Nose Bleed in Dogs: Normal or Not?

Some dogs get nosebleeds more frequently than others, and for some households, it could even be a regular occurrence. Despite that, however, epistaxis (the medical name for doggy nosebleeds) is not normal, often requires treatment, and always necessitates a consultation with a licensed vet.

It might be nothing… but what if it’s not? Let’s take a look at nose bleeds in dogs and what you need to worry about.

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  1. Symptoms of Nose Bleeds in Dogs
  2. Causes of Nose Bleeds in Dogs
  3. Treatment of Nose Bleeds in Dogs
  4. How Can the Emergency Fund Help with Treatment
  5. FAQs
  6. Conclusion

Symptoms of Nose Bleeds in Dogs

The most obvious symptom of a nosebleed in dogs is, of course, blood coming from the nose. You won’t always be around when the bleeding occurs, though, and it’s often the case that bleeds aren’t bad enough to trickle or drip. Your interactive Petcube Cam can help with this, allowing you to watch footage from previous hours or days and pinpoint when the symptoms started.

You should also keep an eye out for the following dog nosebleed symptoms:

  • Unexplained blood spots or pools around the home or yard;
  • Blood-stained bedding, blankets, couches, etc.;
  • Dried red flakes that fall from the nose when your dog breathes;
  • Pawing, scratching, or licking the nose more than normal;
  • Changes to breathing sounds (caused by blood, clots, or dried flakes);
  • Black poop (from swallowing nose blood);
  • Clumps or clots of blood in vomit;
  • Facial deformities;
  • Changes to the nose or face (swelling, redness, etc.);
  • Other unexplained symptoms (caused by an underlying issue).

Causes of Nose Bleeds in Dogs

If I were to list every single medical condition or issue that caused nose bleeds in dogs, we would be here forever. At the very least, we’d be there for a few hours. Anything from a minor bump to the nose to cancer and liver failure can cause it, with trauma and nasal tumors being the two most common, according to VCA Animal Hospital's research. For this reason, you must book an appointment with a vet as soon as you notice any kind of blood coming from the nose.

Here is a list of just a few of the most common causes of nose bleeds in dogs:

  • Fungal or bacterial infection;
  • Allergies or allergic reactions;
  • Anemia;
  • Foreign objects blocking the nose;
  • Sinusitis or rhinitis;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Polyps, tumors, growths, and other masses;
  • Disorders of the blood or clotting problems;
  • Dental disease and other oral and dental issues;
  • Side effect or reaction to medication;
  • Toxic poisoning;
  • Immune-mediated conditions;
  • Poisoning from household medications such as ibuprofen or aspirin;
  • Rocky mountain spotted fever and other tick-borne conditions.

Read more: Can Dogs Get a Stuffy Nose?

Dog Sneezing Blood: What Does It Mean

Given the potential seriousness of your dog’s bleeding problem, you must seek veterinary attention if you observe your dog sneezing blood. The vet will perform a thorough examination, which may include blood tests, imaging studies, and other diagnostic procedures, to determine the underlying cause and recommend appropriate treatment.

Treatment of Nose Bleeds in Dogs

The correct form of treatment for your dog’s nose bleeds will be heavily dependent on the root cause. Providing anti-poison treatments to a dog that has high blood pressure problems is not going to work because it doesn’t solve the problem.

Immediate care for your dog should include remaining calm and not freaking out at the sight of blood. Your poor pet will notice and panic alongside you, which does neither of you any good. Gently wipe away any blood from the nostrils using a clean, damp cloth or gauze, and keep your pet calm and quiet to minimize blood flow to the nasal area.

If the nosebleed is due to trauma or a foreign object, the veterinarian may need to remove the object or address any injuries. Minor wounds may be treated with antibiotics to prevent infection, and antibiotics or antifungal medications are prescribed if a bacterial or fungal infection has been identified.

Read more: Why Is My Dog's Nose Running?

How Can the Emergency Fund Help with Treatment

You should think of Petcube’s Emergency Fund as a digital safety net alongside a type of pet insurance alternative. Alongside $3,000 of emergency medical care for up to six pets in your home, you’ll also unlock access to licensed, friendly, and eager veterinarians around the clock.

It’s peace of mind plus emergency protection for less than $1 per day, and you’ll get an additional 27% off by using this link. Think of it as Petcube’s way of saying ‘thank you’ for being a loyal blog reader!


How long does a dog's nosebleed last?

The duration of a dog's nosebleed can vary widely, depending on the underlying cause. In some cases, a nosebleed may resolve on its own, while in other instances, it may be indicative of a more serious condition that requires veterinary attention. If the above-mentioned steps do not stop your dog’s nose from bleeding, it’s time to hand over the reins to a professional.

Can I give my dog human medication for a nosebleed?

No, you shouldn’t give your dog any kind of medication, whether it’s for allergies, sinusitis, or any other potential cause of nose bleeds. Without first consulting with a vet, you have no clue what the problem is. Human over-the-counter medications aren’t going to help with things like cancer, and without proper dosage knowledge, you could do more harm than good.

Is a dog's nose bleed due to heat?

In female dogs (bitches), a nosebleed can occur when they are in heat. The cycle of hormones can occasionally cause bleeding from the nose, but it is not normal, nor is it a common side effect of hormonal changes.

Are there home remedies for dogs sneezing blood?

There are no suitable home remedies for your dog sneezing blood if you do not know what the cause is. Even when you do know the cause, ignoring this symptom is a terrible idea. You can use the above-mentioned actions to stop your dog’s nose bleeding, but you shouldn’t attempt to diagnose or heal without seeing expert advice.


If your dog experiences a nosebleed, it is crucial to monitor the duration and seek veterinary attention promptly. If the bleeding continues for more than a few minutes or if it recurs, it's a sign that a professional evaluation is needed. Persistent or recurrent nosebleeds may indicate a more significant health concern that requires diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Remember that while minor nosebleeds may be benign, they can also be a sign of a serious underlying issue, so it's best not to ignore them.