TPLO is the abbreviation for Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy. This is an orthopaedic surgery commonly performed to treat a dog that has torn or ruptured a cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) in its knee. There are two cruciate ligaments inside a dog’s knee that cross over each other, the caudal and cranial cruciate ligament.

In the article conducted on 59 uninsured dogs.
Epidemiology of cranial cruciate ligament rupture in dogs written by Dr. J Whitehair, Dr. P Vasseur & Dr. N Willits it says:

“Rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) is a disabling injury that occurs commonly in dogs. Rupture is rarely caused by trauma; most often it is spontaneous and is associated with chronic degenerative changes within the ligament.”

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  1. What Is a TPLO Surgery for Dogs
  2. TPLO Surgery Dog Recovery
  3. How Much Is TPLO Surgery for Dogs
  4. Conclusion

What Is a TPLO Surgery for Dogs

The TPLO surgery is one of the most researched conducted on 59 uninsured dogs orthopaedic procedures in veterinary medicine over the past two decades. The result of this continued research is that dogs of any size can now benefit from this type of procedure when they suffer from a CCL rupture.

When a CCL ruptures the knee becomes wobbly, as such when the dog puts weight on the leg the shin bone (tibia) slides forward in front of the thigh bone (femur). This causes the stifle to feel as if it’s giving out underneath the dog and the dog then appears lame. This injury can be very painful, and most dogs will only walk on three legs, favouring the injured leg. If left untreated the instability in the knee can cause further damage to the surrounding bone and cartilage.

A veterinary orthopaedic surgeon corrects this problem by making the tibial area perpendicular to the long axis of the bone and thus preventing it from moving forwards. The change is usually secured with a plate and screws. In this way the stifle will feel stable for the dog and allow weight, even though the ligament has ruptured.

As this can happen anywhere and at any time it is highly recommended to invest in a pet camera in your home. In this way you can keep an eye on your pooch when you are not home and notice any changes in behaviour or possible injuries, such as sudden limping.

TPLO Surgery Dog Recovery

After any major surgery the surgeon will send your dog home with very precise instructions on how to care for your dog and help with the post-surgical rehabilitation. Most surgeons recommend strict rest for 6-8 weeks after a TPLO surgery, and check-ups during this time. This could mean rest in a crate or confined space, and only on lead walks to go to the bathroom. Only supervised lead walking is allowed to prevent any jumping or running as that could cause damage to the surgical site. There are many enrichment toys available to help keep your dog entertained or your veterinarian can prescribe medication to help keep your dog calm and relaxed. Some veterinarians may recommend physiotherapy post-surgery.

Dr Baltzer said in his paper conducted on 59 uninsured dogs.
on the Rehabilitation of companion animals following orthopaedic surgery:

“Rehabilitation therapies following surgery can restore function as well as strength, coordination and balance. Many simple techniques such as cryotherapy and passive range of motion exercises have been shown to improve outcomes following musculoskeletal procedures and may help restore function as well as reduce pain and facilitate healing.”

How Much Is TPLO Surgery for Dogs

Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy is a specialist surgery that a veterinary orthopaedic surgeon ideally needs to perform. The cost of the surgery alone can range from $2500 – $6000. This excludes the workup to determine if the procedure is necessary, which can amount to $2000, and any post operative care that may be needed would be above that.

In times like this you will want to have access to a Petcube Emergency Fund that can confirm you have an emergency situation on your hands, and that can pay the vet bill for you.


I have seen many dogs have this surgery and their quality of life is improved because of it. Always take your dog to your local veterinarian if there is any sudden onset lameness, recovery is faster when treated quickly.

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