Raising a healthy, well-adjusted dog usually tempers the joy of bringing a new puppy home. A proper puppy schedule is your most important tool in transitioning from pup to adulthood, and can help with potty training, sleep, and crate training. Read on for everything you need to know to craft the perfect puppy schedule.

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  1. Puppy Potty Training Schedule by Age
  2. Puppy Sleep Schedule
  3. Puppy Crate Training Schedule
  4. FAQs
  5. Final Thoughts

Puppy Potty Training Schedule by Age

Consistency and patience are key (and don’t make these common mistakes). Here’s a suggested schedule to follow to potty train your puppy:

  • 8–10 weeks: A teeny bladder requires potty breaks every hour. Take your pup out first thing in the morning, and again after every nap, meal, or playtime.
  • 10–12 weeks: Start to extend the time between potty breaks to around 1.5–2 hours. Stick to going potty after meals and after waking up.
  • 3–4 Months: Your pup can now go 3 to 4 hours between breaks. Keep taking them first thing in the morning, after meals, and before bed.
  • 4–6 months: Your puppy should be able to go 5 hours between potty breaks. You may be able to skip those nighttime potty breaks.
  • 6 months and older: Your puppy can now go 6–8 hours between potty breaks. If not, you should have them checked by a vet.

“They may have a urinary tract infection or some other health issue causing the delay in house training,” says Dr Jerry Klein, American Kennel Club chief veterinary officer.

Need some help sticking to the or learning your pet’s cues? Petcube’s GPS Tracker allows you to monitor your puppy’s movements and set reminders for potty breaks.

Puppy Sleep Schedule

Your pup will need a lot of sleep; they’re growing and developing quite rapidly. They’ll need less sleep as they get older. Here are some pointer for age appropriate sleep schedules:

  • 8–12 weeks: Starting with a sleep schedule now is best. Your puppy will need up to 20 hours a day of sleep.
  • 3–4 months: Sleep time will reduce to 16–18 hours a day. Make sure to stay consistent with naptimes during the day and bedtime at night.
  • 4–6 months: Sleep hours will continue to decrease. At this stage, your pup is sleeping up to 16 hours a day.
  • 6 Months +: Your pup will now adopt adult sleeping patterns, sleeping around 12–14 hours a day, mostly at night.

Giving your dog a structured puppy sleeping schedule ensures that they’re getting enough sleep (which is important according to research). An overtired dog is usually a naughty one.

Puppy Crate Training Schedule

Crate training creates a safe and secure environment for your puppy. It can also help with potty training and preventing destructive behavior when you’re not home.

  • 8–10 Weeks: Begin with short crate trainign sessions of about 10–15 minutes and gradually increase these.
  • 10–12 Weeks: Extend the crate time to between 30 minutes and 1 hour. Never force your pup into the crate, or use it as punishment.
  • 3–4 Weeks: Your puppy should comfortably spend 2-3 hours in the crate.
  • 4-6 Months: Crate time can last up to 4 hours.
  • 6 months and older: Your pup can now stay in the crate for up to 8 hours when needed, like when you’re out for the evening. Remember to let your dog go for a walk or some playtime after long stretches in the crate.

With a Petcube cam, you’re able to monitor your pet remotely, which can be really helpful to ensure your pup is safe and comfortable.


What should a puppy's schedule include?

A good puppy schedule should include regular potty breaks, feeding times, and sleep times, as well as daily exercise and a short, fun training sessions. Consistency is key.

What is a good potty training schedule?

A good potty-training schedule will include a potty break first thing in the morning, one after each meal, after naps, after playtime, and one last trip out before bed.

What is a good crate training schedule for a puppy?

A good crate training schedule starts with short sessions, gradually getting longer. The aim is to create a positive association with crate through loads of praise and treats. Make sure to give some exercise and a potty visit after being in the crate.

Final Thoughts

The perfect puppy training schedule requires patience, consistency, and a thorough understanding of your pup’s needs. Training is not just to get your dog to behave, it’s essential for dogs. As pack animals, they require a strong leader, and by training them, you stimulate their brains and appeal to their natural drives.

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