Dogs and Human Medications

When your dog has health issues, you may be wondering whether certain medications intended for humans may help your dog heal or feel better in the same way that they work for us humans. Before giving any human medications (whether over-the-counter or prescription), however, it is very important to consult with your veterinarian first for several reasons.

For one thing, while some human medications can be safe for dogs, doses for humans and dogs differ. Apart from this, some drug interactions may prove to be unsafe for your dog, so your veterinarian needs to review them first based on your dog’s medical history and other medications they may be taking (if any).

Also, there are several human medications that are toxic to dogs, which may potentially cause symptoms such as vomiting, gastrointestinal bleeding, diarrhea, liver failure, kidney failure, and seizures, among others.

Below are some examples of human medications and whether or not dogs can take them.

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  1. Can Dogs Take Claritin
  2. Can You Give a Dog Xanax
  3. Can You Give Dogs Kaopectate
  4. Can Dogs Take Antacids
  5. Can I Give My Dog Allegra
  6. Conclusion

Can Dogs Take Claritin

When we have allergies, popping an antihistamine may go a long way toward relieving our symptoms. But what about dogs suffering from allergies? Can they take antihistamines too? More particularly, can dogs take loratadine (Claritin)?

Is Loratadine Safe for Dogs

Generally, antihistamines such as Claritin are safe for dogs at the proper dose and with the supervision of a veterinarian. Meanwhile, among the common side effects are drowsiness and hyperactivity.

Note, however, that some over-the-counter antihistamines may contain ingredients that are dangerous for dogs (e.g., decongestants), so be sure to look at the labels to make sure that the product is purely antihistamines.

While Claritin for dogs may generally help relieve allergies, it may be fatal for some. As a precaution, Claritin (Loratadine) for dogs shouldn’t be given to the following:

  • Young pups;
  • Those who have kidney, liver, or keratoconjunctivitis sicca disease;
  • Pregnant and nursing females;
  • Dogs that have an allergic reaction or are sensitive to loratadine;
  • Dogs that are taking contraindicated medications such as erythromycin antibiotics, cimetidine antacid, or ketoconazole antifungal medications.

Before giving your dog claritin, remember to consult with your veterinarian first to be sure if it is safe for your particular dog’s case. If you notice any severe side effects, stop giving it to your dog and call your vet immediately.

To monitor your dog and detect if anything’s amiss, having a high-quality and innovative pet camera such as the Petcube Cam is a worthy investment. With it, you’ll be able to detect and address any symptoms of illness early on.

Can You Give a Dog Xanax

If your dog has specific fears and anxieties, you may wonder: Can dogs take Xanax and can it ease their worries?

Xanax can be prescribed by some veterinarians to treat dogs who have anxiety and certain fears. It is commonly given on a short-term basis only.

With the right dose, negative side effects aren’t common, but they may happen. The negative side effects may include restlessness, overexcitement, and aggression.

Serious Risks of Too Much Xanax in Dogs

If your dog was prescribed Xanax, remember not to give them more than the dose prescribed, as too much can cause serious side effects such as:

If you suspect that your dog took too much Xanax or if they are exhibiting serious side effects, it is crucial to contact your veterinarian immediately.

Ingesting too many medications may lead to poisoning in your dog, which is a pet emergency. In such cases, immediate treatment is needed, and it comes with a high price tag. As a pet owner, having the support you need during such situations is gold.

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Can You Give Dogs Kaopectate

Kaopectate is a common medication taken by humans for conditions such as diarrhea or indigestion. Meanwhile, even if it hasn’t been approved by the FDA for use in dogs, some veterinarians prescribe kaopectate for dogs if they exhibit comparable symptoms.

Kaopectate Dose for a Dog

Usually, the dose of kaopectate for dogs per pound of body weight is 0.5 to 1 ml. However, this is also dependent on the specific medication’s active ingredient and level of concentration. Given this, consulting with your veterinarian is necessary before giving your dog Kaopectate or any other medication. In addition, following your veterinarian’s instructions when giving medications is crucial.

Can Dogs Take Antacids

According to NCBI research, antacids in small quantities of 0.25 mb/lb are safe for dogs and may be recommended by your veterinarian as a short-term treatment to help relieve the onset of your dog’s symptoms.

Depending on the brand of antacid, the active ingredients may vary. Among the mineral compounds that antacids may contain are:

  • Sodium bicarbonate;
  • Calcium bicarbonate;
  • Magnesium hydroxide;
  • Aluminum Hydroxide.

“What antacid can I give my dog for optimum results?”, you might be wondering. Those that contain magnesium and aluminum are said to be the most effective.

Before giving antacids to dogs, it is important to consult with your veterinarian first to make sure that it is safe for your dog.

Can I Give My Dog Allegra

Allegra is another medication used to treat allergies in humans. So can dogs have Allegra too if they’re exhibiting symptoms of an allergy?

Allegra is safe to be given to dogs in its standard formula (containing only fexofenadine hydrochloride). On the other hand, other formulations such as Allegra for children and Allegra D shouldn’t be given to dogs since they contain xylitol and a decongestant, respectively, both of which are toxic to pets.

While the above human medications are generally safe in the right doses and conditions, there are those that are known to be very dangerous to dogs. For example, Advil or Aleve, which are non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, may result in organ damage or life-threatening effects.


Some human medications may indeed help relieve a dog's symptoms. However, because human medications may not always be safe for dogs, it is crucial to consult your veterinarian first. Also, even if you hear success stories of other pet users who have used human medications with their dogs, it doesn't necessarily follow that the same medication will have the same effect on your dog.