What is Colitis in Cats?

Ever heard of colitis in cats? It's when your feline friend's large intestine or colon gets inflamed, causing all kinds of tummy trouble, including mucus or blood in their poop.

Bloody diarrhea is usually enough to send any cat parent into a frenzy, luckily, if the cause is colitis, MSD Manual study agree that it’s very treatable. But how do you know if your cat has colitis, what causes it, and how do you treat feline colitis? Let’s delve in.

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  1. What Causes Colitis in Cats
  2. Signs and Symptoms of Colitis in Cats
  3. How to Treat Colitis in Cats
  4. How Can the Emergency Fund Help with Treatment
  5. FAQs
  6. Conclusion

What Causes Colitis in Cats

Alright, let's start by decoding the mystery behind what might cause colitis in our cats:

  • Bugs & Germs: Just like we can get sick from germs, cats can too. Bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infections can mess with their intestines.
  • Physical Injury: Imagine getting a bruise or a cut. Similarly, any injury inside your cat's colon can lead to inflammation.
  • Food Issues: You know how some foods can upset our stomachs? Cats are no different. A sudden change in their diet or some unfriendly bacteria from food can lead to tummy troubles.
  • It's in the Genes: Just like some families might have a history of certain health problems, some cats might be more prone to colitis because of their genetics.
  • Past Sickness: If your cat had a disease or infection before, it might make their colon a little more sensitive.
  • Immune System Reactions: Sometimes a cat's body might overreact to some substances in their colon. This can cause inflammation and other issues.

When a cat first gets colitis, their colon might get little injuries and sores (ulcers). If they have had colitis for a long time, it changes how their colon works. For instance, they might have more mucus in their poop. They might also feel like they need to go to the bathroom more often or feel some belly discomfort.

Some experts think that infections, parasites, or allergies to certain foods might cause colitis, but we're still figuring that out. Another point to remember is that veterinary sources outline many different types of feline colitis.

If you're worried about your cat's health or just want to keep a close eye on them, the Petcube Cam is super handy. It lets you watch your kitty in real-time, making sure they're happy, healthy, and mischief-free!

Ulcerative Colitis in Cats

Ulcerative colitis in cats refers to a specific type of inflammation that affects the innermost lining of the colon. This condition results in ulcers or sores forming on the surface, making the area sensitive and irritated.

Cats with ulcerative colitis may experience discomfort, and you might notice symptoms like bloody diarrhea, mucus in the stool, or frequent trips to the litter box. The causes of this condition can vary, but often it's due to factors like infections, dietary triggers, or an overactive immune system.

Signs and Symptoms of Colitis in Cats

Colitis, or inflammation of the colon, manifests in cats through a range of noticeable signs. As a cat owner, it's essential to be aware of these symptoms, as they can indicate your feline friend's discomfort:

  • Diarrhea: Often the most evident sign, the diarrhea may contain blood or mucus, highlighting the irritation in the colon.
  • Frequent Litter Box Trips: Cats with colitis might visit the litter box more often than usual, sometimes with little to no result, showing their urgency and discomfort.
  • Straining to Defecate: Despite frequent visits to the litter box, your cat may strain to produce stool, indicating potential pain or discomfort.
  • Weight Loss: Persistent issues with the digestive system can lead to weight loss over time.
  • Lethargy: A cat experiencing discomfort or pain might be less active and show signs of fatigue or depression.
  • Abdominal Discomfort: Some cats may exhibit tenderness when their belly area is touched or palpated.
  • Increased Mucus in Stool: Due to the irritation in the colon, there might be a noticeable increase in mucus covering the feces.
  • Decreased Appetite: Cats might show less interest in food or even avoid eating altogether due to the pain or nausea.

