Dogs have long been considered man’s best friend. They offer us devoted companionship and unconditional love, as well as their unwavering loyalty. If you ask any dog pawrent, they will attest to their dog’s ability to sense their emotions too, especially in times of sadness. How true is this belief? Can dogs tell when you’re sad? How do our canine companions respond to our sadness?

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  1. Can Dogs Sense Sadness
  2. How Do Dogs Know When You’re Sad
  3. How Do Dogs Comfort You When You’re Sad
  4. FAQs
  5. Conclusion

Can Dogs Sense Sadness

There’s convincing scientific research that supports the idea that dogs can sense human emotions, including sadness. A study from the University of London found that dogs are more likely to approach a person who is crying compared to someone who is humming or talking.

"The fact that the dogs differentiated between crying and humming indicates that their response to crying was not purely driven by curiosity. Rather, the crying carried greater emotional meaning for the dogs and provoked a stronger overall response than either humming or talking," reveals Dr. Deborah Custance, researcher and psychologist at the University of London.

This indicates that dogs are sensitive to symptoms of pain and can distinguish between a happy person and an upset one. Likewise, studies conducted at the University of Lincoln, UK, have shown that dogs can sense and react to sadness by responding to human emotional cues, like facial expressions and vocalizations.

How Do Dogs Know When You’re Sad

Your dog can detect sadness in several ways. Their highly attuned sense and their strong bond with their owner are key to a dog’s ability to identify and discern between happy and sad humans. The important indicators are:

  • Facial expressions and body language: Dogs are champions at reading facial cues and body language. Your dog can pick up on changes in your demeanor and is even sensitive to subtle cues like a slumped shoulder and even a furrowed brow.
  • Vocal tones: With their sensitive hearing, your dog can infer your emotional state from your tone of voice.
  • Chemical signals: A dog’s nose knows many things, and that includes changes in human chemistry. Variations in hormones and other chemical signals can alert your dog to your stress or sadness.
  • Behavioral cues: When you cry or become gloomy, your dog observes these changes in your behavior.

How Do Dogs Comfort You When You’re Sad

Once your dog senses your sadness, it will try to comfort you in various ways:

  • Physical affection: Expect some nuzzling and licking from your pup when you’re sad. They will also try to maintain physical closeness by leaning on you or pawing at you.
  • Staying close: Once your dog knows you’re sad, they’ll offer you their silent companionship and stay close at all times.
  • Bringing toys or gifts: Dogs derive great comfort from their toys and even blankets. They may bring you these items to help you feel better.

As Reddit user mylifesquestions found, "Last night I had a bit of a mental breakdown and started crying. My dog noticed right away and began licking my face and nuzzling himself against me. I stopped crying and then started again, and he ran to the living room and brought me back his favorite ball 🥺 he doesn’t usually do this, so I believe he knew I was sad and was trying to comfort me."

Sometimes, when you’re sad, your dog may opt to give you your space instead. This is their way of acknowledging that you are sad while also respecting your need to be alone. In such instances, you can keep an eye on your doggo’s movements using the Petcube Tracker. Get real-time updates on their live location as well as a roundup of their day’s activity.


Do dogs really understand human emotions?

Dogs are sensitive to your emotional state and are capable of responding correctly, even though they are unable to fully comprehend the entire gamut of human emotions as we can.

Why does my dog lick me when I cry?

Your dog reacts according to their instincts when they pick up something new in you. In the context of dogs, licking is considered a soothing, reassuring gesture. They will also employ licking to get you to react in an effort to focus your attention away from whatever is troubling you.

Does my dog know I’m depressed?

Your dog will pick up changes in your behavior, body language, vocal tone, and scent. While your dog won't fully appreciate how you’re feeling, they will notice the change in you and respond in their own way to offer you comfort.

Final Thoughts

Dogs are great at recognizing and reacting to human sadness. Their sympathy and consolation make them excellent friends at difficult times, providing their humans with companionship and physical affection.

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