Petcube SupportPetcube CareHow to redeem a Petcube Care coupon

How to redeem a Petcube Care coupon

In order to redeem the Petcube Care subscription, you need a few components:

  1. Active Petcube account
  2. Activated Petcube device
  3. Coupon (or "promotional code") eligible for Petcube Care subscription redemption

Step 1. Create or sign in to an existing Petcube account
Create a new account or sign in to the existing here

Step 2. Redeem your Petcube Care coupon

If your account doesn’t have an active Care subscription yet

Navigate to the Petcube Care product page and select the most suitable subscription option for you. You will also be able to subscribe from the 'Home' page in the Petcube App on both iOS and Android devices.

If the Petcube Care subscription coupon that you have is part of your Sam's Club deal, select the Optimal Monthly subscription, other Petcube Care subscriptions will not work with the coupon given by the Sam's Club.

Enter the coupon code into the "Have a promo code?" field and apply the coupon, then hit the submit button to purchase the plan.

If your account has an active Care subscription

In this case, visit the subscription management page via the app by navigating to User Profile - Settings - Subscription Information.

On this page select the active Care subscription which you would like to extend with the coupon given, on the subscription page tap “Have a promo code?” and enter the coupon code, then tap “Apply”.

Important, the coupons are not stackable. Meaning if you apply the coupon for 3 months of free Care subscription, you’ll not be able to apply any other Care coupons for the next 3 months, until the bonus subscription period ends.

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