Gas in Dogs: Dog Farts Are Real!

As any dog owner will know, dog farts are real. Very real. They can stink, they can linger, they can be loud, and as well as making you turn your nose up (or laugh), they can also be a sign of another underlying medical cause that requires treatment.

But let’s start with the basics first.


  1. Doggy Farting: What is that Gas?
  2. Symptoms of Gas in Dogs
  3. Causes of Dog Farts
  4. Long-Term and Serious Causes
  5. Gassy Dog Breeds
  6. Diagnosis of Gas in Dogs
  7. Online Vet
  8. Treatment of Gas in Dogs
  9. FAQ

Doggy Farting: What is that Gas?

According to research, a buildup or excess of air causes gas in dogs, also called flatulence. The air needs to escape somehow, so it does so via the rear end of your dog (farting) or via the mouth (burping). If the gas is not expelled, it can cause pain and discomfort as well as other medical conditions.

Symptoms of Gas in Dogs

As well as the rather obvious sign of excess gas in dogs – burping and farting, you may notice the following symptoms:

  • The dog has gas pains and discomfort;
  • Unusual aggression or grumpiness;
  • Lingering bad smell (that you didn’t cause!);
  • Bloated stomach;
  • Odd or unusual digestive noises (stomach grumbles).

Causes of Dog Farts

There is a wide assortment of causes behind gas, excess gas, and trapped gas in dogs. Some of them are benign and nothing to worry about, for the most part. Others are more serious, however.

Read more: 7 Critical Signs Your Pet Needs Immediate Veterinary Attention

Natural Gas Production

As food is digested by the stomach, hydrogen sulfide gas is created by microorganisms, such as naturally occurring bacteria. Because of this natural digestive by-product, a certain amount of gas (burping and farting) each day is normal. (Just as with humans.)

If the gas cannot escape, it becomes trapped gas or wind, which can be quite uncomfortable and, at times, even painful. If you, as a human, have ever suffered from trapped wind, you’ll know just how unpleasant it can be, especially for a prolonged period.


A buildup of gas can also be caused by your dog swallowing mouthfuls of air as they drink or eat. Fast, voracious, greedy eaters tend to suffer from excess gas more than slow eaters.

Allergies and Intolerances

Allergies and dietary intolerances are common causes of gas in dogs. This cause will likely become more obvious. The more you feed your pooch a certain type of food (for example), the more they will experience gas. As soon as you stop feeding them that food, the gas will stop.

Sensitive Stomachs

Despite once being wild creatures, dogs have quite sensitive stomachs. They are sensitive to changes in the type of kind of food you give them, and they won’t always be able to handle human foods. Feeding your pampered pooch leftovers of your dinner can lead to digestive problems, which will then lead to excess or trapped gas.

You should avoid letting your dog get into human food, other pet food (such as cat food), or the trash can if you want to avoid gas in dogs and other digestive issues.

Long-Term and Serious Causes

In some cases, gas in dogs is caused by something more serious, requiring urgent or long-term medical treatment. These include:

Gassy Dog Breeds

There is some evidence to show that some breeds of dogs are gassier than others. It probably comes as no surprise that short-nosed breeds are farty little monsters. Because of their short and flat noses, breathing is disrupted. They tend to swallow a lot of air as they gobble up food, causing an excess that they then need to expel.

The British bulldog is one of the farting champs, but other gassy dog breeds include:

  • Boxers;
  • Pugs;
  • Pit bulls;
  • Lhasa Apsos;
  • Shih Tzus;
  • Beagles;
  • Dobermans;
  • Golden retrievers;
  • Terriers, particularly Yorkshire and Boston terriers.

Diagnosis of Gas in Dogs

If you’re worried about your dog’s gas situation, you should have them checked out by a vet. Although most cases of gas in dogs are benign and nothing to be concerned about, there are times when it is a symptom of a more serious condition.

If your dog’s gas isn’t going away, smells worse than usual, makes unusual noises, or is accompanied by other symptoms, it’s time to make a vet appointment.

Other concerning symptoms include:

Your vet will perform diagnostic tests to pinpoint the cause of the gas, such as blood tests, urine and stool tests, and physical examinations. It is important to give your vet a list of all symptoms your poor pooch has displayed.

This isn’t always easy, especially if you aren’t at home throughout the day. Investing in an interactive pet camera can help, allowing you to keep an eye on your furry family and notice when something isn’t quite right.

Online Vet

Not sure if your doggo’s farts are a sign of something more serious? Why not have a chat with one of Petcube’s online vets? With 24/7 access and a team of fully qualified animal care experts, you can ask questions, have your pet checked over, and get a definitive answer before wasting your time, money, and effort on an unnecessary trip.

Treatment of Gas in Dogs

The treatment of gas in dogs will depend on the cause. If this is indigestion or a food allergy/intolerance, your vet will recommend a change in diet, to something that doesn’t affect your pet’s sensitive stomach.

In some cases, the underlying cause of gas in dogs can be quickly and easily treated, either with dietary changes, increased exercise, doggy massage (to encourage the gas out), or a course of medication. The latter will be the case for infection or parasite-based causes.

Problems such as acute gastroenteritis can go away by themselves, so plenty of fluids and rest might be on the cards.

You can buy pet feeding bowls that are designed to reduce air intake when feeding. These have raised nodules and bumps in the bottom, to slow down the rate at which your pup consumes them.

Your vet will recommend a course of treatment specific to the cause.


What is a “normal” amount of gas in dogs?

Each dog is different, just as each human is different, so there is no “average” or “normal” when it comes down to gas. You may find that your puppy has terrible has. Other dogs don’t seem to get gas at all. You know your dog better than anyone else, so you’ll know what a normal amount of gas is for them.

Dog gas relief home remedy

You should avoid feeding your pup human foods, anything spicy or acidic, cheese-based foods, milk-based foods, and doggy treats. Taking your pooch for a walk can help to encourage excess or trapped gas to be expelled from the body, and you can also try doggy massage.

This will mean using your hands to rub your dog in specific places to try and work the gas through the digestive system quicker.

What can you give a dog for gas and bloating?

It is not recommended to give your dog any human medications designed to ease gas and bloating. Such medications have not been designed for canine consumption and the outcome might not be as you expected. Speak with a vet, either online or in person, for recommendations. They will be able to suggest gas meds for a dog.