Stephen Hawking would never believe us, but lately we noticed that there is around 48 hours in a day. Spacetime curvature? No, just us finalizing a very important app update before the big release. And we did it! Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Petcube version 1.1 for Android. It’s OK if you stop reading this right away. Hurry up and make your pet chase that laser because you’ve been up for this for too long!

Once you are ready, there are few more things you need to know. First, we are still doing as much work as we could if there was 48 hours in a day to release sharing features for our Android users. You’ll be able to share your Petcube Camera with friends and family or play with other people’s pets via shared and public Petcubes right after our next app update, which is coming shortly.

Next, new Petcube for Android is still steaming hot and freshly-cooked. Although mobile apps are best served cold, you are our most trusted critics, so we hope that you’ll be the first to tell us if there’s any ingredient that should be fixed at this point.

Please drop us a line at with any comments and questions. Now after the major feature was added to the app, you would probably want to leave a new review on Google Play. We’d appreciate your honest feedback there.

iOS guys, we have some great news for you too. Petcube for iOS will be soon been updated with two useful features. You’ll be able to calibrate your Petcube Camera’s laser to make its movement more accurate. Feeling lonely? You’ll get a chance to invite your Facebook and Twitter friends to join you in Petcube pack with our new sharing options.

The last but not the least, things are happening really fast at our factory. We’ve produced the whole second batch of Petcube Cameras. It started its journey and is now ready to be shipped from Hong Kong, so get ready to meet more cute furry pals and their humans in our friendly pet lovers’ community!

Petcube Team