Worm burdens are one of the primary reasons why Dogs fall sick every year and hookworm has actively contributed to this. The effect of hookworm infestation has gotten so many dog owners worried and curious about how this came about, its symptoms and how to get rid of it. Read on as we divulge the intricacies pertaining to hookworm in dogs.

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  1. How Do Dogs Get Hookworms
  2. Symptoms of Hookworms in Dogs
  3. How to Get Rid of Hookworms in Dogs
  4. FAQs
  5. Conclusion

How Do Dogs Get Hookworms

Understanding the life cycle of hookworms will give a broader picture on how dogs get infected with it. Incidentally, puppies can get infected via feeding off the milk of an infected mother.

Adult hookworms have a predilection for the intestinal tract of dogs where they lay eggs which are passed out along with faeces. These eggs hatch into larvae and stay in the environment for so long till they find another suitable host which could be a dog or a transient host.

In an analysis conducted, it was revealed that dog owners' approach to deworming and how they dispose of fecal waste has a great impact on hookworm persistence and reinfection in dogs.

A dog could get infected by ingesting fecal materials contaminated with hookworm larvae. An active penetration by these larvae into the skin of the dog during self grooming can possibly get the dog infected and give the larvae an opportunity to continue its life cycle within the intestines of the dog.

“Dogs can get infected by eating contaminated debris, intermediate host, and when larvae penetrates the dog's skin”, - Dr. Debra M.

It is good to keep an eye on your dog while it’s out there in the field playing or grooming itself and the best way to do that is by acquiring the Petcube Camera that helps you watch over your dog even from a distance.

Symptoms of Hookworms in Dogs

According to research, the canine hookworm is the most intestinal nematode parasite of dogs in the U.S. When Adult hookworm colonises the gastrointestinal tract of dogs, they cause a lot of damages leading to some of the following:

These symptoms could vary depending on how mild to severe the infection is, dogs with hookworm infection unattended to risk further complications. Some time ago, a colleague of mine had just taken her dog to the Veterinarian after noticing severe weakness and paleness. It was later discovered that her dog has long been infected with hookworm and has almost become fatal.

How to Get Rid of Hookworms in Dogs

Usually, a dewormer or antihelminthic would resolve most hookworm cases, the drug of choice, therapy duration and dosage would be determined by a Veterinarian. Hookworm in dogs has a good prognosis and most dogs would get back on their feet 2-3 weeks after treatment.

Anthelmintics like Albendazole would help a great deal with the clearance of mostly adult worms from the GIT, arresting the lifecycle of these hookworms and limiting their egg production.

Other symptoms could be treated symptomatically accordingly which could include a blood transfusion like in a case of anemia or fluid therapy due to excessive loss of fluid in cases of diarrhea or vomiting.

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It was discovered in a study that hookworm relapse or patent infection in dogs can be prevented with a 4 to 6 weeks deworming regimen. The environment contributes to the life cycle of hookworms and should be kept cleaned to avoid reinfestation.


How do dogs get hookworms?

Adult dogs and puppies get the hookworm by ingesting contaminated milk, dirt or fecal material. In some cases the larvae could penetrate the skin during self grooming.

My dog has hookworms should i get tested?

Getting your dog tested is the best way to ascertain if it’s infected. A fecal floatation test will be carried out to confirm the presence of hookworm oval eggs.

Can hookworms kill a dog?

Hookworm in dogs is not fatal but could be if left untreated for a long time.


Hookworm in dogs is easy to treat if diagnosed on time, most dogs recover after getting dewormed and stabilised. Nursing dogs should also be checked and treated accordingly to prevent their puppies from getting infected. With a clean environment and regular deworming, you would have a hookworm free dog.

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