Mangoes can be a sweet and delicious treat for us humans, and if you have canine companions, you may be wondering - Can dogs eat mango too?

Yes, mangoes are generally safe for dogs, as long as they’re peeled and with pits removed. In fact, mangoes are packed with vitamins and nutrients that dogs can benefit from. Note, however, that it should only be given in moderation.

It’s also important to consult your vet first before introducing new foods to your dog's diet, as individual needs can vary based on age, health, and dietary restrictions.

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  1. Can Dogs Eat Mango
  2. Can Dogs Eat Dried Mango
  3. Can Dogs Eat Mango Skin
  4. Can Dogs Have Frozen Mango
  5. Conclusion

Can Dogs Eat Mango

Is Mango Good For Dogs

Mangoes are a tasty and nutritious treat for most dogs. In a Reddit thread discussing dogs’ affinity with mangoes, for instance, one commenter mentioned how their dog loves mangoes and how it’s the only fruit that their dog ate. But what exactly are the benefits of mango?

Packed with fiber, antioxidants, alpha and beta carotene, and essential vitamins and minerals like vitamins A, B6, C, and E, as well as potassium, mangoes can give your dog's health a boost.

Remember that when feeding mango, only give it as an occasional treat, keeping portions small. More specifically, Dr. Claudine Sievert, DVM, and board-certified veterinary nutritionist, advises that treats (including healthy ones) should be limited to only 10% of the total calories that your dog consumes in a day, while the rest should be nutritionally balanced dog food.

When is Mango Bad For Dogs

While mangoes aren’t toxic to dogs, they’re high in carbs and sugar, which can lead to health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, dental issues, stomach issues, and dental problems if fed excessively. And if your dog already suffers from obesity, diabetes, or pancreatitis, for example, mangoes aren’t a good option. Remember that it’s always best to consult with your vet before introducing new foods to your dog, especially if they have an underlying condition.

When feeding mangoes to your dog, remember to remove the skin as well as the pit as these can cause issues such as skin rashes, stomach upsets, or in worse cases, intestinal obstruction.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for alternative treats for your pup, Petcube Pops is a good choice. Crafted with dogs in mind, Petcube Pops are made with healthy and quality ingredients that are high in protein, nutrient-rich, and low in fat. It comes in 3 delicious flavors: Human-grade duck, rabbit, and vegetarian pumpkin. With healthy and dog-safe ingredients, you’ll have peace of mind when offering these treats to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Dried Mango

While small amounts of dried mango might not do any harm, it’s best to stick with the fresh variety. This is because, in the process of drying mangoes, the condensation increases sugar content. Also, store-bought dried mangoes usually contain preservatives and added ingredients that may be harmful to dogs.

Health benefits also decrease when mangoes are dried. In addition, giving your dog too much-dried mango may lead to stomach upset and dental problems.

Can Dogs Eat Mango Skin

While mango flesh is generally safe for dogs to eat, make sure to peel the skin before feeding it to them. First of all, the skin of mangoes contains urushiol, the same compound found in poison ivy, which could cause a rash. Plus, it’s tough to chew on and can lead to digestive troubles like upset stomach, vomiting, or even intestinal blockages.

Aside from the skin, eating the pit of a mango is dangerous for dogs because it’s a choking hazard. When a dog happens to eat the pit of a mango, it can get stuck in their stomach, and in worse cases, can lead to intestinal obstruction - which is life-threatening.

So the next time you offer mango to your dog, be sure to remove both the skin and the pit.

Preventing emergencies from happening is part of being a responsible pet owner. However, you never know when a pet emergency such as an intestinal obstruction may occur. Preparation can go a long way. With Petcube’s Pet Emergency Fund, you can have peace of mind knowing that your pet will be given the proper treatment that they need without worrying about whether you can afford it or not. The Pet Emergency Fund offers $3000 once a year for emergencies for up to 6 pets. Not to mention, you also get access to an online vet service. Think of it as your support system when a pet emergency occurs. The Pet Emergency Fund was created to offer a helping hand to you and your pet during times of emergencies.

Can Dogs Have Frozen Mango

Frozen mango is a refreshing treat for dogs, especially in summer. With over 80% water content in a single fruit, mangoes can help keep your pup hydrated, which is crucial in hot or dry climates. To prevent dehydration, offer frozen mango or homemade mango popsicles made with dog-safe ingredients. It's a fun and tasty way to ensure your dog stays cool and happy during the warmer months!


Generally, mango can be a yummy and nutritious treat for your dog if given in small amounts. Before feeding, remember to remove the skin and pit to avoid danger. Last but not the least, always check with your vet first before adding new foods to your dog's diet, especially if they have underlying conditions.

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