If your cat headbutts you and rubs their face against you, you may wonder what it means and how you should respond. The good news is that this is a common behavior called “bunting,” but the real reason why cats do this is pretty fascinating.

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  1. Why Do Cats Headbutt
  2. How to Respond to Cat Headbutting
  3. FAQs
  4. Conclusion

Why Do Cats Headbutt

Headbutting or rubbing their face against a loved one is a way for cats to show they trust and like you. Cats will do this to other cats and even dogs that have a bond with. Refusing to bunt another cat (or human) can even be a cat’s way of being mean and saying they don’t like or trust you.

Dr. Meghan Herron, DVM, explains in her book Decoding Your Cat, "In some ways, cat colonies are reminiscent of high school. There are cliques who hang out together, grooming, rubbing, nose touching, tail wrapping, and head butting one another regularly. Cats outside of a particular clique might get the cold shoulder from its members. Still, most have their own clique where they can socialize and feel accepted."

So head butting is a social way of saying “hey, you're my friend and I like you.”

The other reason they do this is because they have scent glands in their cheeks that release pheromones. So, this is a way of saying "you're mine" and making you part of their safe space.

The third reason is that this is both a greeting and way of getting attention. Cats will often headbutt you in the morning, when you get home from work, or when they want to be petted.

One Reddit says this about head butting behavior, "She likes you and wants attention. My cat used to do it when I woke up in the mornings - she realised that I was stirring so would headbutt or poke my face with her paw until I stroked her".

If you want to keep an eye on who your cat likes to “bunt” most often, you can use the Petcube Cam. This lets you monitor them while you are away and watch for any cute behaviors like bunting.

How to Respond to Cat Headbutting

When your cat headbutts you,it’s usually time to respond with affection. However, not every cat is comfortable being touched everywhere. Many cats enjoy being stroked from head to tail, while other cats find this rude.

If you pet your cat when they headbutt you and get rewarded with a nasty scratch, it may be because it wasn’t an invitation to be touched anywhere, like on their back or tummy. Rather gently run your thumb on their cheeks and the top of their head.


Why does my cat headbutt me when I'm sleeping?

A cat that headbutts you while you are sleeping probably wants to wake you up for some food or attention.

Why does my cat aggressively headbutt me?

An aggressive headbutt may be a more assertive way for a cat to tell you they need food, water, or just some extra love. Some cats, especially males, that feel threatened by other cats, may start bunting, or rubbing their cheeks on you and nearby objects to mark their territory.

Why does my cat headbutt me in the morning?

Cats are creatures of habit and if they expect you to get up at a certain time or give them breakfast, they may start trying to wake you up with a friendly but insistent head butt. This is their way of saying, “wake up now; it’s time for my morning kibble.”


Headbutting is really a behavior called “bunting.” It serves two main purposes. The first is to show affection and initiate bonding time. The second is to wipe their facial glands on you and mark you with their pheromones.

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