When you see your canine companion with a wide, upwards grin on their face, it’s hard not to express all sorts of affection. Such a picture-perfect moment, isn’t it?

Your furry friend looks so content. This may make you wonder: Do dogs smile? And if they do, what does it mean? Seeing your pet’s wide grin, whether during walks or a belly rub, brings you so much joy. But are you just imagining it, or is your dog genuinely happy? Let’s get to know whether our pet’s cheerful expression is a true sign of joy or if there are other meanings behind it.

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  1. Can Dogs Smile
  2. Why Do Dogs Smile
  3. How to Teach Your Dog to Smile
  4. Conclusion

Can Dogs Smile

While most behaviorists don’t exactly equate a dog’s “smile” with a human’s smile, many canine expressions can resemble a smile. These include wide-mouth panting, relaxed tongues, and submissive grins. Sometimes, even an aggressive showing of teeth might be misinterpreted as a friendly gesture.

So can a dog smile?

Understanding Body Language and Dog Smiles

According to the ASPCA, a relaxed dog often has an open mouth and may pant with no tension, and their mouth corners might turn up slightly. While dogs can show their teeth when they smile - sometimes a sign of aggression - their overall body language reveals their true feelings. For instance, a submissive grin might display teeth but is accompanied by a lowered head, wagging tail, flattened ears, soft body posture, and squinty eyes. Understanding a dog's mood involves looking at the complete picture of their behavior and context, not just their teeth.

Communicative Bond with Humans

When dogs do appear to smile with their faces relaxed, they’re usually happy. This expression often mirrors human smiles, making it easy for us to relate.

Scientists suggest that this "smile" is a mix of evolution, domestication, and a dog's keen ability to read human emotions. Dogs have learned that when they smile, they often receive positive reactions like smiles, approving sounds, or treats, reinforcing the behavior. In relation to this, several studies have shown the communicative bond of dogs with their humans, which may explain behaviors such as a dog seemingly smiling.

According to Alex Benjamin, associate lecturer in psychology studying dog cognition at the University of York in the United Kingdom, studying dogs is a great opportunity to study how social communication works between species.

For some good vibes, here’s a Reddit discussion showing several photos of dogs “smiling” from different dog owners. According to one commenter, dogs try to imitate us. She shared that one of her dogs grins and shows her teeth when she is very happy or if they’re enjoying playtime.

To be able to closely monitor our dog’s behavior, including their expressions, having a good pet camera like the Petcube Cam comes in handy. With its features including a 1080p Full HD video, 110° wide-angle view, 8x zoom, and night vision ability, you can better observe your dog’s behavior 24/7.

Why Do Dogs Smile

Below are among the possible reasons why dogs smile or grin:

  • Playtime Enjoyment: Dogs might show their teeth during play as a friendly gesture, much like a human smile or laugh.
  • Excitement: A smile can mean your dog is thrilled, like when they react to the word "walk."
  • Affection: Dogs may smile while being petted because they find it soothing and appreciate the attention.
  • Nervousness: Sometimes, a smile can indicate unease, such as when a new person appears, according to Mindy Waite, Certified Dog Behaviorist and Professor at Carroll University.
  • Mischievousness: If your dog has been naughty, they might smile sheepishly to make amends.
  • Communication: Studies suggest dogs smile more when making eye contact, possibly to connect with you or mirror your expressions.

How to Teach Your Dog to Smile

Teaching your dog to smile on command is as rewarding as mastering basic tricks like sit or stay. It takes patience and some clever techniques, but the result is a proud and impressive display.

How to teach a dog to smile :

  • Know the Basics: Ensure training is enjoyable and rewarding. Keep sessions positive, relaxed, and fun for both you and your dog.
  • Understand Behavior: Recognize if your dog’s grin is submissive or genuine to avoid teaching a snarl. Properly interpret their body language.
  • Use Treats: Motivate your dog with praise and healthy treats. Vary flavors to keep their interest and ensure the treats are natural and beneficial.

Here’s a video example of how to teach a dog to smile.

The Petcube Cam is a good companion in training your dog to smile. With its innovative features, you can track your pup’s progress and look at areas for improvement.

With patience and positive reinforcement, your dog will learn to smile in no time!


Dogs generally love making their humans happy and recognize that smiling in humans is a sign of happiness. And whether or not we share smiles with our canine companions, it's amazing how well they understand us. This should motivate us to become better, more mindful communicators. Since dogs pick up on subtle cues, it's up to us to provide clear signals for better cooperation.

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