An itchy dog is a widespread but worrisome sight for pet owners. In this article, I, Ivana Crnec, DVM, will explain the causes of itchiness and give quick tips for relief.

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  1. Dog Still Itching After Flea Treatment
  2. My Dog Is Itching and Losing Hair
  3. Dog Itching After Grooming
  4. What Can I Put on My Dog to Relieve Itching
  5. Conclusion

Dog Still Itching After Flea Treatment

Give the dog a few days to stop itching after flea treatment. Itchiness is caused by fleas alone or flea allergy dermatitis (FAD), which is an excruciating skin irritation that occurs when dogs are allergic to flea saliva.

Keep daily logs of the dog’s itch level. Use the Petcube Pet Camera to monitor scratching and itching habits while not at home.

If the itching does not show signs of a decrease, visit the vet to find the culprit. Use the to see if your dog is scratching or licking itself when you are away.

My Dog Is Itching and Losing Hair

If your dog is itching and losing hair and fleas or FAD have been excluded, the vet considers other itch-causing conditions, such as:

  • Bacterial and fungal skin infections
  • Environmental, contact, or food allergy
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Stress and anxiety

Itching is a “reflex mechanism that can be considered a first line of defense,” says a 2023 study on itchiness in dogs.

However, excess itchiness is harmful because it:

  • Causes self-inflicted injuries
  • Increases the risk of secondary skin infections
  • Damages hair follicles, resulting in hair loss

Dog Itching After Grooming

A dog that is itching after grooming is probably irritated. Overheated and dull blades on electric clippers snag hairs, irritating or even burning the dog’s skin.

Signs of irritation like redness and itchiness are most common in sensitive body areas, such as the face, groin, and genitals. A more serious cause of itchiness is post-grooming furunculosis.

“Post-grooming furunculosis is a skin disease of dogs which, like the name indicates, usually occurs in the first 24 to 48 hours after a grooming,” explains Julie Buzby, DVM.

What Can I Put on My Dog to Relieve Itching

Consult a veterinarian and if the vet approves, put baking soda, apple cider vinegar, aloe vera, or CBD to relieve itching.

Apple cider Vinegar

Dilute apple cider vinegar in regular water (1:1 ratio) and use it on irritated skin.
Tip: For easy application, pour the mix into a spray bottle.

Baking Soda

Make a baking soda powder and water (1:1 ratio) paste, put it on irritated skin, and rinse after 20 minutes.
Tip: Add a few drops of coconut oil to make the paste smoother and moisturizing.

Aloe Vera

Harvest aloe vera directly from the plant or buy a 100% natural aloe vera gel to relieve irritated skin.
Tip: Read the label to ensure commercial gels are alcohol-free.

CBD Products

Use CBD oil or balm because studies suggest that CBD has an anti-itch effect.
Tip: Do not worry if the dog licks the product; CBD also works when ingested.

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Put baking soda paste, apple cider vinegar sprays, aloe vera gels, or CBD oils and creams to relieve itching in your dog. Natural remedies, however, are not always enough, and seeing the vet is highly advisable.

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