For cats, snuggling on a toy or playing with a catnip is as much fun as using the litter box, but when that comes with itching and a red eye it becomes stressful. Could this be an allergy or just a temporary reaction? Everyone knows cats have a knack for cleanliness, abhorring anything that could stain, wet or smear their fur, so why could this have happened? Let’s read on to find out if your cat has a litter allergy, its symptoms and how you can resolve them.

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  1. Can Cats Be Allergic to Litter
  2. Cat Litter Allergy Symptoms
  3. Best Cat Litter for Allergies
  4. FAQs
  5. Conclusion

Can Cats Be Allergic to Litter

Cats could naturally develop different types of allergy in their lifetime, kittens and older cats are more susceptible to developing an allergy especially one from a litter box. The immune system of kittens likewise that of older cats may not be as strong to combat allergic irritants from the litter.

This allergy is not necessarily from the faeces or urine but from irritants used in the litter box such as fragrance.

“Scents are for humans and not for the cats” - Dr. Melissa Bain

Fragrances, allergens or dust from the litter could cause kitty litter allergy, cats would normally react to anything they don't like when they smell or touch it. If the object is irritable to its skin or nostrils, it could develop an allergy.

As a cat owner, you should take extra caution when purchasing and setting up a cat litter box, making sure to adhere to instructions guiding towards the use of fragrance and other litter materials.

Cat Litter Allergy Symptoms

Cat litter allergy symptoms could vary according to the age of the cat and the type of litter box. If your cat is avoiding its litter, it's a good sign to change it. Cats have a highly sensitive skin that could feel the slightest touch, more reasons why they show some of these symptoms of allergy:

  • Discharge from the eyes or nose
  • Constant itching and discomfort
  • Acne
  • Litter box avoidance
  • Littering elsewhere other than the litter box
  • inflammation on the face
  • Itchy, reddened and inflamed eyes
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing

These symptoms might be hard to identify especially when your cat is not close by. With the Petcube Camera, you can keep a lookout for these symptoms without being around your cat.

Best Cat Litter for Allergies

There are features one should look out for in a cat litter before choosing one, a good cat litter should have the following features:

  • Odour control or odour free
  • Soft texture
  • Good liquid absorbing ability
  • Easy to clean
  • Good Ammonia trapping and emitting ability
  • Low dust
  • Firm Clumps
  • Less clingy litter particles

A few of the best recommended litter boxes with these features are; the Frisco hooded cat litter box, Modcat XL Litter box, and the Petsafe scoop free self-cleaning litter box.

My cat had a litter allergy once, the symptoms showed up during or after using the litter. After changing the litter box, the symptoms disappeared.

Some cats may display adverse allergic reactions even with a hypoallergenic cat litter. Such conditions should be best handled by a Veterinarian. To help with any expense that may come with that, we are offering you $3000 coverage in emergency Vet fees which will aid your cat get the best treatment it deserves. You can also claim a 27% discount by subscribing using the exclusive link.


Can cats be allergic to litter?

Yes, cats could be allergic to litter boxes if they contain irritants or allergens that could trigger an allergic reaction such as chemicals, fragrance or even dust.

Can cat litter make cats sick?

Cat litter can make cats sick when not cleaned out regularly and void of irritants and chemicals that could cause an allergy.

What is the best cat litter for cat allergies?

The best cat litter would have features that are not allergenic such as less dust, less particles tracking, less odour, and ease of cleaning.

Can cat litter allergy go away on its own?

Cat litter allergy could go away on its own when the cat litter is changed but if the symptoms persist, take the cat to a Vet to get some antihistamine shot which will help relieve the cat off its allergy.


The cat litter allergy is a condition caused by litter boxes with irritants or allergens. Most times, this condition presents itself with symptoms such as itching, sneezing or coughing which could be resolved if the litter is changed or removed. Cats are known for their meticulous approach to hygiene, helping them stay clean, dry and allergy free is up to you as a cat owner. With the right litter box practice, you can keep your cat happy and off cat litter allergy.

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