When you notice your dog scratching your carpet, you may be amused and start to wonder: Is your dog digging for treasure? Marking their territory? Just being playful, maybe? Whatever the reason, when this behavior occurs often, it can cause damage and be a source of concern for some parents.

“So why does my dog scratch the carpet?”, you might ask. While some causes are perfectly normal, others may need attention. Let’s discuss the possible reasons and how to address the behavior.

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  1. Why Do Dogs Scratch the Carpet
  2. Dog Rubbing Face on Carpet
  3. Why Does My Dog Dig at the Carpet
  4. Conclusion

Why Do Dogs Scratch the Carpet


A dog scratching the carpet may be due to instinctual behaviors rooted in their evolutionary history. This includes creating comfortable resting spots, burying food, exploring, and seeking physical and mental stimulation, which are all essential for their well-being (even in the domestic setting).


Another possible reason why dogs scratch the carpet is if they are bored and aren’t getting enough stimulation. According to Beth Brown, certified professional dog trainer and certified dog behavior consultant, many dogs who are bored find different ways to entertain themselves. Scratching the carpet may thus be a sign of their boredom.

Anxiety or Stress

To cope with anxiety or stress, dogs may exhibit behaviors such as scratching carpets or furniture. This can stem from triggers such as separation, loud noises, or unfamiliar situations. Scratching serves as a self-soothing mechanism, providing comfort and a sense of control during stressful moments.

Excess Energy’

If your dog is classified as an active dog breed, it is important to give them enough stimulation and exercise. If not, they may find ways to release their pent-up energy such as excessive barking, chewing, restlessly racing around, and scratching on your carpet. According to Dr. Kelly Diehl, DVM and senior director of science at Morris Animal Foundation, one of the signs that a dog lacks mental stimulation is if they engage in destructive behavior. They can chew on shoes, scratch on your carpet and furniture, and more.


Some dogs scratch carpets to mark their territory, releasing pheromones from glands in their paws. This instinctual behavior asserts ownership and communicates social status to other dogs. Scratching can also reflect excitement, stress, or reproductive signals, reinforcing their need for security and control in their environment.


Sometimes, dogs may act out to get your attention. They may engage in behaviors they know are wrong, seeking out the interaction and attention they crave. Scratching the carpet, among other behaviors, may be one of your dog’s ways to seek your attention.

Medical Issues

“Why is my dog scratching the carpet all of a sudden?”, you might ask. Excessive carpet scratching in dogs may be a sign of underlying health issues like skin irritation, allergies, parasites, or pain. These conditions cause itching and discomfort, prompting dogs to scratch to relieve their symptoms. Consulting a veterinarian is essential for proper diagnosis.

To better understand the cause of your dog’s behavior, the Petcube Cam is a handy gadget to have in your home. With its innovative features for monitoring pets 24/7, along with professional support, it helps you address things that are out of the ordinary with your pet early on.

Dog Rubbing Face on Carpet

If you notice some face-rubbing action on the carpet, you might scratch your head and wonder — “Why does my dog rub his face on the carpet?” Like what was mentioned above, this behavior may be related to one or several of the possible reasons above such as instinct, marking, excess energy, skin allergies, among others.

In a Reddit discussion, many commenters shared that their dogs also loved rubbing their faces on surfaces such as beds, rugs, and carpets. Among the reasons are that their dogs are: making their bed; helping themselves get settled; burying or marking their scent; letting out playful energy; feeling itchy; among other reasons.

Why Does My Dog Dig at the Carpet

If your dog is digging at the carpet, you may wonder if they’re digging for treasure. But the truth is, dogs dig at carpets for various reasons like what was mentioned above. To address this, provide healthy stimulation, create a safe space, and ensure they have plenty of exercise.

The Petcube Cam can be your ally in monitoring and addressing your dog’s behaviors. Stay connected with your pet anytime and anywhere you may be and enhance the experience with Petcube Care.


It’s quite common for dogs to scratch the carpet and other surfaces out of sheer joy and instinct, but if their behavior becomes excessive, it's time to investigate the cause. Understanding your furry friend’s needs and helping them channel their energy positively creates a happier and healthier home for both of you.

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