Petcube releases Android app, announces shipping date

Hi everybody,

No long introductions this time, we are too excited to have a new kid on the block. Hint: it’s green, small and has two antennas on top. Please welcome the long-awaited Petcube for Android!

Sit back, make yourself comfortable, take a deep breath and get ready to face a strong cuteness overload. Some people might say that Petcube app with all the kittens, puppies, parrots and more is a serious productivity killer. Don’t listen to them, you can always… oh wait. We should go and like this photo first.

Where were we? Oh, Petcube is now on Google Play, and we’d love to hear your feedback. Please send all the comments at and don’t forget to give us a good rating. If it is deserved of course.

Some great news keep arriving from China. We finished T1 tooling stage and successfully tested the assembly line, which resulted in a number of interesting digits, if you’ll pundle the pun.

  • 7 people (including one tester and one quality assurance specialist) operate on the assembly line.

  • It takes 3 minutes and 30 seconds to assemble one Petcube Camera.

  • It takes 2 more minutes to test each device automatically, Petcube ‘talks’ to the tester in a pleasant female voice.

  • All of 30 PCBs (printed circuit boards) that were tested turned out to be good to go.

  • As a result, we got the first run of 30 Petcubes.

These babies were gently swaddled in their packaging and shipped to the USA. You might have noticed that the pictures on the boxes are printed at the wrong angle, but well, nobody’s perfect. Just kidding, these are the first packaging samples, so we’ll get them fixed and polished to match the contents. The only thing we’ll never change is the special thanks line.

You could probably got tired of us talking about all the tests, but we never get tired of doing some more. This time our engineers came up with a special platform to test out and calibrate the laser. This construction lets us measure how precisely the beam is controlled and update the software to make sure its movement is even more accurate.

After all hardware and software news, let’s talk about something bright, furry and extremely stylish. Every pet fashionista dreams about this fall’s catwalk (and dogwalk) must-have, but only few  (actually, those of our Kickstarter backers who chose it as a part of their pledge) will get a trendy Petcube skin.

Another big survey is going to hit the road. We’ll start to collect your mailing addresses on 15th of October. We know it’s been a long way and a long wait, but we're almost there. 27th of October is our target date to start the shipping. Fingers crossed.