Petcube SupportPetcube CameraPlaying with your Petcube Camera

Playing with your Petcube Camera

If you successfully registered your Petcube and the LED light on it glows white, go to the camera profile in your iOS app or to the 'Home' tab in your Android app in the Petcube App and press the 'Play' icon at the top. To enable laser and audio, select the 'Settings' wheel in the top right corner of the screen during the game in the landscape mode.

To exit the live stream in iOS app, first exit the landscape mode first by pressing the 2 arrows icon in the upper left corner. To return back to the Petcube feed, tap the camera video while in portrait mode and press the ‘back’ icon in the upper left corner.

To return back to the Petcube feed in Android app, press the ‘X’ icon in the upper left corner.

If you’re using an iOS app, you will automatically connect to your camera when you tap on it. To disable it, switch the ‘Auto connect to Camera’ option off on the camera profile.

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