Black cat poop is a troublesome sign that frightens pet parents worldwide. In this article, I, Ivana Crnec, DVM, will explain everything you need to know about black poop, or melena, in cats.

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  1. Why Is My Cat's Poop Black
  2. Black Tarry Stool in Cats
  3. How to Treat Black Poop in Cats
  4. Conclusion

Why Is My Cat's Poop Black

Studies explain that your cat’s black poop “can be the result of a primary insult to the GI tract or may be secondary to a systemic disease process.” Here are the top causes of black cat poop.

Old Poop

“If you aren't scooping right after kitty poops, they do tend to get darker the more they dry out,” explains a Reddit user. The drier the poop the darker it will appear on the outside.


Dry poop is always darker than fresh one, even if the drying occurs in the intestines. Cats that do not drink much water, tend to have dark stool. Severe dehydration causes constipation.

Dietary Changes

Changes in the cat’s diet can make the poop appear darker or even black. The color change is the result of raw ingredients in the diet or the presence of artificial colors.

Bile Problems

Blocked bile excretions can sometimes result in darkening of the stool in cats. Blockages are associated with various conditionjs, including gallbladder stones, pancreatic disease, and issues with the intestines.

GI Tract Bleeding

Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract can be caused by gastrointestinal ulcers, parasites, GI tumors, rodenticide poisoning, and certain medications, such as non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Finding the underlying cause of black cat poop can be tricky. Use the Petcube Pet Camera to monitor your cat’s daily activities and hopefully, determine the underlying problem.

Black Tarry Stool in Cats

Black tarry stool (melena) in cats occurs when there is bleeding in the upper GI tract. The blood is digested in the stomach and turns black. It can be tarry and particulated, hence described as coffee grounds.

“If your cat’s poop looks black, observe the poop to see if the color is uniform and if any red tint exists in any part of the stool,” advises Emily Swiniarski, DVM, in an article for Great Pet Care.

While black indicates bleeding in the upper GI, red means fresh blood or bleeding in the lower GI tract.

How to Treat Black Poop in Cats

To treat black poop in cats determine the underlying cause. The treatment options vary from healthy hydration in cases of constipation to surgery in cats with gallstones and ulcers.

Studies recommend that “any melena or even darker stool than normal should be reported to the veterinarian immediately.” Time is of the essence when bleeding is suspected.

Treating the causes of black poop in cats can result in expensive vet bills. For financial ease, we recommend the Petcube Emergency Fund.

The fund covers up to $3,000 for emergency veterinary expenses and 24/7 access to online vets. Use this link to get the fund at a 27% discount.


Black cat poop can indicate bleeding in the upper parts of the digestive system. Call the vet if you notice your cat’s poop is turning dark or black. The sooner you seek vet help the better the prognosis.

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