How Often Should You Take Your Dog to the Vet?

Taking on the role of a pet parent is a huge responsibility. Not only do you need to ensure the happiness of your new little bundle of cute, but your job now is to ensure that your new best friend is in tip-top shape throughout their life.

Just like in humans, your doggos need regular check-ups and vet visits to ensure that they're living their healthiest and best life. Unlike humans, your dog can't tell you when something is a little off or if they're not feeling great. So, regular check-ups are essential in catching ailments and issues before they can become bigger, more serious issues.

So, what's the sweet spot? How often do you need to take your dog to the vet? What's the ideal schedule for dog vet visits?


  1. Recommended dog vet visit schedule
  2. When to take your dog to the vet
  3. What happens at a vet check-up?
  4. Online vet visits vs. in-person visits
  5. What vaccines do dogs need every year?
  6. When to take your dog to the emergency vet?
  7. Online Vet and Emergency Fund by Petcube
  8. FAQ

Throughout your dog's life, their veterinary needs will vary. According to research, vet visits for puppies will be more frequent, especially in their first year, to ensure they get all their vaccinations and boosters and to make sure they're growing well and are healthy. Also, within this time, you'll need to sterilize your pet.

As your puppy matures into adulthood (between 1 and 7 years old), you'll most likely see a slight decrease in the number of vet visits required. A yearly visit is recommended, at least. Mostly, you'll need to stay on top of vaccines and ensure a general check-up to make sure your dog is in good shape. Dental health will be a big part of your vet's care during this phase of life.

As your dog graduates into his senior years, you'll need to aim for twice-yearly vet visits. During these visits, your vet will do a full physical exam and give the relevant vaccinations. As your pet is getting older, your vet may want to do urine and blood tests to check on hormone levels, kidney health, and liver health and address any concerns that you may have.

When to take your dog to the vet

  • Birth to 1 year: every 3 or 4 weeks until 16 weeks, then at six months again for sterilization;
  • 1 to 7 years: Minimum of once a year for vaccinations and dental check-ups;
  • 7 to 10 years and older: twice-yearly check-ups to stay on top of vaccinations and to do blood and urine test to ensure optimum health.

What happens at a vet check-up?

Whether you're visiting your vet for a routine check-up or for a specific ailment, your vet will perform a physical exam on your dog. What does your vet do during a physical exam? Well, each vet may have their own routine, but generally, the following will be included:

  • Observing your pet to assess their mental wellness – is the dog nervous? Does the dog appear stressed? Some dogs really dislike the vet, so to avoid being bitten, this is usually the first step your vet will take in a physical exam.
  • Looking for signs of physical discomfort or weakness – a limp, signs of pain, or shakiness.
  • Your vet will give your dog's face a good look for any discharge around the eyes and nose, as well as any swelling.
  • Next, your vet will check your pet's eyes, ears, and mouth to look for signs of inflammation and infection.
  • Listening to the chest – to pick up any irregularities in the heartbeat and lungs.
  • Checking the belly for any painful or swollen organs.
  • Looking at the skin for any sores or parasites and checking the body for any lumps.
  • An orthopedic exam will help your vet check for any pain and stiffness in the joints.
  • Taking your dog's temperature.

Usually, a physical exam gives enough information for a vet to make a diagnosis, but at the very least, it will inform which further diagnostic tests need to be performed to confirm a diagnosis.

Online vet visits vs. in-person visits

We know that getting your dog to the vet can be a tricky and sometimes traumatic experience for you both. And if there's one good thing that came from the recent COVID-19 pandemic, it's that we're now able to do more things online than ever before, including online vet visits.

But it's important to know where online vet visits can fit into your life and be of benefit and when it's better to rustle up Rover and go to the vet physically.

An online vet visit can be super useful if you have questions or queries that you'd like to ask or concerns that you'd like to discuss with your vet. For these conversations, a physical vet visit isn't essential. Similarly, if you've had a physical appointment and need to follow up with the vet on your pet's progress, a virtual vet visit can be a real-time saver.

While online vet visits can be useful, they're certainly not a replacement for in-person visits and should not be relied upon, especially not when your dog is very unwell and needs medication or emergency care.

Read more: What To Expect From An Online Vet Visit

What vaccines do dogs need every year?

During your puppy's first year, they'll need a few vaccines and boosters to ensure that they have the best start in life. But vaccines aren't a one-and-done deal. They need to be regularly re-administered or boosted at regular intervals.

If you maintain a regular schedule of check-ups, your vet will ensure that all your dog's vaccinations are up to date.

Vaccines for rabies, canine parvovirus, distemper, and canine adenovirus are considered core vaccines and are highly recommended, if not legally enforced, in many regions.

Not all of these will need to be updated annually. Some vaccines can last three years before needing to be re-administered. Check out our pet vaccinations guide for more details.

Read more: Pet Vaccinations Guide For Cats & Dogs

When to take your dog to the emergency vet?

Outside of your regular check-ups with the vet, there may be times when you need emergency care for your doggo. If you're not sure, you can try a virtual vet visit as a form of triage to decide if your dog's condition is serious enough to warrant an emergency visit or if it's something you could manage at home.

The following are usually reasons for getting to the vet as soon as possible:

  • Problems with breathing;
  • Weakness or sudden collapse;
  • Difficulty urinating, unusual stool, bloody stools, and consistent diarrhea;
  • Refusal of food and water for more than a day;
  • Gastric bloating and unsuccessful attempts to vomit.

Online Vet and Emergency Fund by Petcube

With Online Vet by Petcube, you have access to a team of trained veterinarians in real-time at any time of day or night.

Get answers and advice in seconds from your phone or computer and take the stress and anxiety out of pet parenthood. No more guesswork. And all this for just $19.99 a month.

For an additional $9 a month, you can also have $3000 in emergency medical funds available to you each year.

If your dog does require an emergency vet visit, those vet bills can rack up pretty fast. Having an emergency fund can help you get through the trauma and ensure your pup receives the treatment they need.


How often should I take my dog to the vet?

After your puppy's first year, once a year is a good benchmark for how often you should take your dog to the vet. This is to ensure that all your dog's vaccinations are up to date and you're checking his general health and teeth.

What to expect at puppies' first vet visit?

The following are common at your puppy's first vet visit. They will:

  • Weigh your puppy;
  • Listen to his heart and lungs;
  • Take his temperature (the old thermometer-up-the-butt routine - a necessary evil);
  • Examine his eyes and ears and nose and feet;
  • Check his skin and coat;
  • Check his mouth and teeth;
  • Examine his poop for worms;
  • Discuss things like microchipping, feedings, general care, and sterilization;
  • Schedule follow-up appointments for vaccinations;
  • Prescribe any medications needed. Make sure to take notes on how much to give and when so you don't forget.

My dog gets aggressive at the vet – what do I do?

Some dogs just really don't like the vet. Some dogs can get aggressive and try to bite the vet or the vet staff. So, what do you do if you know your dog gets aggressive at the vet?

  1. Be open with the vet and staff – give them a heads-up that you're coming in and that your dog tends to be a little aggro.
  2. Get a muzzle to avoid your dog causing injury to anyone.
  3. Get a calming collar or some calming medication.
  4. Ask your vet about neutering your dog if it's male.
  5. Try not to make the experience traumatic, as this will reinforce the aggression.
  6. If your dog is aggressive with the other dogs and cats in the waiting room, consider some socialization training at a puppy school.