Should I Worry if My Cat's Poop Has Mucus?

When it comes to our feline friends, their litter box tells a tale. Noticing bloody mucus in cat stools can be a startling discovery for any cat parent, often riddled with worry and questions. This unexpected occurrence may manifest as your cat pooping bloody mucus or even exhibiting signs of diarrhea. But what does the mucus in cat stools really indicate?

Is it a sign of a mere dietary indiscretion that caused an upset tummy, or does it signal something more serious that warrants immediate veterinary attention? In this article, we unravel the mysteries and concerns surrounding this delicate topic, steering through scientific insights and expert guidelines, including studies and the MSD Veterinary Manual. Together, let’s decode the messages behind the mucus and navigate through the optimal pathways to ensure our cats’ vibrant health and vitality.

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  1. What Does Mucus in a Cat Stool Look Like
  2. Why Do Cats Poop Mucus
  3. What to Do If Your Cat Is Pooping Mucus
  4. How Can the Emergency Fund Help with Treatment
  5. FAQs
  6. Conclusion

What Does Mucus in a Cat Stool Look Like

Mucus in cat poop might look like a slimy, clear goo that's kind of like jelly. Sometimes, it can be a clear, viscous substance that covers the cat poop, but it might have streaks of blood in it, making it look red or brown. It can also be a greenish color. If you see fresh drops of blood, that's also something to watch out for.

The poop itself may be firm, runny, or just soft. Seeing mucus, especially with blood, means your cat might need to see the vet.

It's really important to spot these changes quickly to help your cat if they’re sick. Using a Petcube Cam can help you keep an eye on your cat when you're not around. That way, you can also see if there are other symptoms or changes in how your cat acts, which is helpful information for your vet. By keeping a close watch and knowing what to look for, you’re taking great care of your kitty!

Why Do Cats Poop Mucus

The mucus in a cat's poop comes from its stomach lining. Imagine the inside of your cat's tummy having a protective coat - when something's not right, like an irritation or infection, this coat (or mucus) might start to peel away and come out in the poop. It looks like a jelly-like substance sometimes mixed with poop.
So, why would there be mucus in your cat’s poop? Well, there's quite a list of reasons! It could be:

  • Bugs in the belly: Your cat might have internal parasites, such as whipworms.
  • Bad food reaction: Eating something they shouldn’t, like rotten food or something they're allergic to.
  • Infections: Sometimes cats get viral, bacterial (like Salmonella, Clostridium, or E. coli), fungal, or giardia infections that mess with their gut.
  • Serious sickness: Something more severe, like parvovirus, could be at play.
  • Chronic belly troubles: Ongoing gut issues, like inflammatory bowel syndrome.
  • Stress: Believe it or not, tummy issues can relate to stress too.
  • Blockages: Sometimes, injuries or even swallowed objects could trouble their tummy.
  • Kidney issues: Often, kidney problems can cause this mucus issue too.
  • Constipation: Your cat might poop hard and firm stools, sometimes even with a bit of blood, when constipated.
  • Colitis: If you notice bright red blood with soft stool and your cat is straining a lot but pooping very little, it could be colitis.

Seeing mucus, especially if it’s with other changes like blood or strange poop, means it’s time for a chat with the vet to get to the bottom of what’s happening inside your kitty’s belly.

What to Do If Your Cat Is Pooping Mucus

Discovering mucus in your cat’s stool can be worrying, but knowing what steps to take can help you navigate through this slippery situation.

Keep Calm & Isolate

Remember that while it's concerning, it’s also actionable. Staying calm will help you keep your kitty calm too. However, some diseases that cause jelly in the cat poop (or bloody diarrhea in cats) are extremely contagious, so make sure to separate your cat from other animals and sterilize objects like food bowls, shared surfaces, and toys. Also, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly after touching your cat.

Observe Other Signs

Note any other unusual behaviors or symptoms in your cat. Is your cat eating and drinking as usual? Acting differently? Any changes in its litter box habits? Observing will help your vet figure out what’s going on.

Collect a Sample

If you can, safely collect a small sample of the abnormal stool in a clean container. Your vet might need it for testing. You can also photograph the poop for your vet to see the consistency, color, and covering (the three “c's” of pet poop).

Consult a Vet

Never delay reaching out to a professional. Even if it turns out to be a minor issue, it’s always better to be safe and get expert advice.

Provide Comfort

Ensure your cat has a cozy place to rest and easy access to fresh water. Avoid trying any home remedies or changing its diet without vet approval.

Maintain Hygiene

Keeping your cat and their living area (especially the litter box) clean is crucial to avoid any further issues or the spread of potential pathogens.


Jot down any notable occurrences, like repeated mucus in the stool or other symptoms, as ongoing issues need to be shared with the vet. Make sure you know when any symptoms start.

Follow Vet Advice

Once you consult with the vet, adhere strictly to the provided guidelines, whether it involves administering medication, diet changes, withholding food, or further tests.

Monitor Progress

Keep a close eye on your cat's recovery. Any regression or failure to improve should be communicated to the vet promptly.

Prevent Future Issues

Discuss with your vet preventive measures like proper diet, identifying any food allergies, reducing stress, regular check-ups, and routine deworming to avert future instances of mucus in the stool.

Taking the right steps at the right time can make a world of difference in ensuring your feline friend's health and happiness. Remember, a vet is your best ally in decoding and dealing with health puzzles like mucus in your cat's poop.

How Can the Emergency Fund Help with Treatment

A sudden change in your cat's stool, such as the presence of mucus, might hint at an underlying issue requiring immediate veterinary attention. The Emergency Fund, costing approximately $1 per day, can be a pivotal aid in managing such unexpected circumstances by providing up to $3000 for emergency vet bills.

Not only does this fund financially shield you, but it also provides 24/7 online vet access to help ascertain whether the mucus in your cat’s poop signals an emergency, like an infection or an obstruction, or if it's something that can be monitored closely at home for a while before visiting the vet. Sign up now and avail of a 27% discount for our blog readers, ensuring your furry friend can always access the best care when they need it most!


Can stress cause mucus in the stool of cats?

Yes, stress can indeed cause mucus in a cat’s stool. When cats experience stress, their bodies react by altering digestive system functions, which can result in inflammation of the intestines. This inflammation may cause the intestines to shed more of their protective mucus lining, which then appears as a jelly-like substance on the stool.

Can anxiety cause mucus in the stool of cats?

Absolutely, anxiety can be a culprit behind the mucus in your cat’s stool. Anxiety can trigger various physiological responses, including gut health. Similar to stress, anxiety can lead to inflammation in the digestive tract, prompting an increase in mucus production, which can appear in the stool, indicating a possible internal struggle with their emotional well-being.

Why does my cat have mucus in his poop?

Mucus in a cat's poop can stem from several issues, like inflammation, infection, or irritation in the intestines. Potential reasons could include dietary indiscretions, parasitic infections, bacterial imbalances, or chronic conditions like inflammatory bowel disease. Moreover, stress and anxiety also stand as plausible triggers. It's pivotal to consult a vet for accurate diagnosis and management.


Ensuring our furry friends' well-being involves keen observation of their habits and routines. Mucus in your cat's stool can be an indication of various issues, ranging from stress to more severe gastrointestinal problems. Prioritize swift action, consult a veterinarian, and utilize tools and funds like an emergency fund to safeguard their health and happiness. Remember: early intervention can be the key to preventing more serious health issues down the line.