When Do Puppy Teeth Fall Out? – A Teefie Timeline

Just as babies grow baby teeth, which then fall out to make way for adult teeth, puppy teeth will fall out to make way for adult dog teeth. It’s a crucial part of their development, and it can come with a few troubles – for both pup and pet parent. Parents of both pets and human babies often proclaim that teething puppies are almost as cranky as their human counterparts.

Here’s everything you need to know about your teething puppy, how you can help them (and yourself), and what to do if you encounter any problems.

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  1. Signs of Teething in Puppies
  2. How to Help a Teething Puppy
  3. Teething Issues in Puppies
  4. The Best Teething Toys for Puppies
  5. When Do Puppies Stop Teething
  6. FAQs
  7. Conclusion

Signs of Teething in Puppies

This delightful yet challenging stage of your pup’s life typically occurs between three and six months of age, as their baby teeth begin to loosen and give space for the adult teeth to emerge.

You must keep your eyes peeled for the signs of teething, which often include the following:

If your pet is smart, you might find that they don’t chew quite as much when you’re around, especially on items that they know they’re not allowed to. Be sure to always check your monitoring Petcube Camera. They’ll tell the truth, even if your puppy doesn’t!

Teething is thought to be just as uncomfortable and unpleasant for puppies as it is for human babies, but there are things you can provide for your pup to offer relief.

How to Help a Teething Puppy

You should offer your pup a diverse selection of chew toys to satisfy their natural urge to chew. Toys with different textures and materials, such as rubber, nylon, or rope, are considered best, especially durable and hardy ones. A teething pup can go through a chew toy in no time at all! (I’m looking at you, Bulldog puppy, Frank!)

Chilled toys can provide additional relief by soothing the gums. However, avoid toys that are too hard, as they may crack baby teeth and even damage emerging adult teeth. Frozen fruits, like sliced apples or carrots, can be a refreshing and soothing treat. Additionally, frozen washcloths or specially designed teething rings can provide relief for your pup's tender gums.

Teething Issues in Puppies

In some cases, teething doesn’t go according to plan. In some cases, a puppy's baby teeth may not fall out as the adult teeth come in. This can lead to dental issues, such as misalignment or overcrowding, and may require veterinary intervention to remove the retained baby teeth.

Excessive chewing can lead to painful and irritated gums. This can, in turn, lead to discomfort during eating and weight loss, as well as damage to furniture or personal belongings and the potential ingestion of harmful materials. Puppies also occasionally chew on objects that pose a choking hazard or can be easily swallowed, leading to choking or foreign objects inside the body.

Thankfully, the Emergency Fund by Petcube is designed for emergencies, such as choking dogs. It offers up to $3,000 of urgent medical care coverage for up to six pets, regardless of medical history, age, or breed.

For less than $1 per day, you’ll also unlock access to online veterinarians, which you can contact via a few taps of your finger, at any time of the day or night. And, for being a loyal Petcube blog reader, I’m pleased to share a 27% discount with you. Just click this link for more information and to get your exclusive offer.

The Best Teething Toys for Puppies

Teething toys for puppies shouldn’t be very hard, unbendable, or a potential choking risk. Unfortunately, there isn’t a completely safe toy, which is why you should supervise your pet when chewing or playing with toys, whether that’s in-person or via pet tech.

Modern pet technology is an essential tool for pet parents who want to ensure their four-legged friends are healthy, safe, and happy at all times of the day. You must supervise your pup during the teething phase to ensure they are chewing on appropriate items and redirect inappropriate chewing behavior with a gentle command. You can do this any time of the day or night, no matter where you are, with tech such as an interactive petcube camera, some of which offer two-way audio and treat dispensing for training around the clock.

When Do Puppies Stop Teething

Let’s take a closer look at the puppy teeth timeline, so you know exactly when you can expect certain things to happen.

3 Weeks

At this age, your puppy will start teething. Their first set of teeth, also known as puppy, baby, or deciduous teeth, will start coming through.

6 Weeks

Your puppy will more than likely have all of their puppy teeth. According to VCA Animal Hospitals studies, the premolars come last, with the canines and incisors coming first. Your puppy will not get molars.

12 Weeks

This is when your puppy starts to lose their first set of teeth, and you might notice gaps before the adult teeth appear.

You might also notice tiny blood spots or red staining on toys, bedding, and other items that they’ve chewed. This is normal, but anything more than a TINY bit of blood is considered abnormal and requires a vet check.

5 to 6 Months

Your pup will have lost almost all of its baby teeth and grown its adult teeth by around five to six months of age. Some dogs will take longer; others will be quicker. You shouldn’t fret if it takes you a little longer than others.


What are the worst weeks for puppy teething?

Weeks 12 to 16, when the pups start losing their temporary teeth and gain their permanent teeth, can be a tricky and painful time.

How long does it take for teeth to grow in dogs?

Your dog should have all of their first (deciduous) set of teeth by the time they reach 12 weeks (3 months) of age. They should have all of their adult (permanent) teeth by five to six months of age.

Do puppies get diarrhea when teething?

Diarrhea is not directly caused by teething, but some puppies may experience changes in their digestive patterns during the teething phase. The reasons for this are usually indirect and can be attributed to factors such as increased chewing, altered eating habits, or a general sensitivity during this developmental stage.


All puppies will chew when they get to that teething stage, and there’s not a lot that you can do to stop it. What you can do, however, is provide your pet with safe, durable toys and enrichment items, that allow them to chew on. If you don’t give them something to chew, they’ll find something like a slipper, phone, wires and cords, doors, walls, or your personal belongings.

As always, if you have any concerns about your pup or its teething phase, seek advice from a vet. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!