Are you worried your cat might have problems with its heart, showing signs of weakness and difficulty in breathing? Heart murmurs could be a leading cause of that. This condition is commonly reported to the Veterinarian with many cats diagnosed with heart murmurs. As you read on, you will learn more about this condition, its causes, symptoms and treatment.

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  1. Cat Heart Murmur Symptoms
  2. What Causes Heart Murmur in Cats
  3. Treatment for Heart Murmur in Cats
  4. FAQs
  5. Conclusion

Cat Heart Murmur Symptoms

Symptoms of heart murmur in cats could be vague at the onset, early symptoms like body weakness or poor appetite would be noticeable as the condition progresses. More symptoms could emerge as the condition develops into complications like congestive heart failure (CHF). These symptoms include:

These symptoms can be noticed on time if cat owners set up the Petcube Camera in their homes and watch out for symptoms of murmurs in their cats even while away.

What Causes Heart Murmur in Cats

Heart murmurs in cats are caused by blood flow turbulence in the heart, primarily a Systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve as revealed in an examination carried out on cats. In simple terms, a distortion of blood flow in the heart can lead to murmurs. These abnormal blood flow are caused by a couple of factors which might be congenital or of acquired origin.

Congenital Anomalies

In kittens especially, a heart defect such as an abnormal heart structure or deformed valves like in an Atrial septal defect could result in murmurs. An assessment done on cats shows that structural heart disease potentially leads to murmurs as the heart has a sophisticated blood flow network design which when displaced would lead to conditions like murmurs caused by either a shunt of blood flow or an obstruction.

“Physiological murmurs in kittens are usually harmless and would disappear by 4 months of age”,- Dr. Ricky Walther

Acquired Anomalies

A concurrent infection or a disease condition in the heart could also lead to murmurs in cats. These conditions could be acquired during development and would include any of the following:

  • Anemia
  • Obesity
  • Stress\Anxiety
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Blood clot in the heart (Thromboemboli)
  • Parasites (Heartworm)
  • Endocarditis
  • Hypertension

“My cat was diagnosed with a heart murmur caused by anxiety, the Vet confirmed that the murmur occurs only when he is picked up”, - Reddit’s User

As a Veterinarian, I have encountered many cases of cat murmur and have observed that the physiological parameters of cats are sometimes high when brought to the Vet due to anxiety. They show symptoms like rapid breathing and murmur which don’t necessarily indicate a health condition.

Treatment for Heart Murmur in Cats

To treat heart murmur in cats, a proper diagnosis should be done to confirm the genesis of the condition and rule out any underlying systemic condition or abnormal heart structure. Tests such as a full blood work, chest radiographs, and electrocardiogram with a Doppler examination are used to diagnose a heart murmur.

A heart murmur is treated according to its symptoms, stage and severity. If a murmur is coming from a concurrent heart condition like CHF, cardiac medications would be effective alongside diuretics and oxygen therapy.

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The murmur from congenital conditions may address itself as the kitten grows or would need surgery as the case may be. Physiological murmurs resulting from stress could also resolve on their own after the cat has rested enough.


What is a heart murmur in cats?

Heart murmurs in cats are whooshing sounds produced in the heart due to a turbulent blood flow caused by an underlying heart condition or defect.

Can stress cause a heart murmur in cats?

Yes! Stress could lead to murmurs in cats as seen in a research conducted in some cats.

How long can a cat live with a heart murmur?

Cats could live with a heart murmur as long as it’s only physiological and would go away. But it could be fatal if it's caused by a heart condition.


Heart murmurs in cats could be caused by physiological stress, a congenital heart defect or an underlying heart condition which when resolved on time would give the cat a good prognosis. It is not life-threatening only when reported on time to the Veterinarian and given the right medication.

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