Prominent Publications About Petcube

Today, Petcube is going through its arguably most exciting stage. The

startup has been widely covered in international tech media, raised some

$250,000 on Kickstarter and is gearing up to start shipments

The company sought $100,000 on Kickstarter this fall and attracted a whopping $251,000 over the course of its 42-day campaign.

The device itself looks like it came fresh out of the Apple store, complete with metal finish and rounded corners. 

Just like a webcam, any Petcube can be configured for shared or public access - which means that lonely shelter animals could get an additional dose of attention from people anywhere on Earth.

If you haven’t gotten your dose of cute cat footage for the day, watch this and then listen up. A startup called Petcube has launched a Kickstarter campaign today…

A kickstarter for a product called Petcube is the savior that lonely pets everywhere have been waiting for.

Long distance relationship: The Petcube app will let you play with your pets - and talk to them - on your smartphone from wherever you are in the world

The Petcube is a simple device, really: It’s essentially a Wi-Fi accessible webcam that you can control through a Web browser. Tap into live video and sound, point the camera where you like, and talk back. Such things already exist — but do they have lasers?

If you feel bad about leaving Fluffy home alone, consider giving her the laser treatment. Petcube is stylish box that lets you play with your pet when you’re away.

Playing a game of “chase the laser pointer” with a cat is one of the most compelling reasons to get a cat in the first place. But what to do when you go to work, or on a trip?

Introducing the Petcube, a simple but stylish home gadget that will soon become the sworn enemy of the animal kingdom.