How to Comfort a Cat in Pain?

It’s awful to think of your precious pets experiencing pain, but it is something that all pet parents will face at least once in their lives. Whether it’s internal pain, pain from a splinter in the paw, or any other kind of pain and discomfort, cats are ridiculously well at hiding it, which makes it hard to treat. That’s why we’re going to look at how to spot the signs of a cat in pain, how to comfort a cat in pain, and what NOT to do when you think your cat is in pain.

Are you ready? Let’s begin.

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  1. Do Cats Feel Pain Like Humans
  2. Can I Give My Cat Aspirin or Tramadol for Pain
  3. Can I Give a Cat Baby Medicines for Pain
  4. Home Remedies for Pain in Cats
  5. FAQs
  6. Conclusion

Do Cats Feel Pain Like Humans

Pain is a complex and multifaceted experience that can vary in its intensity, perception, and expression across different species, including cats and humans. While both cats and humans have a nervous system with pain receptors (nociceptors) and experience pain as a response to harmful stimuli, there are some differences in how pain is perceived and exhibited.

Cats can’t talk about their pain, but we, humans, can. We can also understand our pain thresholds, but we do not have a full understanding of how cats feel pain or whether it feels the same as human pain. We can’t be cats, after all.

If you notice your cat exhibiting the following symptoms on your Petcube Cam, they are likely experiencing some form of pain:

Cats are remarkably good at masking or hiding physical pain. For that reason, it is a good idea to have six-monthly routine checkups to ensure that nothing is causing your feline friend pain or discomfort.

Can I Give my Cat Aspirin or Tramadol for Pain

You should not give a cat pain medication such as aspirin or any other over-the-counter pain medication meant for humans without first consulting a veterinarian. Aspirin and many other common pain relievers (such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, Tylenol, etc.) can be toxic and dangerous to cats, even in small amounts.

Human medications such as aspirin, naproxen/Aleve, and ibuprofen/Advil can cause inappropriate blood clots, kidney damage, liver damage, stomach ulcers, and, in some cases, death.

Note: Your vet might prescribe very small doses of aspirin, but not for cat pain relief. Instead, it will be given to help with blood clotting disorders. The weight, breed, and other aspects of your four-legged friend are taken into consideration when administering a safe and effective dose of the drug.

Tramadol is another medication you shouldn’t give your cat without veterinary advice but is sometimes prescribed by vets for cats with chronic or long-term pain, particularly after surgical procedures, according to Pet MD research.

Can I Give a Cat Baby Medicines for Pain

No, you should not give your cat any medication designed for babies – for the same reason, you shouldn’t give pets adult human medications. Even in small, baby-sized doses, human medications are often deadly for cats, dogs, and other pets.

If your pet accidentally ingests adult or baby medications around the house, it is of the utmost importance that you seek immediate veterinary attention. It doesn’t take long for a fatal dose of a drug to be, well, fatal.

Home Remedies for Pain in Cats

If you need cat pain relief at home, there are a few things you can do. The importance of holistic or natural remedies for pain shouldn’t be overlooked, but they shouldn’t be used as an alternative to proper veterinary care.

Let’s look at the most effective and vet-recommended methods of cat pain relief.

1: Weight Loss
Is your cat overweight? Research shows that almost 60% of all domestic cats in North America weigh more than they should, and obesity is the number one cause of pain – not just in cats but in dogs, humans, and other animals, too!

Obesity reduces your pet’s life expectancy significantly, even if they are only a little bit overweight. Research shows that chunky cats are twice as likely to die between the ages of 6 and 12 years, which is considered middle age. The average life expectancy of cats is around 13 to 14 years, so that little bit of extra blubber could seriously reduce lifespan alongside increasing the chances of diabetes mellitus, joint diseases such as arthritis, non-allergic skin issues, and more.

2: Acupuncture
Believe it or not, acupuncture can provide the same physical benefits to cats as it can for humans, which means that it can be used as a form of holistic cat pain relief. You can’t just go to any old acupuncturist, of course; you’ll need to find one that specializes in cats and, more specifically, cats in pain. Your vet will likely point you in the right direction if you ask.

3: Home Accessibility
The older your pets get, the more they’re going to need an extra helping hand around the house. If your cat is getting on a bit (middle-aged or older), try to keep everything they need on one level, so they don’t need to climb, run, or stress their little limbs. Food and water bowls, litter trays, beds, toys, and more should be easily accessible, and this is even more so if your pet is overweight!

4: Love and Pats
A little bit of love goes a long way with pets, especially when they’re in pain. Purring is thought to promote healing in cats because of its low frequency and vibrational effects on the body. When you stroke your cat and they purr, you are essentially administering a biological form of pain relief. (And who doesn’t enjoy petting cats?)

5: A Quick Chat with a Vet
Petcube’s Emergency Fund doesn’t just give you up to $3,000 of emergency care for up to six pets; it also gives you access to a vet whenever you need them. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the middle of the night, Christmas Day, or any other they’re on hand, right on the other end of the phone.

A quick chat with a vet will let you know whether you need to take more urgent action regarding your cat’s pain. Alternatively, it can put your mind at ease, knowing it’s something that can easily be treated at home or might even go away of its own accord.

To say a huge thank you for reading the Petcube blog today, you’ll even get an additional 27% off by following this link. And, of course, thank you!


What can I give my cat for pain?

You cannot give your cat any kind of medication, whether it’s for pets, humans, children, or otherwise, without first having a chat with a vet. Human medication is not suitable for cats, but your vet will be able to prescribe cat-friendly pain relief that will help.

Cat in pain after glands expressed – what can i do?

Cats don’t usually need their glands expressed or emptied, but it can and does happen. The buildup of fluid can cause clogs, ruptures, abscesses, and infections, but lancing or otherwise expressing is quick, relatively painless, and will prevent any future or long-term issues.

Unfortunately, your cat can sometimes feel a little pain or discomfort after expressing itself. Your vet can prescribe pain relief, but this isn’t always necessary.


As much as we hope that our pets aren’t in pain, it is our responsibility, as pet parents, to make the pain go away if it does occur. The issue could be serious or simple, but you won’t know until you make an appointment with your vet to get your pet checked out. You’ll get peace of mind, your pet will get some relief, and everyone will go back to being happy!