Can Dogs Eat Oranges? Benefits of The Tasty Citrus

Does your dog go bananas for fruit? If your four-legged baby has a penchant for sweet and healthy treats, it’s crucial to know which are safe for them to indulge in.

Find out whether dogs can eat oranges and what you can expect when you treat them to a few slices of citrus:

  1. Can Dogs Have Oranges?
  2. The Good and The Bad
  3. Can You Give Dogs Any Citrus Fruit?
  4. The Takeaway

Can Dogs Have Oranges?

Some fruit can be quite beneficial to canines, but can dogs eat oranges? Yes, your pooch can enjoy this sweet and juicy fruit, as oranges are not toxic to dogs. The citric acid and natural sugars in oranges are not an issue unless you give your dog too much to eat.

Oranges are rich in vitamin C and fiber, also having a taste that most dogs like. Even though canines don’t need to be supplemented with vitamin C, fresh sources of this vitamin, like dog-safe veggies and fruits, can benefit a dog’s immune system.

But can dogs eat orange peels? Sometimes pet parents wonder whether dogs can eat peels as well since they contain even more nutrients than the fruit’s flesh, often because a naughty pooch gets ahold of some discarded rinds. Unfortunately, dogs can’t eat orange peels as they are hard to digest and cause intestinal blockage, so abstain from giving orange peels to your Fido as the risks outweigh the potential benefits.

Depending on your dog’s size, you can treat them to one or two slices (smaller breeds) or a whole small orange (big dogs). However, even though they are full of vitamins and are delicious, oranges shouldn’t be an everyday treat but rather an occasional delicacy.

Can dogs be allergic to oranges?

While fiber and vitamin C are all good, what about possible allergic reactions? Some unlucky canines happen to be allergic to citric acid. If you observe your pooch having skin inflammation, itching, loss of fur, or ear infection, it is likely an allergic reaction.

What’s more, your dog can also be allergic to limonene, a chemical primarily found in orange peels. That’s why you should introduce oranges to your dog’s diet carefully.

Can Dogs Drink Orange Juice?

Alright, but can dogs have orange juice? The juice often contains added sugar and has a high acidic concentration, which can cause stomach upset in canines. With juice, it might also be harder to see how much orange juice your dog consumed. It’s better to abstain from giving your pooch orange juice, especially since it has no significant health benefits for dogs.

The Good and The Bad

Are oranges good for dogs or is it best to keep those heavenly slices to yourself? Find out in the chart below:

The Good The Bad
Healthy treat Can cause issues for diabetic dogs
Low in calories Orange peels can cause digestive issues
High in vitamins and fiber
The Verdict: Your dog can eat oranges and enjoy some benefits, too!

Can You Give Dogs Any Citrus Fruit?

You know what they say: you shouldn’t mix apples and oranges, but do the same rules apply when it comes to feeding your dog another citrus? What about lemons, clementines, tangerines, or grapefruit? Here are some quick answers to help you make the right decision:

Can Dogs Eat Lemons?

The first question is: are lemons bad for dogs? Since lemons are not toxic or poisonous to dogs, dogs can eat them in tiny quantities. For the most part, lemons are nutritionally decent, primarily because of their high vitamin C and fiber content.

Still, you should be careful when giving lemon to your pooch. The lemon’s acidity can cause stomach irritation, vomiting, and weakness if consumed in large amounts. That’s why you should moderate how much lemon you slice for your Fido.

Can Dogs Eat Clementines?

Are clementines good for dogs? Well, there is not much difference between clementines and oranges. If you remove the peel and seeds and share only a few slices, your dog should be fine. However, keep in mind that ripe clementines are higher in sugar.

Can Dogs Eat Tangerines (mandarin oranges, mandarins)?

Although tangerines come from the same citrus family, this type of fruit is still a bit different. Dogs should be offered tangerines in moderation since these fruits are high in sugar. And if your dog has excessive weight or diabetes, you should mind the sugar intake extra carefully. So, can dogs have tangerines? Yes, but only occasionally and under your close supervision.

Can Dogs Eat Grapefruit?

No, this fruit is toxic to dogs. Both grapefruit peel and the plant itself are toxic to canines. Even if you peel the fruit and get the flesh, its nutritional benefits are not worth the risk. As the flesh itself is very acidic, it’s better to abstain from giving it to your dog. Some canines can also have an adverse reaction to eating grapefruit flesh, including vomiting and diarrhea.

The Takeaway

Forbidden fruit might be the sweetest, but when it comes to dogs, it’s best not to risk it. Fortunately, oranges are on the list of fruit that’s safe for dogs, so rewarding your dog with a few bites should not cause trouble. Still, be careful with how much you give and be cautious regarding a potential stomach irritation.

Rich in nutrients and with an irresistible taste, oranges can be a healthy treat for your four-legged friend’s sweet tooth!