How to Treat Colitis in Cats

When it comes to treating colitis in your beloved feline friend, it's essential to approach the condition holistically, focusing on both alleviating immediate symptoms and addressing underlying causes. Here's how colitis is typically treated in cats:

  • Dietary Changes: The first line of treatment often involves modifying your cat's diet. Veterinarians may recommend a hypoallergenic, high-fiber, or easily digestible diet. In some cases, feeding your cat a bland diet temporarily can help soothe the inflamed colon.
  • Medications: Depending on the severity and underlying cause of colitis, a vet might prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, or other medications to control inflammation and combat potential infections.
  • Probiotics: Beneficial bacteria can help restore balance in your cat's digestive tract. Probiotic supplements designed specifically for felines can aid in this.
  • Worming Treatments: If parasites are a suspected cause, your vet will likely recommend an appropriate deworming medication.
  • Increase Hydration: Dehydration can be a concern, especially if your cat has been experiencing diarrhea. Ensure they have constant access to fresh water, and consider introducing wet food into their diet to increase moisture intake.
  • Avoid Stress: Stress can exacerbate symptoms in cats. Ensure your cat has a quiet, safe space in your home, and try to minimize abrupt changes to their routine or environment.
  • Regular Veterinary Check-ups: Regular follow-ups with your vet are crucial to monitor your cat's condition and adjust treatments as necessary.
  • Avoid Over-the-counter Medications: Never administer human medications to your cat unless explicitly advised by a veterinarian. Many common human drugs can be toxic to cats.

In most cases, with the right care and treatment, cats can recover from colitis and lead healthy, happy lives. However, it's essential to act promptly and consult with a veterinarian if you suspect your cat is suffering from this condition.

How Can the Emergency Fund Help with Treatment

Navigating the health challenges of our furry companions can sometimes be financially overwhelming, especially when emergencies strike. Thankfully, the Petcube Emergency Fund is here to lend a helping hand. This invaluable resource offers cat owners up to $3,000 per month to cover unexpected veterinary bills, ensuring that your feline friend gets the care they need without delay.

Not only does the emergency fund assist with the financial aspect, but it also provides 24/7 immediate online vet care. If you notice symptoms in your cat that might be indicative of colitis or any other concerns, professional advice is just a click away. Quick access to knowledgeable veterinarians can be the key to understanding your cat's condition and seeking appropriate treatment promptly.

And here's a special treat for our readers: if you're considering using the Petcube Emergency Fund, you can take advantage of an exclusive 27% discount! Don't miss out on this opportunity to ensure both peace of mind for yourself and the best care for your feline companion.


Can cats get colitis from stress?

Yes, cats can develop colitis from stress. Stressful situations can lead to inflammation of the colon, resulting in symptoms like diarrhea.

What is stress colitis in cats?

Stress colitis in cats is inflammation of the colon triggered by stress, leading to symptoms such as diarrhea, frequent defecation, and sometimes mucus or blood in the stool.

What should you feed a cat with colitis?

For cats with colitis, it's advisable to feed them a bland, easily digestible diet, like boiled chicken or turkey and plain rice. Consultation with a veterinarian for specific dietary recommendations is crucial.

Can colitis kill a cat?

While colitis itself is not typically fatal, if left untreated or if complications arise, it can lead to severe dehydration and other health issues that may be life-threatening.

What is the life expectancy for cats with colitis?

With proper management and treatment, cats with colitis can live a normal lifespan. If the condition is chronic, it is usually manageable and doesn't necessarily reduce life expectancy.

How much does it cost to treat colitis in cats?

The cost of treating colitis in cats varies based on location, severity, and the chosen treatment method. This can range from dietary changes (relatively low cost) to more extensive vet visits, medications, or special diets, which can run into hundreds of dollars. Always consult with a veterinarian for specifics.


Cats, like humans, can face a range of health challenges, including colitis. Recognizing the signs and understanding the available treatments is crucial for every cat owner. The Petcube Emergency Fund stands as a beacon of support, both financially and medically, ensuring that our feline friends receive timely and necessary care.

Always be vigilant about your cat's health, and remember that early intervention can make all the difference. With the right knowledge and resources, you can ensure a happy and healthy life for your beloved pet.