Welcome to our lighthearted yet expert guide on handling a not-so-fun topic: nausea in cats. Just like us, our feline companions can feel under the weather, but they can't exactly tell us what's wrong. Our mission? To help you decode those subtle signs and provide the best care for your whiskered pals, with a sprinkle of humor to keep things positive!

Of course, to make sure you get the best possible insight into cat nausea, especially if they aren’t eating, we’ve incorporated the best veterinary research from experts like Dr. Hannah Kenward from the Royal Veterinary College.

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  1. Symptoms of Nausea in Cats
  2. Treating Nausea in Cats
  3. Natural Nausea Remedy for Cats
  4. How Can the Emergency Fund Help with Treatment
  5. FAQs
  6. Final Thoughts

Symptoms of Nausea in Cats

Cats are masters of disguise, especially when they're feeling queasy. Unlike us, they don't just say, "Hey, I'm feeling sick!" Instead, they show us through their behavior. Keep an eye out for the following signs that your cat is experiencing nausea:

  • Lack of Appetite: If your cat is turning up its nose at its favorite treats, it might be a sign they're feeling nauseous.
  • Increased Drooling: A little drooling is normal for some cats, but a drool fest? That's a red flag.
  • Lethargy: If your normally playful kitty is acting more like a sleepy sloth, it could be a symptom of feeling unwell.
  • Repeated Swallowing or Gagging: This is a big sign! If you see this, your cat might be feeling queasy.
  • Constant Licking: If your cat won’t eat, is salivating a lot, and is licking surfaces or themselves, it’s a sure sign of nausea.
  • High-Tech Help: Worried about missing these signs? Consider a Petcube camera. This nifty gadget lets you keep an eye on your furry friend even when you're not home. It's like a cat spy cam – for their health!

Remember, these symptoms could be subtle, so it's all about being super-sleuth in your cat's behavior. If you notice any of these signs, it's time to switch to detective mode and possibly consult your vet. After all, you're the Watson to your cat's Sherlock!

Treating Nausea in Cats

When your cat's tummy is doing the twist and shout, it's time to look at treatment options. Of course, you'll want to do this with the guidance of your vet because, let's face it, we're not cat doctors, even if we've watched every episode of "Vet School".

Medication for Feline Nausea

Your vet is more likely to use a specific anti-nausea medication for cats. Maropitant Citrate, commonly known by the brand name Cerenia. This medication is a well-known antiemetic, which means it's designed to stop vomiting. Originally used for dogs, it's also found its way into the feline world.

Here's the interesting part: its use in cats to treat nausea and vomiting is considered 'off label'. This means it wasn't originally intended for cats, but vets have found it can be effective. Plus, it has a bonus feature – it may also act as a mild pain control medication.

Another possible medication is Ondansetron, also known by its brand name Zofran. It's an anti-emetic (fancy term for anti-vomit) that can be a real game-changer. A study in ScienceDirect suggests its effectiveness. The usual dose? About 0.11 mg per pound (0.22 mg/kg) every 8 to 12 hours.

Butorphanol can also be a helper for our nauseous kitties. Again, this is a vet conversation – they'll give you the lowdown on what's best for your cat.
Big No-No: Pepto Bismol is not cat nausea medicine!

Now, this is super important – never, ever give your cat Pepto Bismol or any product with Bismuth Subsalicylate. Why? It's like poison to them, causing all sorts of scary things like anemia, ulcers, and liver failure. Don’t believe us? Check out these studies on ScienceDirect.

Also, be careful of any over-the-counter remedies for cats with tummy troubles. Many human OTC nausea medicines, like Pepto Bismol, are critically dangerous to cats.

Post-Vomit Care

If your cat is sick and vomiting, follow these steps:

  1. No food for 2–3 hours after vomiting. It's like pressing the reset button on their tummy. Let their stomachs rest.
  2. Make sure they have access to fresh water. Hydration is key.
  3. If they don't throw up again, start with a teaspoon of bland, low-fat food every 2-3 hours for the first day. Think of it as easing their stomach back into the eating game.

Keep an eye on your cat's progress with a Pet camera. This way, you can monitor their recovery and ensure they're on the mend even when you're away.

Remember, your vet is your go-to person for all things nausea-related for your cat. They're the ones with the expertise to guide you through this tummy turmoil!

