The nights are drawing closer, and we’re all looking at the fire, wondering whether or not to put it on yet. Fall is here, and it’s time to change routines a little. Beaches, parks, and other places are not always the most desirable in cold, rainy, and dreary weather, so why not partake in these 5 fall activities to do with your dog that you’re both bound to enjoy?

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  1. Hiking with Your Dog
  2. Leaf Pile Jumping for Dogs
  3. Apple Picking with Dogs
  4. Costume Fun for Halloween
  5. Bake Pumpkin Doggie Treats
  6. Conclusion

Hiking with Your Dog

Taking your four-legged friend along with you for a hike is a great idea to increase exercise, bond, and enjoy the great outdoors. You will need to go prepared, however. Forgetting an important item could result in an emergency, and that’s not a fun fall activity.

These are the 10 vital rules for keeping your dog safe on a hike:

  • Take regular breaks;
  • Take and serve water regularly;
  • Be cautious with flat-faced breeds, such as English Bulldogs;
  • Keep an eye out for snakes, bugs, and other nasties;
  • Place a bell on your dog’s collar to scare potential predators away;
  • Keep your pup on a retractable leash;
  • Pack a mini first aid kit for both you and your pup;
  • Put boots on your dog in rough terrain;
  • Plan your route, tell people where you are going, and have a contingency plan;
  • Go at a pace that is suitable for your dog.

Now that we’ve gotten the rules out of the way, it’s time for the fun stuff. There are plenty of hiking trails that are dog-friendly, and a quick search on the internet will reveal the ones closest to you.

Hiking with a puppy is going to be a considerably tougher activity than with an older pup, for several reasons. They require more frequent breaks, usually move at a slower pace, and will probably need carrying for some of the journey. It’s also important not to over-exercise your four-legged friends.

Leaf Pile Jumping for Dogs

There’s nothing many dogs love more than jumping into a huge pile of leaves. It’s the on-land equivalent of diving right into a swimming pool, but without the wetness and with a bit more crunch!

Now, as with most activities with your pet, there are a few things you’ll need to watch out for. Large piles of leaves that haven’t moved for a while can have mold growing at the bottom, which can cause respiratory issues. Mites, bacteria, potentially dangerous mushrooms, and even sharp objects (sticks, thorns, etc.) can be hidden deep inside the pile.

Vets recommend monitoring your pets while they’re partaking in outdoor activities, and pet tech, such as Petcube Cam and collar tags, helps you do exactly that.

Leaf pile jumping for dogs is great when the leaves are newly piled, not damp and soggy, and aren’t in danger of endangering your pup. Now that the lecture is over, have leaf pile jumping fun!

Apple Picking with Dogs

Dogs aren’t allowed in so many pick-your-own-fruit locations, but there are a few that’ll let you and your four-legged friend inside. It’s probably best to do this fall activity with a dog that has been well-trained in the ‘do not eat’ and ‘drop’ commands.

You’ll likely need to keep your dog on a leash while you’re in the apple-picking spot. It’s often recommended to go with another person, too… just in case you need to move around in a way (such as climbing) that might not be conducive to keeping ahold of your pet.

Basic etiquette is required in public spaces that allow dogs, and this includes being respectful of other people. Not everyone likes dogs (I know, they must be mad), and some people – and especially children – are fearful of them.

Costume Fun for Halloween

Who doesn’t love seeing a cute dog in a fun Halloween costume? Poodle pumpkins, Dachshund Draculas, or ghoulish Golden Retrievers – the choice is yours. You could even opt for dog and owner Halloween costumes, if that ticks your boxes. The market is, quite literally, saturated with outfits for dogs, cats, and virtually every other pet you can think of.

If you’re looking for something simple, a dog Halloween bandana will bring the spooky theme. Alternatively, you could go all out and dress your pup as the most gruesome and realistic monster in town.

Now, although those costumes might look good for the ‘gram, you shouldn’t force an unhappy pet to wear them. For some, the restrictive material can cause panic instead of mischievous mayhem.

Bake Pumpkin Doggie Treats

According to Pet MD research that pumpkin is a “superfood” for dogs, providing a host of nutritional benefits, including settling an upset stomach with high levels of fiber. This means that pumpkin yogurt dog treats, peanut butter treats, and banana treats are all on the table.

The simplest pumpkin doggie treat recipe requires flour, canned or fresh pumpkin, and peanut butter, but you should always check that your peanut butter is dog-friendly and doesn’t contain Xylitol.

Although you’re covered for up to $3,000 of emergency care with Petcube’s Emergency Fund, it’s not recommended to put it to the test by feeding your pup something potentially toxic. You can speak to a fully qualified vet at any time of day or night to ask questions, which means that you won’t waste an appointment with the vet (or pay for it), and it’s a lot quicker!

As a loyal blog reader, you’ll get an additional 27% off by following this link. Consider it a huge thank you from Petcube!


Whatever you plan to do with your dog this fall, make sure it is safe. You always pick up your dog’s poop, and you both have truckloads of fun doing it. Your pet might not always be excited about the things that you’re excited about, so always go at their pace, stop if they don’t seem to like it, and take the time to find out what they actually enjoy doing during the fall months.

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