its food to hide it from potential scavengers and to avoid attracting predators. According to research, the formal term for this is food caching, which is a leftover behavior from your cat's wild ancestors.

If you’re interested in observing your cat’s behavior when you’re not around, a pet camera like the Petcube Cam can offer invaluable insights. Observing your cat when it thinks it’s alone can help you better understand their behavior and needs.

Why Does My Cat Scratch the Wall

Okay, this one's a bit puzzling for cat parents to witness, but it occurs for various reasons, including your cat's need to mark its territory, sharpen its claws, or even demonstrate boredom—like literally climbing the walls.

Marking territory is significant. Your cat has scent glands in its paws, and behaviors like scratching and making biscuits help deposit its scent, which communicates ownership to other cats and asserts dominance.

In some instances, scratching the wall can indicate stress or anxiety. Your cat may be bored or frustrated. Provide your feline friend with plenty of appropriate scratching posts and stimulating toys so that they can release their stress or anxiety through appropriate play/hunting behavior.

If you introduce a scratching post to redirect your cat's scratching behavior appropriately, take this advice from Reddit, “Make it fun! Play with your cat and get a few different scratching types. Use their toy to make them zoom over it and climb up it. Mock using the tree yourself while adding catnip.”

Why Do Cats Scratch Furniture and Carpets

Ah, this is an age-old contention between cats and their humans. It can be upsetting to humans when their lovely home is wrecked by the talented talons of their favorite feline. Still, the truth is that scratching is a very natural and necessary behavior for cats.

Scratching fulfills essential functions in a cat's life. It's an important part of keeping claws sharp and healthy by removing the dead outer layer of claws, and it's a great form of exercise, allowing your cat to stretch and strengthen its muscles.

So, does that mean that your furniture is doomed? Not necessarily. Consider investing in scratching posts and pads so your cat can scratch away happily and your furniture can be spared.

Noted cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy suggests, “Appropriate places for your cat to let out his scratching instincts are critical for long-term success behavioral success. We recommend not on a scratching post, but several, depending on how many areas he likes to scratch on already.”

Why Does My Cat Scratch the Window

Another curious cat behavior is scratching at windows. Most often, cats scratch at windows because they see something of interest outside, such as birds and other animals, which is largely driven by their hunting instinct.

Using your Petcube Cam can help you identify the triggers for this behavior and monitor your cat’s behavior. Knowing what attracts your cat’s attention can help you to provide an alternative.

Why Do Cats Scratch Their Litter Box

Scratching in and around the litter box is a very natural cat behavior. Felines are usually very particular about covering their waste to keep their environment clean and odor-free.

If your cat is scratching excessively around their litter box, they may be trying to tell you that they have some strong opinions about the cleanliness of the litter. Make sure you keep your cat's litter box clean, and perhaps try experimenting with different types of litter to find one your cat likes.

Final Thoughts

Knowing the reasons for your cat’s puzzling behaviors is key to managing them correctly and making sure your cat is happy. Scratching is largely a very common and very normal cat behavior, and it can be channeled in appropriate ways so that your cat can have a healthy outlet for its instincts.