Winter Dog Care: Gear, Tips, and Tricks

As the winter months roll in, our canine companion needs extra care and attention to stay warm and healthy. If you're like me, dealing with a puppy in the winter can be a unique challenge. I remember the nights with my puppy, Arthur, who was still potty training, making frequent trips outside in the cold.

Keeping his jacket and booties by the door became a routine for those chilly potty breaks. In this article, we'll dive into the best ways to keep our puppies and dogs cozy during the winter, looking at both indoor and outdoor dogs.

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  1. How to Keep a Dog Warm in the Winter
  2. How to Protect Dog Paws in Winter
  3. Do Dogs Sleep More in the Winter
  4. Do Dogs Need More Food in Winter
  5. How Often Should I Bathe My Dog in the Winter
  6. Conclusion

How to Keep a Dog Warm in the Winter

So, let’s break down the essentials of how to make sure your dog does not get too cold in the winter months.

Understanding Your Dog's Needs in Cold Weather

Every dog, from the playful winter puppies to the majestic big winter dogs, has different needs when it comes to staying warm. Smaller breeds and puppies like mine, Arthur, are more susceptible to the cold, while some larger breeds are better equipped for lower temperatures.

Another factor is how well a dog is adapted to the cold. Short-haired breeds like Pit Bulls need extra insulation, while northern breeds like Huskies and Malamutes thrive in freezing temperatures.

Another factor as to how well your dog can handle the cold is their health. Dr. Andrea K. Oncken, DVM, and her colleagues point out that dogs who are critically ill are most at risk of hypothermia since they can’t regulate their body temperatures as well. So if your dog has undergone surgery or if they are suffering from a severe health condition, it’s vital to keep them indoors and warm and toasty.

But regardless of their size or breed, all dogs need extra protection during the winter.

Essential Winter Gear for Dogs

A good winter coat is crucial. For puppies in winter, especially those still in potty training like Arthur, a coat provides necessary warmth during those late-night bathroom trips. Look for the best winter coat for dogs that offers coverage and insulation while still allowing them to move freely.

Read more: How to Train a Dog to Potty Outside When They Refuse?

Keeping Outdoor Dogs Warm

For those with outdoor dogs or dogs who spend a lot of time outside, it's vital to know how to keep a dog warm in the winter. Here are some key tips:

  • Insulated Dog House: Ensure your dog has a warm, insulated shelter. Learn how to keep a dog house warm in the winter by adding insulation and a door flap to block the wind.
  • Heated Beds and Pads: Consider a heated bed or pad, especially for dogs that stay outdoors.
  • Regular Check-ups: Regularly check their water to ensure it's not frozen and monitor their food intake, as they may need more calories to stay warm. Also, make sure the water in your dog’s water bowl hasn't frozen.

Petcube Emergency Fund: A Safety Net for Winter

Winter brings its own set of risks, like hypothermia, which is possible if your dog gets stuck outside in the cold for too long. That's where the Petcube Emergency Fund can be a lifesaver. It offers 24/7 online vet advice and covers up to $3,000 in emergency vet fees. This can be crucial if your dog encounters a cold-related emergency.

After all, veterinary research shows that dogs whose body temperatures do drop dangerously low need emergency measures to warm up and supportive intravenous fluids from your local animal hospital. This means if your dog is outside or lost in the cold and needs emergency attention, Petcube has you covered. And as a bonus for our readers, there's a 27% discount available at this link.

How to Protect Dog Paws in Winter

Winter can be tough on a dog's paws. The cold weather, snow, ice, and even the salt used on roads and sidewalks can cause dryness, cracking, and other discomforts. Here's how to ensure your dog's paws stay healthy during these frosty months.

Paw Balm: Your First Line of Defense

Before heading out into the cold, apply a protective balm to your dog's paw pads. This acts as a barrier against the harsh elements, preventing dryness and cracking. After your walk, wipe their paws to remove any salt or deicers, and reapply balm as needed.

Dog Booties: More Than Just Fashion

While some dogs might take time to get used to them, booties are one of the best ways to protect your dog's feet in the winter. They not only keep the paws warm but also prevent contact with harmful substances on the ground. Choose booties that are waterproof and offer a good grip.

Regular Paw Checks

After each walk, check your dog's paws for signs of injury, like cracks or redness, especially between the toes. Ice can accumulate in these areas, leading to discomfort or even injury.

Keep Nails and Fur Trimmed

Long nails can cause your dog's toes to splay, making it more likely for snow and ice to accumulate between their pads. Similarly, long fur around the paws can lead to ice balls forming, which can be painful. Regular trimming helps prevent these issues.

Avoid Toxic Chemicals

Be mindful of where your dog walks, as many de-icing products are toxic to dogs. If you're unsure about a particular area, it's better to steer clear or clean their paws thoroughly after the walk.

Indoor Paw Care

Even indoors, your dog's paws can suffer from the dry air caused by heating systems. Continue using paw balm and consider a humidifier to keep the indoor air less dry.

Watch for Signs of Discomfort

Your dog will often let you know if their paws are bothering them. Limping, excessive licking or reluctance to walk are clear signs that their paws need attention.

