Can Dogs Eat Kiwi?

Unlike grapes and raisins, it is safe for most dogs to eat kiwi fruit – but in moderation and with certain guidelines.

“It is one of the most commercialized fruits on the international front and is loaded with many nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, and its parts are well recognized for their medicinal and therapeutic properties against diseases associated with the cardiovascular system, diabetes, kidney problems, cancer, digestive disorders, bone, and eye problems.”

Extract from the article: Actinidia deliciosa (Kiwi fruit): A comprehensive review on the nutritional composition, health benefits, traditional utilization, and commercialization by D Satpal.

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  1. Is Kiwi Safe for Dogs
  2. Can Dogs Eat Golden Kiwi
  3. Can Dogs Eat Kiwi Skin
  4. Can Dogs Eat Kiwi Seeds
  5. Conclusion

Is Kiwi Safe for Dogs

Kiwi can be safe for your dog, although it is possible for dogs to be allergic to it too. If you would like to treat your dog with a piece of kiwi then you should do the following:

  • Wash the fruit properly under running water
  • Remove the skin
  • Remove the seeds
  • Cut the flesh into bite size pieces

When feeding your dog kiwi for the first time it is important to introduce it slowly and only one small piece at a time. In this way you will be able to pick up if your dog is seriously allergic to the fruit or not. The ideal time to test a new food that may cause an allergic reaction is in the morning, on a weekday. Most veterinary clinics are fully staffed in the mornings during the week, and you should be assisted quickly if your dog were to have an adverse reaction to this tasty nutrient packed fruit.

It is always handy to have a pet camera in your home so that you can check in on your pooch whenever you are not there. Some dogs love stealing food off the counter and many people have fruit in a bowl out in the open. You would be able to catch your companion in the act with a pet camera and see if he suffers any adverse reactions from stolen food. If you know your pooch is allergic to something it is best to keep it locked away and out of reach of those sneaky paws.

Can Dogs Eat Golden Kiwi

Yellow or otherwise known as golden kiwi is safe for dogs, just take care to follow the same steps as mentioned earlier when introducing this fruit for the first time.

Can Dogs Eat Kiwi Skin

The skin is not toxic to dogs but can cause digestive upsets, so I recommend peeling the fruit, and discarding the skin before giving your dog any. Some symptoms to look out for after first introducing kiwi fruit are:

If your dog shows any of the above symptoms it is best to get them to your nearest vet. At times like these you will wish you invested in Petcube Emergency Fund for your furry friend so that you don’t have to worry about any costs that may be incurred due to an allergic reaction and the treatment that will be required subsequently.

Can Dogs Eat Kiwi Seeds

As with the skin the seeds are not toxic, but it is best to eat those yourself and not feed them to your dog.


If your dog is generally sensitive to food other than his normal kibble diet or is prone to digestive upsets then it is best to avoid feeding any fruit, including kiwi.

Dr. K Turner’s article on Clinical characteristics of two-hundred thirty-two dogs (2006–2018) treated for suspected anaphylaxis in Perth, Western Australia says:

“Dogs presenting with suspected anaphylaxis showed a broad range of presentations. Dermatological signs were absent in a proportion of dogs, vasoconstrictive shock was more frequent than vasodilatory and unique features of shock were identified.”