The New Way Millenials Are Caring for Their Pets

Millenials are known for using tech to life hack their way to more free time, and now the trend has reached pets too. With the rise of dog walking apps and pet GPS trackers, millenials are turning to pet cams to make taking care of their fur kids that much easier.

Pet cams are the latest trend for busy professionals looking for ways to check on their pet while also climbing the corporate ladder. If you've ever seen hidden nanny cams or remember Angela's cat cam on The Office then you get the basic idea.

The newest twist though is that these cams actually let you play with you pet. Petcube pet cam has a laser pointer built in that you control with your finger on your smartphone. It makes playing with your pet as easy as playing Candy Crush.

The trend has even reached Hollywood where busy celebs are using pet cams to play with their pets from set. Recently Beauty and The Beast star Emma Watson called Petcube "life changing." Actors Miles Teller and LA LA Land composer Justin Hurwitz both grabbed Petcubes for their pets.

In addition to letting you play with your pet via laser pointer, Petcube Play has two-way audio to talk to and listen to your pet, and night vision so you can check on Fido when you're out on the town. For those totally obsessed pet parents that even have an Instagram for their four-legged friend, you'll be happy to know that Petcube's cloud recording feature lets you snap video anytime your pet barks or moves.

It's like Snapchat, but instead Snap-cat! You'll get alerts every time your pet barks or meows, so it's like you can talk to your pet from your smartphone. If you work long hours or like going out, Petcube is the way to be with your pet from anywhere.