Natural Nausea Remedy for Cats

A word of caution: When it comes to our feline friends, 'natural' doesn't always mean 'safe.' Cats can be sensitive little creatures, and many things that are harmless to us and dogs can be dangerous for them. But fear not! There are still some natural remedies you can try to help ease their tummy troubles.

Ginger Tea

Ginger is known for its stomach-soothing properties, and it’s generally safe for cats in small amounts. A small amount of ginger tea can help settle your cat's stomach. Just make sure it's cool and given in small amounts – we're talking just a few licks.

Mineral Oil for the Movers

Sometimes, nausea in cats is due to constipation or hairballs. A little bit of mineral oil can help move things along. But, and this is a big but, make sure your cat doesn't inhale it. The aspiration for mineral oil can be really bad news. The dose? Usually just a teaspoon, but your vet should give the final word on this.

Hydration Hacks

Keeping your cat away from food for a bit and ensuring they stay hydrated can help. A bit of low-sodium chicken broth can be a gentle way to keep them hydrated and soothe their stomach. Just make sure it's really low on salt and has no onions or garlic – those are a no-go for cats.

The Catnip Calmer

Catnip isn't just for fun; it can also help soothe your cat's stomach. A little bit of this magical herb goes a long way.


This is a bit of a newer area in pet care. If you're considering CBD oil, it's crucial to use products designed specifically for pets and to stick to the recommended dosage. Your vet can guide whether this is a suitable option for your cat and what dosage to use.

Dosage and Safety

With all these natural remedies, it's super important to remember that less is more. Always start with tiny amounts and see how your cat reacts. Before trying anything new, a quick call to your vet can give you peace of mind and ensure you're doing your best for your furry buddy.

Natural remedies can be a helpful addition to your cat's nausea treatment plan, but they should be used wisely and in conjunction with advice from your vet. Remember, our goal is to make those purrs come back, not add to their woes!

How Can the Emergency Fund Help with Treatment

When your cat is feeling queasy and you're worried about treatment costs, the Petcube Emergency Fund (Petcube Emergency Fund) can be a lifesaver. It's like having a financial guardian angel for your feline family member. It also gives you access to 24/7 online vets if your cat gets sick after hours and covers up to $3000 in emergency vet bills.

This fund is designed to help pet parents manage unexpected veterinary expenses. We all know how quickly vet bills can add up, especially when dealing with something like nausea in cats, which may require multiple treatments or medications.

Here's some good news! As a reader of our blog, you get a special 27% discount. Just head over to this link. It's our way of saying, "We've got your back (and your cat's back, too)!"

The process is straightforward. You apply for the fund when you're facing those hefty vet bills. If approved, it can significantly ease the financial burden, letting you focus on what's important – your cat's health and recovery.

Knowing that there's financial support available can be a huge relief. It means you can make decisions based on what's best for your cat's health without the added stress of how you're going to afford it.

The Petcube Emergency Fund is more than just a financial resource; it's a community of pet lovers looking out for each other. We understand how important your furry family member is to you, and we want to ensure that they get the care they need when they need it. With this fund and the special discount, we hope to make those tough times a little easier for both you and your cat.


Does catnip help cats with nausea?

Yes, catnip can help cats with nausea. It's known for its calming effects and can soothe your cat's upset stomach. However, it's important to use it in moderation. Some cats might get overly excited with catnip, while others may become more relaxed. Just a small amount can do the trick. If your cat hasn't had catnip before, start with a tiny amount to see how they react.

What are the anti-nausea medication for cats side effects?

Like all medications, anti-nausea drugs for cats can have side effects. Common ones include drowsiness, apathy, agitation, digestive issues like diarrhea and constipation, or refusing to eat.

Always discuss potential side effects with your vet before starting any new medication. They can help you weigh the benefits against any risks and monitor your cat's response to the treatment.

Final Thoughts

Dealing with nausea in cats can be challenging, but with the right approach and support, you can help your feline friend feel better. Whether it's through careful observation, the right medication, natural remedies, or financial support like the Petcube Emergency Fund, there are many ways to ensure your cat's comfort and health. Remember, when in doubt, always consult with your vet. They're your best resource for keeping your cat happy and healthy!

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