Taking these steps to protect your dog's paws in the winter not only ensures their comfort but also prevents potential health issues. In the following section, we'll look at how to adjust your dog's exercise and diet for the winter season, ensuring they stay happy and healthy throughout the colder months.

Do Dogs Sleep More in the Winter

As the days get shorter and the temperature drops, you might notice a change in your dog's sleeping habits. But is it normal for dogs to sleep more in the winter? The answer is yes, to some extent. Let's delve into why this happens and how you can ensure it's a healthy pattern.

Understanding Seasonal Changes in Sleep

During winter, the lack of sunlight and colder temperatures can lead to increased lethargy in dogs. This is a natural response, akin to the way some animals hibernate. Dogs may feel more inclined to curl up and rest, conserving energy for warmth. However, it's important to distinguish between normal increased rest and signs of potential issues like depression or illness.

Studies show that what changes most in winter is how deeply your dog sleeps. With less light in winter, dogs do seem to spend more time with their eyes closed, probably taking more naps, and they seem to sleep better in low-light conditions.

Monitoring Your Dog's Sleep

If you're concerned that your dog is sleeping too much or might be too cold, technology can help. Using a pet camera, like the Petcube Cam 360, allows you to monitor your dog's sleeping patterns and behavior when you're not home. This camera provides a 360-degree view, ensuring you can keep an eye on your puppy from anywhere.

Keeping Your Dog Comfortable and Warm

To ensure your dog is sleeping more out of comfort than due to being cold, consider the following:

  • Warm Bedding: Ensure your dog has a warm, cozy place to sleep. A bed with raised edges helps to keep drafts at bay.
  • Indoor Temperature: Keep your home at a comfortable temperature. If it's too cold, your dog may become lethargic due to the chill.
  • Exercise and Stimulation: Maintain a regular exercise routine. Physical activity can help regulate sleep patterns and ensure your dog isn’t just sleeping out of boredom.

When to be Concerned

While more sleep in the winter is normal, excessive sleep or changes in behavior (like a lack of interest in activities they usually enjoy) can be a sign of underlying issues. If you notice drastic changes or if your dog seems unwell, it’s important to consult a veterinarian.

Do Dogs Need More Food in Winter

The winter season can change a dog's energy requirements and metabolism. In colder climates, dogs may require more calories to help maintain their body temperature and energy levels. However, this isn't a one-size-fits-all rule. Here's what to consider:

Outdoor Exposure

Dogs who spend a significant amount of time outdoors in the cold may need additional calories. The extra energy helps them stay warm and active.

Indoor Dogs

For dogs who spend most of their time indoors, the calorie requirements may not change much. In fact, with reduced physical activity, some dogs might need fewer calories to avoid weight gain.

Breed and Size

Larger breeds with thicker coats may cope better with colds and might not need as much of an increase in food. Conversely, smaller breeds or those with short coats may need more.

Monitor Weight and Activity

Keep an eye on your dog's weight and activity level. Adjust their diet as needed in consultation with your vet, especially for dogs with health conditions.

How Often Should I Bathe My Dog in the Winter

Bathing your dog in winter requires a balance. While it's important to keep them clean, over-bathing can strip their coat of natural oils, leading to dry, irritated skin. Here’s a guide:

Less is More

Reduce the frequency of baths in the winter. Depending on your dog's breed and activity level, a bath once a month or even less can be sufficient.

Use the Right Shampoo

When you bathe your dog, use a moisturizing shampoo to help keep their skin from drying out.

Quick Dry

Make sure to dry your dog thoroughly after a bath. Leaving them damp can lead to chills and discomfort.

Spot Cleaning

For minor messes, consider spot cleaning with dog wipes or a damp cloth instead of a full bath.


House temperature for dogs in the winter?

A comfortable house temperature for dogs in winter is typically around 68–72°F (20–22°C). Ensure it’s warm enough to prevent your dog from feeling cold, especially at night.

Do dogs gain weight in winter?

Dogs may gain weight in the winter due to reduced activity and overfeeding. Monitor their diet and maintain regular exercise to prevent unwanted weight gain.

Should I exercise my dog in winter?

Exercise for your dog in the winter is crucial. Opt for shorter, more frequent walks, indoor play sessions, or activities like fetch or tug-of-war to keep them active.

What kind of things can I do with my dog in the winter?

Winter activities with your dog can include indoor training games, dog-friendly indoor events, playing in the snow, or enjoying cozy cuddle times at home.


Caring for your dog in the winter might require some adjustments, but with the right approach, you can ensure they stay healthy, comfortable, and happy. Remember to monitor their food intake based on their activity level and temperature, bathe them less frequently, and keep an eye on their sleeping patterns and overall health. Tools like the Petcube Cam 360 can help you keep a watchful eye on them, even when you're not home.

Embrace the season with your canine, knowing you’re providing them with the best care during the chilly months. As always, if you have any concerns about your dog's health or behavior, consult your veterinarian for personalized advice. Enjoy the winter wonderland with your four-legged companion!