Intestinal parasites, aka worms, are a widespread danger to cats. In this article, I, Ivana Crnec, DVM, will debunk some common myths about worms in indoor cats and explain the different ways cats get worms.

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  1. How Do Indoor Cats Get Worms
  2. Can Cats Get Worms from Dogs and Other Cats
  3. Do Cats Get Worms from Fleas
  4. FAQs
  5. Conclusion

How Do Indoor Cats Get Worms

Indoor cats get worms from their mothers, other cats and dogs in multi-pet households, eating intermediate hosts, and ingesting worm eggs brought inside the house by humans.

  • The Mother’s Milk: Newborn kittens can get the cat roundworm Toxocara cati from their mothers’ milk while nursing. “Roundworms are the most common type of intestinal worm in cats,” says Molly Price, DVM, in an article for PetMD.
  • Other Cats and Dogs: Indoor cats can get worms from other cats or dogs that go out on walks. Accidental ingestion of infected feces and sharing items (litterbox, food bowl) are the main transmission modes.
  • Intermediate Hosts: Intermediate hosts are animals that carry infectious agents but are not affected by them. Indoor cats can get worms by ingesting intermediate hosts such as rodents (host roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and whipworms), cockroaches (host hookworms), and fleas (host tapeworms).
  • Household Members: “Indoor cats can still get parasites because they are exposed to us,” explains a Reddit user. Microscopic worm eggs can attach to footwear and clothing and get inside the house.

Call the vet immediately if suspecting worms in your indoor cat. The Petcube Pet Camera can help monitor the cat while not at home.

According to studies, intestinal parasites in cats are common and it is possible for the same cat to be infected with different worms (multiparasitism) at the same time.

Can Cats Get Worms from Dogs and Other Cats

Yes, cats can get worms from dogs and other cats. Worms can be transmitted from one cat to another if they are using the same litter box.

Cats get worms from dogs in the same household if they groom them, accidentally ingest their feces, and share food and water bowls with the dogs.

Worm transmissions are more common among cats and dogs living in multi-pet households due to the increased risk of exposure.

Do Cats Get Worms from Fleas

Yes, cats can get worms from fleas. Studies show that the cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis) and chewing lice (Felicola subrostratus) are intermediate hosts for tapeworms - Dipylidium caninum.

Flea larvae feed on D. caninum eggs, and the eggs develop inside the flea larvae as they grow. Cats get tapeworms when they accidentally ingest infected adult fleas while grooming.

Use the Petcube Pet Camera to monitor your cat. Scooting and dragging the bottom across the carpet are telltale signs of tapeworms in cats.


Are Cats Born with Worms?

No, cats are not born with worms. However, kittens can get roundworms (Toxocara cati) through their mothers’ milk if the mothers are not regularly dewormed prior to giving birth.

Can Cats Get Worms from Mice?

Yes, cats can get worms from mice. Cats develop worms when they ingest worm eggs when hunting or scavenging. Mice and other rodents can carry all types of worms.


Worms are a threat to cats regardless of age and lifestyle - contrary to popular belief, indoor cats get worms, too. Keep your cat up to date on dewormers to prevent intestinal parasites and their harmful effects.

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